MAPEH Health
MAPEH Health
MAPEH Health
STUNTED GROWTH – is a reduced growth rate in human
development. It is a primary manifestation of malnutrition (or
more precisely under nutrition) and recurrent infections, such as
diarrhea and helminthiasis, in early childhood and even before
birth, due to malnutrition during fetal development brought on by
a malnourished mother
UNDERWEIGHT- is a term describing a person whose
body weight is considered too low to be healthy.
OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY- are defined as ''abnormal
or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health''
Impacted cerumen - is when earwax (cerumen) builds up
in the ear and blocks the ear canal; it can cause temporary
hearing loss and ear pain.
SWIMMER’S EAR- Otitis externa, also known as swimmer's ear,
is an inflammation of the ear canal. It often presents with ear pain,
swelling of the ear canal, and occasionally decreased hearing.
Typically there is pain with movement of the outer ear. A high fever
is typically not present except in severe cases.
two main types are acute otitis media (AOM) and otitis media with
effusion (OME). AOM is an infection of abrupt onset that usually presents
with ear pain. In young children this may result in pulling at the ear,
increased crying, and poor sleep. Decreased eating and a fever may also
be present. OME is typically not associated with symptoms. Occasionally a
feeling of fullness is described. It is defined as the presence of non-
infectious fluid in the middle ear for more than three months.
BLURRED VISION- refers to eye movement control and
eye coordination. Something that is hazy and indistinct to
the sight
ASTIGMATISM- is a type of refractive error in which the
eye does not focus light evenly on the retina. This results in
distorted or blurred vision at all distances.
MYOPIA - Near-sightedness, also known as short-sightedness
and myopia, is a condition of the eye where light focuses in front
of, instead of on, the retina. [1] This causes distant objects to be
blurry while close objects appear normal.