UNIT-1: Wireless Propagation Mechanisms, Statistical Multipath Channel Models and Evolution From 1G To 4G
UNIT-1: Wireless Propagation Mechanisms, Statistical Multipath Channel Models and Evolution From 1G To 4G
UNIT-1: Wireless Propagation Mechanisms, Statistical Multipath Channel Models and Evolution From 1G To 4G
2. The designers of wireless networks are interested in optimizing a given system in a certain
geographical region. Locations of Base Stations (BSs) and other network design parameters
should be optimized on the computer, and not by field tests, and trial and error. For such
applications, location-specific channel models that make good use of available geographical and
morphological information are desirable. However, the models should be robust with respect to
small errors in geographical databases.
• The following three modelling methods are in use for these applications:
1. Stored channel impulse responses:
A channel sounder measures, digitizes, and stores impulse responses h(t, τ ).
The main advantage of this approach is that the resulting impulse responses
are realistic. Furthermore, system simulations using the stored data are
reproducible, as the data remain available and can be reused indefinitely, even
for simulations of different systems. This is an important distinction from field
trials of whole systems, where there can be no guarantee that the impulse
response remains constant over time. The disadvantages of using stored
impulse responses are (i) the large effort in acquiring and storing the data and
(ii) the fact that the data characterize only a certain area, and need not be
typical for a propagation environment.
An example of stored CIR readings can be found below:
2. Deterministic channel models:
• The variations in amplitude over a small area are typically modelled as a random
process, with an autocorrelation function that is determined by the Doppler spectrum.
The complex amplitude is modelled as a zero-mean, circularly symmetric complex
Gaussian random variable. As this gives rise to a Rayleigh distribution of the absolute
amplitude, we henceforth refer to this case simply as “Rayleigh fading.”
G (hte ) 20 log 1000m hte 30 m
G (hre ) 10 log hre 3 m
G (hre ) 20 log 10m hre 3 m
Okumura and Hata’s model
Example 4.10
Hata Model
Empirical formulation of the graphical data in the Okamura model. Valid 150MHz to
1500MHz, Used for cellular systems
The following classification was used by Hata:
■Urban area LdB A B log d E
■Suburban area LdB A B log d C
■Open area LdB A B log d D
A 69.55 26.16 log f 13.82hb
B 44.9 6.55 log hb
C 2(log( f / 28)) 2 5.4
D 4.78 log( f / 28) 2 18.33 log f 40.94
E 3.2(log( 11.75hm )) 2 4.97 for large cities, f 300MHz
E 8.29(log( 1.54hm )) 2 1.1 for large cities, f 300MHz
E (1.11log f 0.7)hm (1.56 log f 0.8) for medium to small cities
Statistical Multipath Channel Models
where n = 0 corresponds to the LOS path. The unknowns in this expression are: the
number of resolvable multipath components N(t); and, for the LOS path and each
multipath component, its path length 𝑟𝑛 (t) and corresponding delay 𝜏𝑛 (t) =𝑟𝑛 (t)/c
where “c” is speed of light, Doppler phase shift 𝜑𝐷𝑛 (t), and amplitude α𝑛 (t).
• The nth resolvable
multipath component
may result from a single
reflector or with multiple
• Single reflector
• n (t) is a function of the single reflector
j 2 f c n
• n t e is the phase shift
v cos n t
• fD is the Doppler shift
• D n
2 f t d t
is the Doppler phase shift
• Reflector cluster
• Two multipath components
with delay 1 and 2 are
"resolvable" if their delay
difference considerably
exceeds the inverse signal
1 2 1
• We say that two multipath components with delay 𝜏1 and 𝜏2 are
resolvable if their delay difference significantly exceeds the inverse signal
bandwidth:|𝜏1 − 𝜏2 | >> 𝐵𝑢−1 . Multipath components that do not satisfy
this resolvability criteria cannot be separated out at the receiver because
u(t − 𝜏1 ) ≈ u(t − 𝜏2 ), and thus these components are non resolvable.
