Library Tutorial: APA Reference Style For University Assignments
Library Tutorial: APA Reference Style For University Assignments
Library Tutorial: APA Reference Style For University Assignments
Conclusion: A parenthetical
The summary of your answer.
reference refers to
Reference List.
Reference List:
Anderson, S. (2002). Adventure tourism: An introduction.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
References within text
Example 1: Direct quotations
If your direct
“Language involves attaching meaning to world symbols” (Samovar
& Porter, 1997, p. 286). quotation is more
than 40 words,
According to Coakley (1994), the success of a professional
indent the sporting
event is no guaranteed as it requires “people in a society must have
time…” (pp. 303-304).
section without
quotation marks.
As Taylor (1983) points out,
All society establishes hierarchies, In few society… are they so
widespread or important as in Japan. For the Japanese, rank is
so finely determined that… (p. 42).
References within text
When paraphrasing or referring to an idea
contained in another work, you don’t have to
provide a location reference (e.g. a page or
Example 2: Indirect
number). (paraphrasing
Nevertheless, / summarizing)
you are
He spends years cultivatingencouraged
his clients, building
to do long-term
relationships based on reliability (Hall, 1983).
Lormax (1968) found that song and dance styles of a country were
If social
related to its level of an idea comes
cohesion and collectivism (pp.54-55).
from two different
As discussed above, electronic commerce is typically characterised by
sources, use a
disintermediation of supply chain. (Gould, 2001; New Zealand
semicolon (;).
Tourism, 2003, pp.34-37).
References within text
Example 3: Citations from a secondary source
(e.g. from a text book)
According to Steinberg and McDonald’s study (as cited in McNeil,
Ballard, Atkins, & Hall, 1996), it is not always true.
Henry, W. A. (1990, April 9). Beyond the melting pot. Time. 135,
No underline
1. A webpage (A document in an Internet
only journal)
New Zealand’s Information Network. (n.d.).
Hamilton Visitor's Guide & Visitor Information -
Hamilton City, Waikato, New Zealand. Retrieved
October 11, 2004, from
2. A website (multiple documents)
When Internet documents comprises multople
pages (it has different URLs), acknowledge its