Rsud Haji - Pterygium

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Patient Identity

• Name : Mrs.MP
• Age : 63 y.o
• No. RM : 266000
• Address : Kampung Parang
• Nation : Indonesia
• Religion : Islam
• Work : housewife
• Date : July 10th 2019
History Taking

• Main Complaint : Blur in both eyes

• Guided History :

A 63-years old female patient, presented to our Clinic with Blur in both eyes

experienced for a long time, the patient complains that there is a membrane that initially
shrinks but eventually grows larger in both eyes. Sandy taste in both eyes (+, red eyes (-),
headache (-), glare (+), excessive tears (-), excessive eye discharge (-), itching (-), nausea (-),
vomiting (-). Tight on the neck (-) and the eyes feel tired quickly.

Family history (+), history of wearing glasses (-) History of eye foreign objects (-), family
history using eyeglasses denied. Trauma history (-).
Ophthalmology Examination
Visual Acuity Examination

OD Visus OS
20/100 Uncorrected visual acuity 1/300

- Correction -
- Best corrected visual acuity -

- Near visual acuity -

- Correction -
- Best corrected near visual acuity -
Anterior Segment Examination
Palpebral Margo Oedema (-) Hyperemia (-), Oedema (-) Hyperemia (-),
Crust (-) Crust (-)
Cilia Squama (-), Madarosis (-) Squama (-), Madarosis (-)
Lacrimal Lacrimation (-) Lacrimation (-)
Conjunctiva Hyperemis (+), a triangular-shaped Hyperemis (+), a membrane in the form of a
membrane in the nasal and temporal triangle in the nasal and temporal regions that
regions that has passed through the has passed through the limbus that passes throu
limbus that reaches the pupil gh the pupil
Cornea Membrane (+) Membrane (+)
Anterior Chamber Normal Depth Normal Depth
Iris Brown, Crypt (+) Brown, Crypt (+)
Pupil Round, Central Round, Central
Direct/Indirect +/+ +/+
Light Reflex
RAPD - -
Lens cloudy cloudy

Ocular pressure Tn Tn
Tumor/Mass (-) (-)
Pre Auriculer gland Not palpable Not palpable
ODS Pterygium Duplex + ODS Katarak Senil Imatur

- Plan: ODS Pterygium excision + graft conjunctival

• encourage patients to use glasses and hats to
protect their eyes from dust and UV rays.

• Quo ad vitam : Bonam

• Quo ad functionam : Bonam
• Quo ad Cometicam : Bonam
• Quo ad sanactionam : Bonam
Thank you!

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