Arteri Cerebellar: Presenter: Dr. Andre Lona Moderator: Dr. Iskandar Nasution, SP.S, FINS

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Arteri Cerebellar

Presenter : dr. Andre Lona

Moderator : dr. Iskandar Nasution, Sp.S, FINS
Vaskularisasi Serebellum
• Arteri Cerebellum berasal dari cabang arteri
vertebralis dan arteri basilaris :

1. Arteri Serebelaris Superior (SCA)

2. Arteri Serebelaris Anterior Inferior (AICA)
3. Arteri Serebelaris Posterior Inferior (PICA)
Segments SCA

• Segments
• prepontine segment
• ambient segment
• quadrigeminal segment
Cabang SCA
Perforating branchespons
• midbrain
• inferior colliculus
Lateral (marginal) cabang cabang terbesar SCA
• biasanya muncul dari segmen ambien
• berjalan posterior di wilayah celah
• mengeluarkan cabang-cabang hemisferik yang
tentu saja paling atas di atas belahan serebelum
Cabang SCA
Cabang hemisfer
• Timbul dari cabang lateral (marginal) dan dari
SCA distal ke asal cabang lateral juga dari
segmen ambienSupplies dentate nucleus
• Vermis superior
• Lobulus quadrigeminal medial
• Lobus semilunar superior
Cabang SCA
Vermian superior
• Cabang terminal dari SCA
• Anastomose dengan cabang vermia inferior
dari PICA
Clinical significance of SCA

• The SCA is often the cause of the trigeminal

neuralgia, where it presses on the trigeminal
nerve which causes worsening pain in this
nerve distribution on the patient's face.
However, at autopsy, 50% of people without
trigeminal neuralgia will also be noted to have
nerve vascular compression.
SCA Syndrome
(superior cerebellar artery syndrome).
Main symptoms are ipsilateral cerebellar ataxias (middle and/or superior cerebellar peduncles),
nausea and vomiting, slurred (pseudobulbar) speech, loss of pain and temperature over the
opposite side of the body. Partial deafness, tremor of the upper extremity, an ipsilateral Horner
syndrome and palatal myoclonus have been reported. Clinically, this stroke may be impossible to
distinguish from a partial AICA or PICA territory stroke. It is much rarer than either one. Ocular
pulsion away from the side of lesion has been reported in SCA syndrome.

SCA territory infarction due to basilar artery thrombosis

SCA Syndrome
(superior cerebellar artery syndrome).

SCA infarct includes the entire superior aspect of the cerebellar hemisphere, the ipsilateral
superior vermis, and variable amounts of the deep white matter. Most of the dentate nuclei are
also involved.
Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Arteri
• The anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) is
one of three blood vessels that provide arterial
blood supply to the cerebellum. The number of
networks supplied by AICA is a variable (AICA-
PICA dominance) but usually includes:
• middle cerebellar peduncle
• inferolateral part of the punch
• flocculus
• anteroinferior surface of the cerebellum
anterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome
The AICA syndrome is usually accompanied by vertigo and unilateral ipsilateral
deafness from labyrinthine artery ischemia, ipsilateral facial weakness and ataxia. It is
the second most common brainstem stroke, after PICA stroke. The distribution of the
classical AlCA infarction involves the lateroinferior pons; middle cerebellar peduncle;
flocculus; and a small portion of the anterior, medial, and inferior aspects of the
cerebellar hemisphere. The extent of this stroke is extremely variable. S/S: fluctuating
hearing, tinnitus, vertigo. Bilaterality of hearing fluctuation suggests a vascular cause.
• Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) is one
of the three vessels that provide arterial supply to
the cerebellum. It is the most variable and
tortuous cerebellar artery.
• Segments :
• anterior medullary segment
• lateral medullary segment
• posterior medullary segment
• supratonsillar segment
Branch of PICA
• anterior and lateral medullary segments
– small perforating medullary branches (absent in
• supratonsillar segment
– tonsillohemispheric branch
– inferior vermian branch
• Note: occasionally a small vertebral will
terminate into a common PICA/AICA trunk.
• Supply
Has a variable territory depending on the size of
the AICA (AICA-PICA dominance). Typically it
• posteroinferior cerebellar hemispheres (up to the
great horizontal fissure)
– cerebellar tonsils: 85% of the time
– biventral lobule: 80%
– nucleus gracilis: 85%
– superior semilunar lobule: 50%
• inferior portion of the vermis
• lower part of the medulla: 50%
• inferior cerebellar peduncles
Clinical presentation
• Vertigo, nausea and truncal ataxia are the
most common presenting features. Signs of
a lateral medullary syndrome may coexist in
Differential diagnosis for PICA
MRI at acute presentation

MRI after 4 weeks

PRES involving cerebellar hemispheres bilaterally. Bilateral almost symmetrical hyperintensities

involving postero-inferior aspect of cerebellum. Findings completely resolved after 4 weeks on
follow up MRI
Case 1
• Laki-laki 55 tahun datang ke IGD dengan keluhan mulut
mencong ke kanan mendadak sejak 6 jam yang lalu. Pasien
masih dapat menutup mata kirinya. Pada pemeriksaan fisik
didapatkan GCS 14, pupil bulat isokor 3mm/3mm, refleks
cahaya positif, kesan deviasi konjugee ke kiri, hemiparese
sinistra, gangguan proprioseptif sinistra dan dismetria pada
sisi kanan. Mekanisme apakah yang paling mungkin
mendasari kelainan di atas :
• a. Oklusi arteri serebeli anterior inferior (AICA) kanan
• b. Oklusi arteri serebeli anterior inferior (AICA) kiri
• c. Oklusi arteri serebeli posterior inferior (PICA) kiri
• d. Oklusi arteri paramedian atas kanan
• e. Oklusi arteri paramedian atas kiri
Case 2
• Laki-laki 60 tahun datang dengan keluhan sulit menelan
mendadak, disertai pelo. Pemeriksaan fisik = ipsilateral
gangguan cerebellar, Horner’s syndrome, gangguan nyeri
menyilang antara wajah dan badan (face-body
dissociation). Arteri manakah yang mengalami gangguan
pada pasien tersebut?

• a. Arteri cerebellar anterior inferior

• b. Arteri cerebellar superior
• c. Arteri pons paramedian
• d. Arteri cerebellar posterior inferior: wallenberg
• e. Arteri vertebro-basiler
Case 3
• Pasien laki-laki 50 tahun datang ke UGD dengan keluhan rasa tebal
wajah kiri, terjadi mendadak saat bangun tidur, selain itu disertai
juga dengan hipestesi nyeri wajah kiri, hipestesi lengan dan tungkai
kanan, paralisis parsial palatum mole dengan faring sisi kiri, ataksia
kiri serta hiccups. Pasien mempunyai riwayat hipertensi, diabetes
mellitus, dan dislipidemia. Setelah dilakukan CT Scan kepala
didapatkan area hipodense. Dari temuan klinis yang didapatkan
kira-kira terjadi penyumbatan pembuluh darah dimana?
• A. Arteri Basiler
• B. PICA kanan
• C. PICA kiri
• D. SCA kanan
• E. SCA kiri


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