Nursing Care of Patients With Cardiac Problems
Nursing Care of Patients With Cardiac Problems
Nursing Care of Patients With Cardiac Problems
Cardiac Problems
One in five people possess some form of
cardiovascular disease
With increase in metabolic syndrome and
aging baby boomers, numbers increasing
Cardiovascular disease is the number one
cause of death in women.
Major cause of mortality in 21st century
Number of cardiovascular problems that can
Right side of heart
Left side of heart
Splitting of S1 and S2 can be
accentuated by inspiration
S3 is ventricular
S4 is an atrial
Systolic murmurs
Diastolic murmurs
Grades I-VI; 1 very faint, 2 faint but
recognizable, 3 loud but moderate in
intensity, 4 loud w/thrill, 5 loud, thrill,
stethoscope partially off chest, 6 audible w/o
Heart perfused by coronaries during diastole
Right coronary
Left coronary
Must be 60-70 to maintain perfusion of vital
Left coronary perfuses left ventricle, septum,
chordae tendinae, papullary muscle and
portion of right ventricle
Right coronary—supplies right atrium, right
ventricle, inferior portion of left ventricle
Automaticity—intercalated discs
Cardiac conduction system
1. SA node
2. Internodal tracts
3. AV node/junction
4. Bundle of His
5. Right and left bundle branches
6. Purkinje fibers
Stimulation of the cardiac working cells
(myocytes) is reliant on exchange of ions
across particular channels in cell membrane
Channels regulate the movement and speed
of the ions, specif., sodium, potassium, and
Sodium travels across fast channels, calcium
across slow channels
Potassium is primary intracellular ion, sodium
is the primary extracellular ion
Phase O—cellular depolarization initiated as
positive ions influx into cell. Sodium moves
rapidly into myocytes; depolarization of SA
and AV nodes via slow calcium channels
Phase 1—Early cellular repolarization occurs
as potassium exits intracellular space
Phase 2—plateau phase, rate of
repolarization slows, calcium ions enter
intracellular space
Phase 3—Marks completion of repolarization
and return of the cell to resting state
Phase 4-resting phase before next
During this phase, cells are incapable of being
Absolute refractory period—unresponsive to
any electrical stimulus, Phase O to middle of
Phase 3
Relative refractory period—brief period at
end of Phase 3.
Factors increasing likelihood of premature
Myocardial injury
P wave-atrial depolarization
PR-duration of time from SA to AV nodes
QRS-ventricular depolarization
QT-total time needed for depolarization and
T wave-represents ventricular repolarization
U wave if prominent represents electrolyte
Calculate heart rate
Heart rhythm
Analyze P waves
Measure P-R interval
Measure QRS duration
PR interval <.20 second
QRS interval < or equal to .12 second
QT interval variable, generally less than .42
P for every QRS
Normal sinus rhythm—60 to 100
Sinus dysrhythmia
Premature complexes
Repetitive rhythms—atrial flutter
Escape complexes—idioventricular rhythm
Sinus tachycardia
Sinus bradycardia
Supraventricular rhythms
Atrial fibrillation or flutter
1st, 2nd, 3rd degree heart blocks
Vtach, Vfib, asystole
Based on principle that fluid flows from region of
higher pressure to one of lower pressure
Right side of heart has lower pressure than does
Diastole—ventricles are relaxed, AV valves open,
atria fill first, ventricles fill, electrical impulse,
atria contract, impulse is propagated to
ventricles, ventricles fill then will contract
Ranges between 4-7 L/min in adults
CI = CO divided by BSA
Amount of blood pumped by each ventricle
during given period
Stroke volume is amount of blood ejected per
heartbeat, ~70ml
Affected by
Ejection Fraction
Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)—
resistance of the pulmonary BP to right
ventricular ejection
Systemic vascular resistance (SVR)—
resistance of the systemic BP to left
ventricular ejection
Contractility=force of generated by the
contracting myocardium
Increased size of left atrium
Thickening of endocardium
Myocardial thickening
Thickening and rigidity of AV valves
Calcification of aortic valve
