Spark 101 - Overview and Efficient Use

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Spark 101– Overview and Efficient Use

Spark Model of Parallel Computing:

RDDs & Dataframe

 Immutable and fault-tolerant

 Support vast spectrum of Input

formats such as local file, hdfs, ES

 Can be Persisted for faster reuse

 Dataframe is distributed equivalent

for pandas or R dataframe

 Lazily Evaluated
Performance Comparison : RDD &
Lazy Evaluation

 Transformations

 Action

 Directed Acyclic Graph

 Logical and Execution plan

Unified Spark Stack
Spark SQL Flow
Wide Versus Narrow Dependencies

 Narrow Dependencies, e.g. –

map, filter, flatmap etc.

 Wide Dependencies, e.g. – sort,

join, groupByKey etc.
The Anatomy of a Spark Job

 The DAG


 Stages

 Tasks

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