External Vs Internal Relations, States Vs Processes: Some Old Philosophical Problems in New Physical Clothes
External Vs Internal Relations, States Vs Processes: Some Old Philosophical Problems in New Physical Clothes
External Vs Internal Relations, States Vs Processes: Some Old Philosophical Problems in New Physical Clothes
John Stachel
Department of Physics &Center for Einstein Studies
Boston University
Loss of Individuality
It seems that, as deeper and deeper levels of these
structural hierarchies are probed, the property
of inherent individuality that characterizes
more complex, higher-level entities- such as a
particular crystal in physics, or a particular cell
in biology– is lost. Using some old philosophical
terminology, I say that a level at has been
reached, which the entities characterizing this
level possess quiddity but not haecceity.
Quiddity and Haecceity
“Quiddity” refers to the essential nature of an entity, its natural kind;
and-- at least at the deepest level which we have reached so far -
entities of different natural kinds exist, e.g., electrons, quarks, gluons,
photons, etc.
Teller (1995) following Adams (1979), noted the utility of the term
“haecceity,”and his suggestion has been followed by many
philosophers of physics
Quiddity without Haecceity
Traditionally, it was always assumed that every
entity has a unique individuality: a haecceity as
well as a quiddity.
However, modern physics has reached a point,
at which we are led to postulate entities that
have quiddity but no inherent haecceity, i.e.,
individuality that is independent of the
relational structures in which they may occur.
Elementary particles are such entities
Quiddity without Haecceity (cont’d)
An event may be
thought of as the
smallest part of a
process .... But do not
think of an event as a
change happening to
an otherwise static
object. It is just a
change, no more than
General Relativity Without
It is probably better to avoid attributing physical
significance to point events, and accordingly to
mathematically reformulate general relativity
in terms of sheaves
Example: The electron that was emitted by this source at 11:00 a.m. and
produced a click of that Geiger counter at 11:01 a.m..
Example The point in the source free solution at which the four non-
vanishing invariants of the Riemann tensor have the following values: ...
So one would expect the principle of
maximal permutability of the
fundamental entities to be part of a
theory in which these entities are only
individuated dynamically.
According to the former view, ''an object is said to endure just in case
it exists at more than one time.'‘