Basics of Heat Transfer
Basics of Heat Transfer
Basics of Heat Transfer
ChED, UPES, Dehradun
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer
• Heat the form of energy
• Heat flow depends on the temperature difference.
• The science that deals with the determination of the rates of such
energy transfers called heat transfer.
• There are three modes of heat transfer:
Convection, and
When you heat a metal strip at one end, the heat travels to
the other end.
Ein Eout E g Est
Heat Conduction through a Material
Heat conducted k
a (m2/s)
Heat stored c p
Thermal Resistance Concept
When the convection heat transfer coefficient is very large (h → ), the convection
resistance becomes zero and Ts T.
That is, the surface offers no resistance to convection, and thus it does not slow down
the heat transfer process.
This situation is approached in practice at surfaces where boiling and condensation
Thermal Resistance Network
The thermal resistance network for heat transfer through a plane wall subjected to
convection on both sides, and the electrical analogy.
Temperature drop
T1 T T1 T
CYLINDER Rins Rconv ln( r2 / r1 ) 1
2Lk h(2r2 L)
As r2↑ thickness of wall ↑ heat resistance in the wall ↑ => Q ↓
d Q/ dr2 0
k Thermal conductivity
rcr ,cylinder External convection heat
h transfer coefficient
rcr , sphere
r2 rcr
r2 rcr Qmax
r2 rcr
qf hPkAc (Tb T )
Fin Performance Fin Efficiency
• To maximize the heat transfer from a fin the temperature
of the fin should be uniform (maximized) at the base value
of Tb
• In reality, the temperature drops along the fin, and thus
the heat transfer from the fin is less
• To account for the effect we define
a fin efficiency
e f with h, k and Ac / P
Cools at the Convection
Why is it windy at the seaside?
Forced Convection
Heat flow
Qconv = h A (T2 -T1)
difference (oC)
Forced Convection
Ratio of the inertial forces to viscous forces in the fluid
Depends on:
Flow Regime
m D m D
Geometry Re
Surface roughness
Flow velocity
m Mean flow velocity
Surface temperature
D Characteristic length of
Type of fluid the geometry
v/ Kinematic viscosity
Forced Convection
Ac = cross-section area
P = wetted perimeter
Forced Convection
The Nusselt Number
• Heat diffuses very quickly in liquid metals (Pr«1) and very slowly
in oils (Pr»1) relative to momentum.
Grashof Number
g (Ts T ) L u0 L g (Ts T ) L3
1 forced 1 natural
Re L 2
Re L
Natural Convection
Rayleigh Number
Typical correlations for heat transfer coefficient developed from
experimental data are expressed as:
NuL CRa Ln
g Ts T L3
Ra L GrL Pr
n 1 / 4 For Turbulent
n 1 / 3 For Laminar
Heat Transfer Coefficient
Q = s AT4
Absolute temperature
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (K)
5.67 x 10-8 watts/m2K4)
Electromagnetic Spectrum
• The fraction reflected by the surface is
called the reflectivity .
a 1, 0, 0
A transparent body is one which transmits part of radiation falling on
its surface. If it does not transmit any radiation at all it is called as
opaque body.
0, a 1
A body which reflects all incident radiation falling on its surface and
does not absorb or transmit any part of it is called as white body.
0, a 0, 1
If the absorptivity of a surface does not vary with temperature and
wavelength of the incident radiation, it is termed as gray body.
a (a ) Constant
If the absorptivity of a surface varies with wavelength of the incident
radiation, it is termed as coloured body.
qi Ai Fijs Ti 4 T j4
j 1
Radiation Shields
• High reflectivity (lowa e) surface(s) inserted between two surfaces for which
a reduction in radiation exchange is desired.
• Consider use of a single shield in a two-surface enclosure, such as that associated with
large parallel plates:
Note that, although rarely the case, emissivities may differ for opposite surfaces
of the shield.
Radiation Shield (cont)
• Radiation Network:
s T14 T24
q12 q1 q2
1 e1 1 e 3,1 1 e 3,2 1 e 2
1 1
e1 A1 A1F13 e 3,1 A3 e 3,2 A3 A3 F32 e 2 A2
• The foregoing result may be readily extended to account for multiple shields
and may be applied to long, concentric cylinders and concentric spheres,
as well as large parallel plates.
• When comparing heat
transfer for a pot 10 cm
above a heating element
on a stove, radiant heat
accounts for 74%
Ai Di L ; Ao Do L
• It is convenient to combine all the thermal
resistances in the path of heat flow from the
hot fluid to the cold one into a single
resistance R
Q UADT U i Ai DT U o Ao DT
U is the overall heat transfer coefficient,
whose unit is W/m2ºC.