Decreased number of SA, AV, Bundle of His,
right and left bundle branch cells
Stiffening vasculature
Decreased sensitivity to baroreceptors
Cigarette smoking
Physical inactivity
Diabetes mellitus
Chest pain or discomfort
Peripheral edema and weight gain
Dizziness, syncope, changes in level of
Angina pectoris
Pulmonary disorders—pneumonia, PE
Esophageal disorders
Anxiety and panic disorders
Musculoskeletal disorders--costochondritis
Atypical presentation
Fatigue, sleep disturbances, shortness of
Historically undertreated due to ambiguous
General appearance and cognition
Inspection of the skin
Blood pressure—difference between the
systolic and diastolic blood pressure is called
the pulse pressure. Pulse pressure less than
30 torr signifies a serious reduction in cardiac
output and requires evaluation
Postural BP changes
Arterial pulses, pulse quality-check side to
JVD when head of bed is elevated 45 to 90
Heart sounds—S1, S2 ; gallops (vibration),
snaps and clicks (stenosis of mitral valve),
murmurs (turbulent flow) and friction rubs
(harsh grating sound)
Inspection of extremities
Skin temperature
Assess clubbing by the Schamroth method
Blood pressure—hypertension
Postural hypotension—BP decrease by 20 torr
systolic or 10 torr diastolic plus 10-20%
increase in heart rate. Supine,sitting,
Ankle-brachial index=assess vascular status
of LE. LE SBP divided by brachial BP. Should
be 1, .8 moderate disease, .5 severe
Changes in AP diameter
Isolated systolic hypertension—increases risk
for morbidity and mortality
S4 will be present in ~90% of elderly patients
due to decreased ventricular compliance
S2 may be split
60% of elderly have murmurs, reflective of
sclerotic changes of aortic leaflets
Cardiac biomarkers
Creatine kinase and CK-MB—most specific in
Myoglobin—heme protein. Released from
myocardial tissue within 1-3 hours after
injury. Less specific as may be elevated in
renal and musculoskeletal disease
Troponin T and I—proteins found only in
cardiac muscle, detected within 3-4 hours,
peak in 4-24 and remain elevated for 1-3
Lipid profile—obtain after a 12 hour fast
Brain (B type) Natriuretic Peptide—
neurohormone that regulates BP and fluid
volume. Level increases as increased
ventricular pressure as seen in heart failure.
>51.2 is considered abnormal.
C Reactive Protein—protein released by liver
and reflects systemic inflammation. Normal
is less than 1.0
ECG—graphic recording of the electrical
activity of the heart. Up to `18 leads.
Holter monitoring
Wireless mobile cardiac monitoring
Exercise stress test
Pharmacologic stress test—Persantine and
adenocard are given, simulate effects of
exercise; dobutamine also, helpful on those
with bronchospasm
Total cholesterol 122-200
HDL: LDL ratio—3:1
Homocysteine—indicates risk for CVD.
Linked to development of atherosclerosis. 12-
hour fast needed for reliable monitoring of
level. Normal 5-15 micromol/L
Magnesium—necessary for absorption of
calcium, maintenance of potassium stores
and metabolism of ATP.
Echocardiography—noninvasive ultrasound
that is used to examine the size, shape and
motion of cardiac structures.
Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)—
provides clearer images of heart . Fasting for
6 hours. IV line. Sedation. Throat
anesthetized. Frequent monitoring.
Thallium or Cardiolite stress test
PET scan can be used to measure cardiac
Cardiac catheterization with angiography—
contrast, know BUN/creatinine, INR, PT, PTT
Must be fasting. Have IV access.
Following cath, observe catheter access site
for bleeding
Monitor extremity—CSM
Bedrest for 2-6 hours
Monitor for dysrhythmias
Monitor for contrast agent induced renal
failure, I&O, hydration
Ensure patient safety—instruct no lifting for
24h, no straining, avoid tub baths, s/s of
bleeding, swelling, bruising, pain or fever
Class IA— Na+ channels.Depress
depolarization, prolong repolarization. For
atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias. Pronestyl
(procainamide). Proarrhythmic. Lupus-like
Class IB—minimal depression of
depolarization, shortened repolarization.
