Indian and Global Economics Development

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Sub:-Indian and global Economics Development
1) Comparison of Indian Economy, with Developed Economics with Respect to.
 National Income
 Per Capita Income
 Agriculture
 Industry
 Service Sector

No Name Class Roll No

1 Mastan Shaikh T.Y.B.COM 835
2 Pranab Jyoti Bordoi T.Y.B.COM 808
3 Pratik Khandale T.Y.B.COM 912
4 Ali Memon T.Y.B.COM 813
5 Vikas P Sharma T.Y.B.COM 814
 National Income

Sr. No. Countries GDP (nominal) Million USD 2017 (world Bank)

1 USA 19,390,604
2 China 12,237,700
3 Japan 4,872,137
4 Germany 3,677,439
5 UK 2,622,434
6 India 2,597,491
7 France 2,582,501
8 World 80,683,787

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all final goods and services from a nation in a given year.
Nominal GDP does not take into account differences in the cost of living in different countries, and the results can
vary greatly from one year to another based on fluctuations in the exchange rates of the country's currency.
National Income in terms of purchasing power parity
Sr. No. Countries GDP (PPP) Million USD 2017 (world Bank)

1 China 23,300,782

2 USA 19,390,604

3 India 9,448,659
4 Japan 5,562,822
5 Germany 4,193,922
6 Russia 3,749,283
7 Indonesia 3,242,768
8 World 127,723,794

GDP comparisons using PPP are more useful than those using nominal GDP. When assessing a nation's domestic
market because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country,
rather than using international market exchange rates which may distort the real differences in per capita income.
Largest countries by agricultural output according to IMF and CIA World Fact book, 2015
Countries by agricultural output in 2015 (billions in USD)
01 China 1,088
02 India 413
European Union 333 333
03 United States 290

04 Indonesia 127

05 Brazil 110

06 Nigeria 106

07 Pakistan 63

08 Turkey 62

09 Argentina 59

10 Japan 51

11 Egypt 47

12 Thailand 47

13 Russia 47

14 Australia 46

15 Mexico 43

16 France 42

17 Italy 41

18 Spain 39

19 Vietnam 37

20 Iran 36
 Per Capita income

 India is a developing economy and just as any other developing economy is

characterized by the existence of low per capita income.
 The per capita income of India in2007 was $950. Except few countries, the per
capita income of India is the lowest in the world. During this period 1960-80
developed economies grew at a faster rate than the Indian economy but during 1990-
2005, the Indian economy has grown at a faster rate than the developed economies.
However, the difference in per capita income between India and the developed
economies remains quite large .
 It is obvious from the Table 1.5 that in 2012, the average per capita GNI of USA
attrialofficial exchange rates was 48 times that of India, while at the purchasing
power parity rates, it was 19 times.
 The per capita income at official exchange rate was exaggerated however, the
purchasing power parity figures corrected the position.
 Although this adjustment narrowed down the differences in the per capita figures,
however, the level of living between significantly large.
 Agriculture
 This section is the backbone of Indian economics.
 Growth in this sector depends upon factors like type of land climate, etc.
 This sector have different growth rates in various countries as compared to India.
 It is the only sector in India on which upto 70% of population is dependent.
Potential of Actual Actual yield of Country Worlds Country
high yield in the world s highest yield
yielding india largest producer
Food crop
rice (paddy) 40 to 58 32.6 65.5 China 94.2 Egypt
Wheat 60 to 68 28.4 47.5 China 76.7 UK
Maize 60 to 80 19.6 95.9 USA 97.4 Canada
Non-food Crops
Sugarcane 701 790 Brazil 1251 Peru
Groundnut (pods) 20 to 30 14.9 41.4 China 37.1 USA
 Industry
 Striking feature in Indian economy development since 1951
 Industrialization came in boost from last 50 years
 Growth was unto 4.6 percent per annum during the 9th plan (1997-2002)
 During the 10th plan (2002-03 to 2007-08) the growth went to 8.9 percent per
 The growth of industrialization when to 10.11 percent as well .
 Service Sector

 Half of the GDP depends on service sectors

 According to a survey in 2006-07 the share of service sector in India's GDP was 55.1
 Service sector was boosted with a combination of others sectors like hotels hospitality
transportation etc.
 China and USA have a huge growth impact on the service sector

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