The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets: By: Shara Jane Lim Aying
The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets: By: Shara Jane Lim Aying
The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets: By: Shara Jane Lim Aying
Shara Jane Lim Aying
Use and Functioning of the Internet
Internet: a collection of interconnected
networks, all freely exchanging information
• The ancestor of the Internet
• A project started by the U.S. Department of
Defense (DoD) in 1969
Internet Protocol (IP): communication
standard that enables traffic to be routed from
one network to another as needed
Brief History of the Internet
How the Internet Works
How the Internet Works
Data is passed in chunks called packets
Internet Protocol (IP): communications
standard that enables traffic to be routed from
one network to another as needed
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):
widely used transport-layer protocol that is
used in combination with IP by most Internet
Uniform Resource Locator (URL): an
assigned address on the Internet for each
Ways to Access the Internet
Internet Service Providers
ISP: any company that provides individuals
or organizations with access to the Internet
Most charge a monthly fee
Many ISPs and online services offer
broadband Internet access through digital
subscriber lines (DSLs), cable, or satellite
The World Wide Web
Developer: Tim Berners-Lee
Also called the Web, WWW, or W3
Menu-based system that uses the
client/server model
Organizes Internet resources throughout
the world into a series of menu pages, or
screens, that appear on your computer
WWW Terminologies
Home page - the cover page for a Web site that has graphics,
titles, colored text, etc.
Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) -allows shared
communication of text, full-color graphics, tables, forms, video,
and animation
Browsers -software to access the Web
Applet - small program embedded in Web pages
Web browser plug-in - external program that is executed by
a Web browser when it is needed
WWW Terminologies
Hypermedia: tools that connect the data on Web pages,
allowing users to access topics in whatever order they
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): standard page
description language for Web pages
HTML tags: let the browser know how to format text on a
Web page and whether images, sound, and other
elements should be inserted
Extensible Markup Language (XML): markup language
for Web documents containing structured information,
including words, pictures, and other elements
Search Engines & Web Research
Search engine: Web search tool
Most search engines are free
Searches can use words, such as AND and OR
to refine the search
Meta-search engine: submits keywords to
several individual search engines and returns
results from all these search engines
SEO (Search engine optimization, the process
of improving ranking in search engine results)
has become a valuable marketing tool
Popular Search Engines
E-Mail, IM, and Video Chat
• No longer limited to simple text messages
• Can embed sound and images
• Can attach files
• Audio broadcast over the Internet
• An audio blog
Usenet and Newsgroups
• Uses e-mail to provide a centralized news
• Topic are called newsgroups
• Protocol that describes how groups of
messages can be stored on and sent
between computers
Chat Rooms
Enable two or more people to engage in
interactive “conversations” over the
Audio books
• Have become more popular due to the
popularity of the iPod and services like
Other Internet Services and
Libraries: provide vast amounts of information
Movies: ordered and delivered over the
Critical information during times of disaster or
Translation: words, sentences, or complete
documents from one language into another
Distance learning: online courses
• Internal corporate network built using
Internet and WWW standards and
• Network that links selected resources of the
intranet of a company with its customers,
suppliers, or other business partners
Virtual Private Network
Net Issues
Management issues
• Preventing attacks
Service and speed issues
• Keeping up with Internet traffic and traffic on company
Privacy, fraud, security, and unauthorized Internet
• People and companies are reluctant to embrace the
Internet unless these issues are successfully addressed
End of Chapter Seven