ECSE-4790 Microprocessor Systems Design: Russell P. Kraft CII 6219 Kraftr2@rpi - Edu Tel: 276-2765 Fax: 276-8761

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Russell P. Kraft
CII 6219 (NOT JEC)
Tel: 276-2765
Fax: 276-8761
Teaching Assistants
 Srinivas Andra
 Omesh Tickoo
 Yong Xia

Catalog Description
 Hardware and software design of microprocessor-
based digital systems. Basic concepts of
microprocessor components and their fundamental
machine instructions as related to their functional
performance in digital systems. The logical
characteristics of the devices are considered along
with the architectures and software efficiencies of
component families. Both 16 and 32 bit machines
are treated. Weekly laboratory exercises in
programming microprocessors and a team design
project are required.
Course Goal
 Goal
 To provide fourth year ECSE students with a team-
based capstone experience in microprocessor
system design
 Means
 Exploratorylaboratory exercises for the
 Team-based product design project

Course Prerequisites
 Prerequisites by topic
 Fundamentals of logic design
 Fundamentals of circuit design
 Computer programming
 Computer instruction sets
 Microcontroller operations

 Books
 Cady and Sibigtroth, Software and Hardware Engineering ,
Oxford University Press, New York, NY 2000. (REQUIRED)
 Gene H. Miller, Microcomputer Engineering, Second Edition,
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1998. (First Edition is
 Thomas L. Harman, The Motorola MC68332 Microcontroller,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991. (Easier to read
than Motorola literature.)
 Alan Clements, Microprocessor Systems Design, PWS
Publishing Company, Boston, MA, 1992. (Covers the 68000
 Online (

MPSD is a WebCT Course
 Pick Fall 2002 Courses - Course Listing, ECSE and
then Microprocessor Systems Design
(ECSE 4790 00)

 Class handouts will be here (if you lose your copy)

Microcontrollers Available
 MC6811 — 8 bit machine introduced about 1985
 MC6812 — 16 bit machine introduced late 1997
 MC68332 — 32 bit machine introduced about 1990

Software Available
 Cross-assembler — Motorola
 C language cross-compiler — Introl
 Microprocessor simulator — Motorola

Typical Topics
 Introduction to the MC6812 microcontroller
 Introduction to the MC6811 & MC68332
 Software development techniques
 Hardware development techniques
 Timers & Interrupt programming
 Interfacing memory to the microprocessor bus
 Synchronous & Asynchronous serial
 Analog conversion

Grade Computation
 Grades are assigned based on both team and
individual effort
 Teams of 2
 38% 6 MC6812 exercises
 Teams of 3 or 4 (5 in special cases)
 62% Student selected course project
• 5% Course project proposal 10/10
• 10% Interim demonstration
• 12% Progress report 11/14
• 34% Final demonstration
• 25% Final project report
Due Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2002 at 4:00 PM
• 4% Project notebook
• 10% Post-project clean up, Peer reviews, & Teamwork

What This Means to You
 You get a chance to learn what you need to know
to select and apply microcontrollers to applications
of your own choosing
 Specific tools you will be using
C cross-compilers
 Debuggers
 Simulators
 Logic Analyzers

Next Steps
 Reprise the MC6811 knowledge
 Do things in C that you formerly did using assembler
 Host input/output
 Interrupts

 Hardware interfacing

 etc.

 Follow up action items required of you

 Make a list of things you need to know about a new
microcontroller to be able to use it as well as you
can the MC6811

Class Requirements
 Professional Development III
 You must be registered for PD III (ENGR-4010)
with MPSD to get credit needed for graduation.
 MPSD is 3 credits, PD III is 1 credit.

 Writing Center
 MPSD is a writing intensive course. You are
expected to write well organized reports and will
be graded on style.
 Use the Writing Center resources to improve
your interim and project reports.

Lab Policies
 Lab experiment work (other than project) must be
done in teams of only two students.
 Attendance will be taken and will count toward your
performance grade.
 Unfairto partner when you don’t show up.
 Students with missing partners may team up for
 To get the highest grade on a lab exercise,
something unique beyond the required tasks must
be accomplished and demonstrated.
 Projects may have teams of 3 to 5 students,
depending on the size of the project.
Special Projects - 2003
 Part of a MDL (Multidisciplinary Design Lab)
 Automobile Enhancements & Others
 Using eye tracking & computer vision
 Various Sponsors
 Project to continue as Independent Senior Design
Project through next semester
 More details will follow in later weeks


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