Treats ventricular dysrhythmias. Xylocaine
(lidocaine) and Mexitil (mexilitene). CNS
Class IC—marked depression of
depolarization; little effect on repolarization.
Tx of atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias.
Tambocor (flecainide) and Rythmol
(propafenone). Proarrhythmic, HF, AV blocks
Class II—Beta blockers.Decrease automaticity
and conduction. Treats atrial and ventrcular
dysrhythmias. Tenormin (atenolol), Lopressor
(metoprolol), Inderal (propranolol),
bradycardia, heart failure, bronchospasm,
masks hypoglycemia
Class III—Potassium channels. Prolong
repolarization, for atrial and ventricular
dysrhythmias especially when ventricular
dysfunction present.
EX. Cordarone (amiodarone), Corvert
SE: pulmonary toxicity, corneal
microdeposits, bradycardia, AV blocks, heart
failure, hypotension with IV administration,
peripheral edema.
Class IV—block calcium channels. For atrial
dysrhythmias. Cardizem (diltiazem), Calan
(verapamil). Bradycardia, AV blocks,
Hypotension, peripheral edema
Timed electrical current to terminate a
Defibrillation-treatment of choice for
ventricular fibrillation and pulseless VTach
Electronic device that provides electrical
stimuli to heart muscle
Composed of generator and electrodes
Universal code about function
Appropriate sensing of intrinsic rhythm,
appropriate pacing and appropriate capture
Complications include: infection,
bleeding,ectopy, performation of
Universal code indicates five letters
1. Identifies chamber being paced. V, A, D
2. Indicates chamber(s) being sensed. A, V, D,
O (meaning sensing function is off)
3. Indicates type of response to the sensing.
Inhibition and Triggered responses. I, T, O.
4. Used only with permanent pacemakers.
Ability to modulate rate and increase CO
during times of increased cardiac workload.
Indicated by letters O(none) or R (rate
5. Indicates multisite pacing capability. A, V, D
or O.
Infection at entry site
Bleeding and hematoma
Ventricular ectopy
Diaphragmatic stimulation (hiccuping)
Inhibition of permanent pacemakers when
exposed to strong electromagnetic
interference (keep cell phones at least 6
inches away from pacer, not keep in shirt
Detects and terminates life-threatening
episodes of tachycardia or fibrillation
Used in those who have survived sudden
cardiac death syndrome
Also useful in those with CM and with
prolonged QT syndrome
Invasive procedure used to evaluate and treat
various dysrhythmias that have caused
serious symptoms
Identifies impulse formation
Assesses dysfunction of SA and AV nodes
Maps location of dysrhythmogenic foci
Assesses effectiveness of antiarrhythmias
Allows for ablation
Inflammation affecting arterial walls
Results in plaque formation
Impedes flow
Results in atherosclerosis
High lipids
Diabetes mellitus
Family history
Metabolic syndrome
Tobacco use
Diabetes mellitus
Total fat—25-35% of total calories
Saturated fat<7%
Polyunsaturated fat --up to 10% of total
Monounsaturated fat—up to 20% of total
CHO 50-60% of total calories
Fiber—20-30gm per day
Protein 15% of total calories
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (statins):
Mevacor (lovastatin), Pravachol (pravastatin),
Zocor (simvastatin), Lescol (fluvastatin),
Lipitor (atorvastatin), Crestor (rosuvastatin);
decreases LDL* and TG, increases HDL
Nicotinic Acid: Niacin; decreases LDL and
TG*, increases HDL*
Fibric Acids: Tricor (fenofibrate); decreases
Bile Acid Sequestrants: Welchol
(colesevelam), decreases LDL
Increase endothelial cell function
Reduce degradation of plaque matrix
Reduce oxidation of LDL and uptake of
Reduce platelet aggregation/alter fibrinogen
Reduce smooth muscle proliferation
Promote smoking cessation
Manage hypertension—prehypertensive if BP
> 120/80; inflammatory process
Control diabetes
CV catch up to men 10 years after menopause
Twice as much CAD in African-American
women than in Caucasian women
