Level of Evidence
2 A (evidence from one well designed case control study with the good level of evidence)
P-I-C-O Analysis
Population : 100 patients having hoarseness of voice
Intervention : No intervention
Comparison : Include sex and age ranged groups
Outcome : Smoking (33 %) was the commonest predisposing factor for hoarseness of voice
followed by URI (24 %) alcohol/tobacco chewing (22 %), vocal abuse (17 %)
cases. Stroboscopy is helpful in establishing a diagnosis and/or improving the
clinical assessment of patients with chronic voice disorders.
V-I-A Analysis
Validity :
a. The pathophysiology of hoarseness has not been described well in this article.
Therefore, there is lack of basic science or solid arguments explained how can
predisposing factors lead the occurance of hoarseness.
b. The method of this study was a case control, as the study assesses predictor variables
retrospectively there is great potential for a biased assessment of their presence and
significance by the patient or the investigator, or both.
c. The study has already focused on addressing the predisposing factors that lead the
occurance of hoarseness.
a. The article showed predisposing factors of hoarseness are smoking, upper respiratory
infections, alcohol, tobacco chewing, vocal abuse, endotracheal tube intubation,
thyroidectomy and trauma to neck.
b. The article conclude stroboscopy is helpful examination in establishing a diagnosis
and/or improving the clinical assessment of patients with chronic voice disorders.
c. The reader is confident in the truth of the results of this study because the authors
had elaborated and analyzed all the results well, had published their original article,
and had also provided the correspondence address.
V-I-A Analysis (cont’d)
Applicability :
a. The article may be valuable to prevent the occurance of hoarseness by controlling the
etiology and predisposing factors.
b. Stroboscopy which is examination suggested in the article may be applicable in
establishing a diagnosis and/or improving the clinical assessment of patients with
chronic voice disorders.
Hoarseness of voice is one of the commonest symptoms in otolaryngological
practice and it indicates diseases ranging from totally benign condition to the most
malignant condition. This is a study to know the etiology, predisposing factor, and clinical
profile of patients having hoarseness of voice. The study was carried out in the department
of ENT, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram. Patients coming to our
OPD were selected. All the patients then underwent detailed history and routine
investigations. Stroboscopic evaluation was done to reach to a diagnosis. A total of 100
patients having hoarseness of voice with male to female ratio 1.50:1 were analysed. Age
group varied from 12 to 82 years. Largest group comprised of labourer (33 %) followed by
house wives (30%) and vocal paralysis was found in 33% of the cases. Upper respiratory
tract infection (24%) and smoking (33%) were found to be the common predisposing factors.
Functional disorders were found in 14% of the cases.
Hoarse voice, Organic voice disorders, Nonorganic voice disorders, Vocal professionals, Stroboscopy
Hoarseness is a coarse, scratchy sound most often associated
with abnormalities of the vibratory margins of the vocal folds, in
condition like laryngitis, vocal fold hemorrhage, mucosal
disruption, mass lesions and carcinoma.
A M:F ratio of 1.50:1 with male predominance was observed in this study.
Male to female ratio in Baitha et al, Mehta, Parikh, Deshmukh, with 2:1, 1.8:1, 2:1 and 1.5:1 respectively.
Koufman and Isaacson evolved a classification of vocal professionals based on their voice use and risk.
Level I (elite vocal performers)
Level II (professional voice users)
Level III (nonvocal professionals)
Level IV (nonvocal/nonprofessionals)
In our study, most of the presenting complaints were having duration of 3 months (57.86%),
3–6 months (24.29 %) and 6–12 months (10.67 %) and 7.30 % complaints were having
duration of more than 1 year (Table 1).
Hansa et al found (61.35 %) were seen with 3 months duration, 25.1 % with 3–6 months
and 10.76 % with 6–12 months duration. 20.72 % complaints were of more than 1 year
• The incidence of hoarseness of voice showed male to female ratio as 1.50:1
• Labourer was the largest group (33 %) of patients with hoarseness of voice.
• Around 73 % were nonvocal nonprofessionals according to Koufman and
Isaacson classification.
• Vocal cord paralysis comprised the largest group (33 %) followed by
functional voice disorder (14 %).
• Smoking (33 %) was the commonest predisposing factor for hoarseness of
voice followed by URI (24 %) alcohol/tobacco chewing (22 %), vocal abuse
(17 %) cases.
• Hoarseness of voice is just a symptom with a very diverse etiology.
• Stroboscopy is helpful in establishing a diagnosis and/or improving the
clinical assessment of patients with chronic voice disorders.