Single Camera Production

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Single Camera

What is a Single Camera Production?
● A production using a single camera format
is generally used filming using only one
camera and is more often used in dramas,
documentaries and comedies.
● Each shot and camera angle is shot using
the same camera unlike a multi camera
production where multiple cameras are set
in different angles and shots that are
needed which are then switched to while
editing to show the different perspectives.
● Ideal for music videos,
commercial advertisements,
prime time dramas, sitcoms,
indie filmmakers and small
● Can facilitate more
innovative filmmaking as it
provides more aesthetic
control and precision is
required over composition,
lighting and mise-en-scene.
● Single camera productions allow
creative control to interpret the script,
are easily edited and allow the
producers to wrap up the shoot faster.
● A smaller crew is easier to manage and
cost efficient as the camera can be
handled by one crew member only.
● The director can introduce a higher
level of realism with this production
technique-hence pay more attention to
● Transportation of filming equipment is
● Shots can be easily changed using the
actor’s blocking.
Formats of a Single Camera Production:

1. Series

Has a set number if episodes

which it releases during a certain
time of the year, even though a
series may have a definite end to
it. The story might continue into
the second series. E.g - Desperate
Housewives, Waterloo Road.
2. Serial 3. Serial Drama

Where the stories are continuous and there Stands on its own without breaking up
are no set number of episodes, but into episodes or seasons. It is a single film
continues all year round. E.g - Neighbours, or episode often a one-off drama created
to deal with the realistic world or to
convey an important message to the
audience with a compelling story. E.g -
What We Do in the Shadows.
Genres of Single Camera Production:


Conventional Camera Techniques:
The most common type of
camera angles and movements
in single camera productions
include long shots, mid close
ups. Close ups , extreme close
ups, single shots, pans, tracking,
zooms, dolly, hand held, crane
tilt, shot reverse shots, eye-level
and other over the shoulder
Cold Opens:
● Cold opens, also known as sequence teasers, popularised in the mid 1960’s
are a narrative tactic used in television and film that jump directly into a
story at the beginning of the show before the title credits or the opening
sequence are shown.
● This is often done to keep the audience engaged by involving them into the
plot as early on as possible, which reduces the chances of them switching
the channels.
● Although a cold open may be also used as a recap to relay what happened in
the previous episode or any relevant storylines in regards to the current
episode as well.

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