Historically, gender related differences in Tx
With menopause, risk factors
Debate re HT (hormone
Clinical syndrome
characterized by episodes or paroxysms of
pain or pressure secondary to insufficient
coronary blood flow; decreased oxygen
Caused by atherosclerosis
Obstructions of coronaries
Stable angina—occurs on exertion
Unstable angina—crescendo, threshold
lower, sometimes pain at rest
Refractory angina
Variant angina-vasospasm, reversible ST
Silent ischemia—ECG changes but w/o
Variant angina (Prinzmetal’s angina
Norturnal angina
Angina decubitus
Intractable angina
Postinfarction angina
Pain poorly localized
Viselike, substernal
More diffuse in women as affects long
segments of artery rather than discrete
Diabetic may have blunted response due to
damaged nociceptors
Feeling of weaknes, SOB, diaphoresis
May subside with nitro
Presentation in elderly may be less specific
Stress test
Cardiac cath or angiography
Decrease oxygen demand and increase
oxygen supply
Pharmacologic therapy
Reperfusion therapies (percutaneous
coronary interventions such as atherectomy,
intracoronary stents and PTCA)
Beta blockers
Calcium channel blockers
Antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications
1. ASA
2. Plavix (clopidogrel) and Ticlid (ticlopidine)
3. Heparin (HIT), Fragmin or Lovenox
4. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa agents (ReoPro
(abciximab) and Integrilin (eptifibatide))—
prevent adhesion of platelets with
5. oxygen
Assessment—presentation, description of
Treat anginal symptoms—ntg, O2, vitals
Reduce anxiety
Prevent pain
Permanent injury
Reduced blood flow in coronary artery due to
rupture of plaque
Synonymous =coronary occlusion, heart
attack, MI
“time is muscle”
ST elevation, non-ST segment elevation,
location of injury (anterior, inferior, posterior,
lateral wall)
Q wave
Clinical manifestations
chest pain, discomfort, pressure
Indigestion, nausea
Like patient with angina
ECG—damaged cells will have changes in
repolarization and depolarization; T wave
inversion, ST segment changes, Q wave (no
depolarization through this tissue)
Echo to evaluate ventricular function
Labs—CK, MB (cardiac specific) peaks in 24h;
troponin (critical marker, may remain
elevated for weeks), myoglobin (earliest but
less specific)
Rapid transit to hospital
12 lead within 10 minutes, serial ECGs
Labs, biomarkers
Cxray (establish baseline)
O2, Ntg, MS, ASA, beta-blocker, ACEI in 24h
Evaluate for indications for reperfusion Tx—
PCI, thrombolysis
Continue therapy—Plavix, IV heparin,
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIA inhibitors
Bedrest 12-24h
Rehab—gradual physical conditioning
PTCA—angina, intervention to open blocked
Coronary stents—metal mesh that provides
structural support to vessel
Brachytherapy—radioisotope may be
delivered by catheter or implanted with stent
Cardiac arrest
Bleeding from insertion site
1. Respiratory status
2. Cardiac status
3. Neurologic status
4. Peripheral vascular status
5. Renal function
6. Fluid and lytes
7. Pain
8. Family needs
Ett and vent
Swan-Ganz catheter—hemodynamic
Chest tubes
Neuro status
NG tube
Surgical sites
Restore cardiac output
Promote gas exchange
Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
Minimize sensory-perception imbalance
Relieving pain
Maintaining adequate tissue perfusion
Maintaining normal body temperature
Inflammation of the pericardium
Caused by: idiopathic, infection (usually
viral), CT disorders (SLE), MI, neoplasia,
radiation therapy, trauma, renal failure, TB
Manifestations: constant chest pain, scratchy
friction rub, increased WBC, increased CRP or
ESR, pain worsens with deep breath and
relieved by leaning forward
Dx based on history, signs, and symptoms
Echo may show effusion
May need pericardiocentesis
CT helpful in quantifying effusion
12 lead ECG will show concave ST elevations
in many leads
Determine cause
