Presentation3.Pptx OBG DRUGS
Presentation3.Pptx OBG DRUGS
Presentation3.Pptx OBG DRUGS
Uterotonic agents are used to induce labor and for elected abortions.
They lessen blood loss during childbirth and are extremely important
in the prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage
1.Hemabate -generic name: carboprost
Ingredients: dinoprostone
3.Prepidil -generic name:
Condition: Abortion, Labor Induction,
Trophoblastic Disease
Class: Uterotonic agents
Form: Cream, gel, liniment or balm, lotion,
ointment, etc, Vaginal (e.g., douche, pessary,
Ingredients: dinoprostone, colloidal silicon,
dioxide, triacetin
Condition: Abortion, Labor Induction, Trophoblastic Disease
Form: Tablets
Tocolytics (also called anti-contraction medications or
labor suppressants) are medications used to suppress
premature labor (from the Greek tokos, childbirth, and
lytic, capable of dissolving). They are given when
delivery would result in premature birth
Tocolytics are medicines that attempt to stop labor. They are
used if labor begins before term. Tocolytics can stop labor or
delay labor to give the baby's lungs time to mature. If started
early in premature labor, they may be effective. They are not
as successful later in labor, if the membranes have broken,
or if your cervix is already dilated beyond 2 centimeters.
When taking this medication, PATIENT may need
hospitalization or home therapy.
This drug may also be dangerous for the mother is she has a history
of bleeding disorders, aspirin sensitivity, or kidney problems.
Betamethasone: This medicine is a steroid used to help the fetal
lungs develop more quickly. It is also called Celestone and is given
as an injection into muscle tissue.
The use of betamethasone can decrease the chance that the baby
will have respiratory distress syndrome when born. It is usually used
if preterm delivery is a concern. Sometimes doctors use
dexamethasone, which is a very similar medicine.