Periodicity of Elements
Periodicity of Elements
Periodicity of Elements
Notable periodic properties
1. Atomic radius
2. Ionic radius
3. Ionizational Energy
4. Electron affinity
5. Electronegativity
Screening effect/ Shielding effect
A repulsion is created between core
electrons and outermost electron(s)
due to core electrons. So attraction
from nucleus on outermost
electrons is reduced. This called
“Shielding effect”
Atomic radius
Elements Li Be B C N O F
Atomic 0.123 0.089 0.08 0.077 0.074 0.073 0.072
We know Zeff = Z – S. Here screening/
shielding electrons in same orbitals is equal
for Li, Be , B and so on. So, Zeff is increasing
with increasing of Z since shielding constant
remains same. So atomic radius decreases.
Zeff for Li = 1.3
Zeff for Na = 2.2
Zeff for K = 2.2
Zeff for Rb = 2.2
It is seen that the same net charge (+1) attracts
the outer-shell electrons to the core and Zeff for
Na, K, Rb is same. But The valence electrons
enter into a new shell. So shell increases. As a
result, the distance of the outer electron from
the nucleus is greater in Na (n=3) than Li (n=2).
Ionic radius
Ions Ionic radii(nm)
Na+ 0.097
K+ 0.133
Rb+ 0.147
Cs+ 0.167
F- 0.133
Cl- 0.181
Br- 0.196
I- 0.22
Why Ionic radii increases along group?
Atom / Ion Radius(nm)
Na 0.157
Na+ 0.097
F 0.072
F- 0.133
Why Na>Na+?
We know Zeff = Z – S. No. of electrons from
outermost and intervening/ intermediate shell
decreases if we remove electrons one after one.
So shielding electrons decreases. So Zeff
increases.(i.e. the remaining electrons feel
greater attraction by nucleus)
Why F<F-?
The addition of one or more electrons will
increase repulsion among electrons. So Zeff
Ionizational Energy
We know Zeff = Z – S. No. of electrons from
outermost and intervening/ intermediate shell
decreases if we remove electrons one after one.
So shielding electrons decreases. So Zeff
increases. Then more energy is required to
remove electron.
Why IE increases across a period?
IE increases across a period
We know Zeff = Z – S. Here
screening/ shielding electrons in same
orbitals is equal for Li, Be , B and so on.
So shielding constant(s) remains same.
So, Zeff is increasing with increasing of Z.
So it needs more energy to remove a
single electron from outermost shell.
Why IE decreases across a group?
It is seen that the same net charge (+1) attracts the
outer-shell electrons to the core. But The valence
electrons enter into a new shell. So shell increases.
As a result, the distance of the outer electron from
the nucleus is greater in Na (n=3) than Li (n=2).
The attraction exerted by an atom on
the electron pair bonding it to
another atom by a covalent bond.
Electronegativity increases across a period
We know Zeff = Z – S. Here screening/
shielding electrons in same orbitals is equal
for Li, Be , B and so on. So, Zeff is increasing
with increasing of Z since shielding
constant remains same. So atomic radius
decreases. Distance between nucleus and
bonding electrons decreases. So attraction
of bonding electrons by an atom ( i.e.
electronegativity) increases.
Why EN decreases over Group?
Electron Affinity(EA)
The amount of energy released when an
electron is added to a gaseous atom to form an
EA increases across over period
Li Be B C N O F Ne
-57 +66 -15 -121 +31 -142 -333 0