Symptomatic relief (rest, analgesics)
Watch for s/s of tamponade
Tx with NSAIDs—hasten reabsorption of
fluid; Indocin is contraindicated as it may
decrease coronary flow
Pericardiocentesis (culture fluid)
Pericardial window to allow continuous
drainage (drains into lymph system)
Pericardiectomy to relieve constriction
<120/80 mm Hg normal
120/129/80-89 prehypertension
140-159/90-99 Stage 1 hypertension
≥ to 160 or ≥ to 100 Stage 2 hypertension
Is considered a sign, not a disease per se
90% idiopathic
Increased sympathetic nervous system
Increased renal absorption of sodium,
chloride, and water in kidneys
Increased activation of RAAS
Changes in vascular endothelium, less
Resistance to insulin action
Avoid smoking for 30’ before BP check
Sit for 5 minutes
Appropriate size of cuff
Both arms, take the higher BP
Accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques
Decreased elasticity of the major blood
Decreased stretch so increased pressure
Isolated systolic hypertension
Overtly may be no s/s
Retinal changes—hemorrhages, cotton wool
spots (small infarctions), papilledema
(swelling of disc)
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Renal dysfunction
Retinal exam
UA, chemistry, lytes, creatinine, BS, lipid
profile, 12 lead ECG
24 hour urine for creatinine clearance
BP <130/80 in diabetics
Weight loss
Reduced alcohol and sodium intake
Low fat diet with high intake of fruits and
vegetables (DASH diet, dietary approaches to
stop hypertension)
Stage 1 hypertension—thiazides, ACEIs,
ARBs, CCB, renin inhibitor or combination
Stage 2 hypertension—2 drug combination
With compelling indications include: heart
failure, post MI, high CV risk, diabetes,
chronic kidney disease
Thiazide diuretics—HCTZ
Aldosterone receptor blockers—Aldactone
Alpha 2 agonists—Aldomet (methyldopa),
Catapres (clonidine)
Beta blockers—No longer first line. Lopressor
(metoprolol), Tenormin (atenolol)
Alpha1 blockers—Minipress (prazosin)
Combined alpha/beta blockers--Coreg
Vasodilators: Corlopam (fenoldopam),
Apresoline (hydralazine), Nipride
ACEIs: Vasotec (enalapril), Accupril (quinapril)
ARBs: Diovan (valsartan), Micardis
Renin inhibitors—Tekturna (aliskiren)
Nondihydropyridines: Cardizem (diltiazem),
Calan (verapamil)
Dihydropyridines: Norvasc (amlodipine),
Plendil (felodipine)
Hypertensive emergency:acute, life-
threatening. Greater than 180/120, do not
lower to <140/90.
Goal is to reduce mean BP by up to 25% in first
hour, further reduction over 6 hours
Hypertensive urgency—very elevated BP but
no evidence of impending organ damage.
Characterized by nosebleeds, HAs, anxiety.
Give clonidine, captopril, labetalol.
Inability of heart to pump sufficient blood to
meet the needs of tissues for oxygen and
Results in fluid overload and decreased tissue
Problem lies either with contraction (systolic
dysfunction) or with filling of the heart
(diastolic dysfunction)
Increases with age
Two types
Systolic—weakened heart muscle
Diastolic—stiff and noncompliant heart
Assess EF to determine type of failure
Normal EF is 50-70%
I asymptomatic, no limitations of ADL
II slight alterations in ADL, S/S with activity
III marked limitations of ADL, comfortable at
rest, worsening activity tolerance
IV cardiac insufficiency at rest
Myocardial dysfunction
Activation of RAAS
Activation of baroreceptors
Activation of sympathetic
nervous system
Ventricular remodeling
1. Myocardial dysfunction—hypertension, MI
2. cardiac output, systemic blood pressure and
kidney perfusion
3. Activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
4. Activation of baroreceptors
5. Stimulation of vasomotor regulatory centers
6. Activation of sympathetic nervous system-
7. catecholamines with resultant
vasoconstriction, afterload, BP, HR
8. Ventricular hypertrophy, impaired contractility
Caused by CAD
Valvular disorders
Atherosclerosis of the coronaries is the
primary cause of heart failure