Crude Oil Washing: Group 1
Crude Oil Washing: Group 1
Crude Oil Washing: Group 1
• Crude oil tankers play an important
role in the global oil industry.
• Tanker ships are the finest means of
transport for unrefined crude oil
products in mass quantity.
• As tanker ships carry different grades
of fuel oil in the same cargo tanks, it
is important that the tanks are
always washed before loading fresh
• If you work on a tanker ship or
about to join one, it is important that
you know everything about the
crude oil washing operation on
tanker ships.
What is Crude Oil Washing or COW?
• Previously, oil tanks on crude oil tanker were cleaned by water, but this method
of cleaning increased marine pollution and required bigger slop tanks to store
leftover residue and oily water mixture.
• In order to prevent this problem, a better non pollutant way was introduced
where in oil cargo of the tank itself was used to clean the cargo tanks.
• When oil cargo is sprayed with pressure on tank walls and surfaces, the sediments
sticking to the tank dissolves and converts into useful cargo which can be pumped
out to the shore tanks. This system virtually eliminates the requirement of slop
tanks on ships and almost all cargo can be transferred to the shore. This process is
known as Crude oil Washing or COW.
Procedure for COW
• Crude oil washing was made mandatory under MARPOL Annex 1 regulation 13
which states that every crude oil tanker which is 20000 dwt and above must be
fitted with COW system for every cargo hold tank.
• To perform Crude oil washing in correct and efficient manner every ship must
have –
• Efficient and approved COW system and equipment manual
• Skilled Personnel onboard who are properly trained to perform the complete
• The operation can be divided in to three phases where in following checks
must be performed-
• Before starting the operation
• When the operation is under process
• When the Operation is finished
Before starting the operation
• The inert gas values to be frequently checked- Tank pressure and O2 value
• The crude oil washing must be done in the designated tanks as per the plan including
the washing cycle
• A responsible person to be always present on deck
• All deck lines and valves must be frequently checked for any leakages
• Parameters and running condition of all the machineries involved in operation to be
frequently checked
• Ullage gauge floats to be raised for the tanks which are being washed
• Trim should be sufficient to assist the bottom washing of tanks
• The level of holding tanks to be continuously monitored to avoid overflow
When the Operation is finished