• Canceling T, Eq. 11–3 reduces to
1 1 1 1 1
R Rwall
UAs U i Ai U o Ao hi Ai ho Ao
• When the wall thickness of the tube is small
and the thermal conductivity of the tube
material is high (Rwall=0) and the inner and
outer surfaces of the tube are almost identical
(Ai≈Ao≈As), Eq. simplifies to
1 1 1
U hi ho
1 1
• When hi>>ho
U ho
1 1
• When hi<<ho
U hi
Fouling Factor
• The performance of heat exchangers usually
deteriorates with time as a result of accumulation of
deposits on heat transfer surfaces.
• The layer of deposits represents additional resistance
to heat transfer and causes the rate of heat transfer in
a heat exchanger to decrease.
• The fouling factor Rf ─ The net effect of these
accumulations on heat transfer.
• Two common type of fouling:
– precipitation of solid deposits in a
fluid on the heat transfer surfaces.
– corrosion and other chemical fouling.
• The overall heat transfer coefficient needs to
be modified to account for the effects of
fouling on both the inner and the outer
surfaces of the tube.
• For an unfinned shell-and-tube heat exchanger,
it can be expressed as
1 R f ,i ln D0 Di R f ,o 1
hi Ai Ai 2 kL Ao ho Ao
Rf,i and Rf,o are the fouling factors at those
DTlm: 1. Parallel-Flow Heat Exchangers
DT1 DT2 q UA DTlm
Parallel Flow ln( DTCounterflow
2 / DT1 )
DT1 Th,i Tc,i
DT2 Th,o Tc,o
DTlm: 2. Counter-Flow Heat Exchangers
DT1 DT2 q UA DTlm
Counterflow ln( DT2 / DT1 )
DT1 Th,i Tc,o
DT2 Th,o Tc,i
DTlm: 3. Multipass and Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers
To account for complex flow conditions in multipass,
shell and tube and cross-flow heat exchangers, the log-
mean temperature difference can be modified:
1. Calculate the area for cross-flow As for the hypothetical row of tubes at the
shell equator, given by: ( p d )D l
As t 0 s B
Where Pt = tube pitch in m,
do = tube outside diameter in m,
Ds = shell inside diameter in m,
lB = baffle spacing in m.
The term (Pt - do) / Pt is the ratio of the clearance between tubes and the total
distance between tube centers.
2. Calculate the shell-side mass velocity Gs and the linear velocity us:
ms Gs
Gs us
Where = fluid flow-rate on the shell-side in kg/s,
ms= shell-side fluid density in kg/m3.
3. Calculate the shell-side equivalent diameter (hydraulic diameter).
Where de = equivalent diameter, m.
hs de 1/ 3 0.14
Nu jh Re Prr ( )
kf w
Where μw, is viscosity of shell fluid at tube wall temperature
A. plate type.
B. double pipe type with fin on steam side.
C. double pipe type with fin on air side.
D. shell and tube type.
Q. 2
Fourier's law applies to the heat transfer by
A. convection
B. radiation
C. conduction
D. all (a), (b) & (c)
In the equation Q = UAΔt; Δt is Q. 3
Q. 4
Fouling factor
A. is a dimensionless quantity.
B. does not provide a safety factor for design.
C. accounts for additional resistances to heat flow.
D. none of these.
Q. 5
For shell and tube heat exchanger, with
increasing heat transfer area, the purchased
cost per unit heat transfer area
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains constant
D. passes through a maxima
Q. 6
Hot water (0.01 m3 /min) enters the tube side of a counter current shell
and tube heat exchanger at 80°C and leaves at 50°C. Cold oil (0.05 m3/min)
of density 800 kg/m3 and specific heat of 2 kJ/kg.K enters at 20°C. The log
mean temperature difference in °C is approximately
A. 32 B. 37
C. 45 D. 50
Q. 7
In a heat exchanger, floating head is provided to
A. J/M2°K B. W/m2°K
C. W/m°K D. J/m°K
Pick out the wrong
The heat flux (from outside to inside) across an insulating wall with thermal conductivity, K= 0.04
W/m.°K and thickness 0.16m is 10 W/m2. The temperature of the inside wall is - 5°C. The outside wall
temperature is
A. 25°C B. 30°C
C. 35°C D. 40°C
Thermal conductivity of a conducting solid Q.13
material depends upon its
A. temperature
B. porosity
C. both (a) & (b)
D. neither (a) nor (b)
Bulk of the convective heat transfer resistance from a hot tube surface to the fluid
flowing in it, is