These non resolvable components are combined into a single multipath
component with delay τ ≈ 𝜏1 ≈ 𝜏2 and an amplitude and phase
corresponding to the sum of the different components. The amplitude of
this summed signal will typically undergo fast variations due to the
constructive and destructive combining of the non resolvable multipath
components. In general, wideband channels have resolvable multipath
components so that each term in the summation of (eqn 2) corresponds
to a single reflection or multiple non resolvable components combined
together, whereas narrowband channels tend to have non resolvable
multipath components contributing to each term in (eqn 2).
Time Varying Impulse Response:
• Response of channel at t to impulse at t-τ:
𝑐(τ, t) = σ𝑛=0 𝛼𝑛 (t).𝑒 −𝑗∅𝑛 (𝑡) .𝛿(𝜏 − 𝜏𝑛 (t))
For discrete functions f i and g i the cross-
correlation is defined as
f g i f
j * gi j
f g x f * t g x t d t
Properties of Cross - Correlation
• Similar in nature to the convolution of two functions
• They are related by
f t g t f * t g t
if f (t) or g (t) is an even function
• Autocorrelation is the cross-correlation of a signal with
• Autocorrelation is useful for finding repeating patterns
in a signal
• Determining the presence of a periodic signal which
has been buried under noise
• Identifying the fundamental frequency of a signal
which doesn't actually contain that frequency
component, but implies it with many harmonic
• Different definitions in statistics and signal processing
Signal processing
Formally, the discrete autocorrelation R at lag j
for signal x n is
R j x
n m x n j m
For zero – centered signals (zero mean)
R j x
n x n j
• A fundamental property of the autocorrelation
function is symmetry, R(i) = R(− i)
• In the continuous case, R f (t) is an even function
R f R f when f (t) is real
R f R f * when f (t) is complex
• The autocorrelation of a periodic function is, itself,
periodic with the very same period
• The autocorrelation of the sum of two completely
uncorrelated functions (the cross-correlation is zero
for all τ) is the sum of the autocorrelations of each
function separately
• Since autocorrelation is a specific type of cross-
correlation, it maintains all the properties of cross-
• The autocorrelation of a white noise signal will have a
strong peak at = 0 and will be close to 0 for all other
• A sampled instance of a white noise signal is not
statistically correlated to a sample instance of the
same white noise signal at another time
Autocorrelation, Cross – Correlation, and Power
Spectral Density for Narrowband Model
• Assumptions:
• No dominant LOS component
• Each of the multipath components is associated
with a single reflector
• n (t) n = constant
• n (t) n = constant
• f Dn (t) f Dn = constant
• Dn (t) 2 f Dn t
• n (t) 2 f c n + 2 f Dn t - 0
• 2 f c n changes more rapidly than the others
• n (t) is uniformly distributed on [- , ] 31
Under these Assumptions:
E r I t E n cos n t
E n
E cos n t 0
n n
Similarly, E r Q t 0
Therefore, E r t 0
Correlation of In – Phase and Quadrature Components
• Conclusions:
• r I (t) and r Q (t) are uncorrelated
• They are independent
Autocorrelation of In – Phase Component
Ar I t , t E r I t ,r I t
A r I t , t 0.5 E n2 E cos 2 f D n
0.5 E E cos 2 cos
f D cos constant
A r t , t A r
and A r t , t A r
Where this is the case, we say that r I (t) and r Q (t) are
wide – sense stationary (WSS) random processes
Cross – Correlate A r I t , t and A r Q t , t
A r I ,r Q t , t A r I ,r Q E r I t r Q t
0.5 E sin 2 cos
E r Q t r I t
r t r I t cos 2 f c t r Q t sin 2 f c t
is also WSS with autocorrelation
Ar E r t r t A r I cos 2 f c A r Q sin 2 f c
Uniform Scattering Environment
Many scatterers densely packed wrt angle
Dense Scattering
• N multipath components with angle of arrival
n n
2 2
2 Pr
• P r = Total received power
Pr N
Ar I
N n 1
cos 2 cos
Substitute N
Ar I
2 n 1
cos 2 cos
Similarly, Ar Q
2 0
sin 2 cos d 0
Autocorrelation is
zero when f D 0.4
= 0.4
Independent at
this point
Recorrelate later
The expression = 0.4 turns out to be very significant
and dictates such actions as antenna spacing 39
Power Spectral Densities
• Take Fourier Transforms of the autocorrelation
functions of r I (t) and r Q (t)
2 Pr 1
S r I f S r Q f A r I f fD
fD f
0 elsewhere
Ar E r t r t A r cos 2 f c A r sin 2 f c
S r f A r 0.25 S r I f f c S r I f f c
Pr 1
f fc fD
2 f D f fc
0 elsewhere
Wideband Fading Models: Power Delay Profile, Coherence Bandwidth, Doppler Power
Spectrum and Channel Coherence Time.
