Rsud Haji - Pterygium
Rsud Haji - Pterygium
Rsud Haji - Pterygium
Patient Identity
• Name : Mrs.MP
• Age : 63 y.o
• No. RM : 266000
• Address : Kampung Parang
• Nation : Indonesia
• Religion : Islam
• Work : housewife
• Date : July 10th 2019
History Taking
• Guided History :
A 63-years old female patient, presented to our Clinic with Blur in both eyes
experienced for a long time, the patient complains that there is a membrane that initially
shrinks but eventually grows larger in both eyes. Sandy taste in both eyes (+, red eyes (-),
headache (-), glare (+), excessive tears (-), excessive eye discharge (-), itching (-), nausea (-),
vomiting (-). Tight on the neck (-) and the eyes feel tired quickly.
Family history (+), history of wearing glasses (-) History of eye foreign objects (-), family
history using eyeglasses denied. Trauma history (-).
Ophthalmology Examination
Visual Acuity Examination
OD Visus OS
20/100 Uncorrected visual acuity 1/300
- Correction -
- Best corrected visual acuity -
Ocular pressure Tn Tn
Tumor/Mass (-) (-)
Pre Auriculer gland Not palpable Not palpable
ODS Pterygium Duplex + ODS Katarak Senil Imatur
• encourage patients to use glasses and hats to
protect their eyes from dust and UV rays.