• When the signal is not narrowband we get another form of distortion due to the multipath delay spread. In this
case a short transmitted pulse of duration T will result in a received signal that is of duration T +Tm, where Tm is
the multipath delay spread. Thus, the duration of the received signal may be significantly increased. This
phenomenon is illustrated in Figure below. In the figure, a pulse of width T is transmitted over a multipath
• Linear modulation consists of a train of pulses where each pulse carries information in its amplitude and/or phase
corresponding to a data bit or symbol. If the multipath delay spread Tm<<T then the multipath components are
received roughly on top of one another, as shown in the upper right of the figure. The resulting constructive and
destructive interference causes narrowband fading of the pulse, but there is little time spreading of the pulse and
therefore little interference with a subsequently transmitted pulse. On the other hand, if the multipath delay
spread Tm>>T, then each of the different multipath components can be resolved, as shown in the lower right of
the figure. However, these multipath components interfere with subsequently transmitted pulses (dashed pulses
in the figure). This effect is called inter-symbol interference (ISI).
Power Delay Profile:
• Power delay profile P ( τ ): the channel power spectral density as a function of delay, i.e.
how “channel power” is distributed along dimension excess delay τ.
• Consider a local area around a spatial position, averaging ℎ𝐵 (𝑡, 𝜏) 2 over time gives
rise to P(τ).
• Specifically, P(τ) is Fourier transform of autocorrelation function of ℎ𝐵 (𝑡, 𝜏)
• Mean excess delay is defined as the first moment of power delay profile:
• Root mean square (RMS) delay spread is defined as the square root of the second central moment of
power delay profile:
• Coherence bandwidth is a measure of the range of frequencies over which the channel is “flat” (i.e.
passing spectral components with approximately equal gain and linear phase)
𝐵𝑐 = ; where 𝑇𝑟𝑚𝑠 =rms delay spread (also denoted by 𝜎𝜏 ).
• Coherence time is the time duration over which the channel impulse response is considered to be not
varying. Such channel variation is much more significant in wireless communications systems, due to
Doppler effects.
where is Coherence Time and is the maximum Doppler spread or, maximum Doppler
frequency or, maximum Doppler shift given by where is the carrier frequency.
• If a sinusoidal signal is transmitted (represented by a spectral line in the frequency domain), after
transmission over a fading channel, we will receive a power spectrum that is spread according to the
image below. The frequency range where the power spectrum is nonzero defines the Doppler spread and
the power spectrum is known as Doppler Power Spectrum.
A Cellular Network
Cell 1
Mobile Public
Telephone Switched
Switching Telephone
Cell 2 Center Network
Mobile Public
Telephone Switched
Switching Telephone
Cell 2
Center Network
Frequency Reuse
Frequency Reuse using 7 frequencies
f7 f3 f2
f1 f7 f3
f6 f4 f1
f2 f5 f6 f4
f7 f3 f2 f5
f1 f7 f3 f2
f6 f4 f1 f7 f3
f5 f6 f4 f1
f5 f6 f4
• Info-Sensor layer:
• environmental sensors