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Rcef Seed

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Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund


Philippine Rice Research Institute

Philippines’ Road to a Liberalized Rice

● Joined WTO in 1995; opened ● Negotiated and extended by

up agricultural market to other seven years (7) or up to 30 June
WTO member‐countries 2012; another extension for a 5-
● Established tariffication system Year waiver granted until 1 July
in 1996 through RA 8178 or 2017
Agricultural Tariffication Act
● RA 11203 - An Act Liberalizing
● A “special treatment” under the Importation, Exportation
Annex 5 of the WTO AoA and Trading of Rice, Lifting for
granted the country 10-year the Purpose the Quantitative
exemption for the lifting of the
Import Restriction on Rice, and
QR on rice; expired on 30 June
2005 for other purpose
Republic Act No. 11203

An Act Liberalizing the Importation,

Exportation and Trading of Rice,
Lifting for the Purpose the
Quantitative Import Restriction on
Rice, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 11203: Salient Points

Quantitative restriction on imported
rice is replaced with tariffs
35% tariff for imports from ASEAN-
member countries; 40% within the
350,000 mt MAV; 180% from non-
ASEAN countries outside MAV
Republic Act No. 11203: Salient Points

NFA’s functions
Buffer stocking for emergency situations
and calamities (15-30 days worth), to be
purchased from local farmers

Other functions are repealed (e.g.

regulatory functions, importation,
commercial stocks survey, commercial
Republic Act No. 11203: Salient Points

Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF)

Fund from tariff revenues
Created to cushion the effect of rice trade
liberalization to local rice farmers and farm
P10 billion from GAA for mechanization,
seeds, extension, and credit
excess tariff for financial assistance, land
titling, crop insurance, farm diversification
Contribution to Philippine Rice Industry Roadmap


Competitiveness Diversification Food Safety Sustainability
Resiliency and Responsiveness

Improve Competitiveness & Income

Increase Yield Reduce Cost

Ave. 6 t/ha in high-yield provinces 30% reduction in prod cost; Ave. PH losses
Ave. 5 t/ha in medium-yield provinces from 14% to 12%, marketing cost by P1/kg


Seed, Fertilizer, Irrigation, Mechanization, Crop Diversification, Agro-enterprise, Credit, R&D,
Extension, Regulatory, and Policy Support
Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund
Inbred Seed Mechanization Credit Extension
What is RCEF – Seed?

Section 13.b of RA 11203

• Development, propagation, and promotion of inbred
rice seeds, and the organization of rice farmers into
seed grower cooperatives/associations engaged in
seed production and trade
• Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) as the
lead implementing agency
Overview: Purpose
Help improve the competitiveness and income of rice farmers through increase
in yield and productivity

General Objective:
Increased adoption of certified inbred rice seeds and its corresponding
integrated crop management

Specific Objectives:
1. To increase utilization of certified inbred rice seeds in areas with high
potential for increasing competitiveness
2. To improve quality, availability of, and access to certified inbred rice seeds
3. To increase number of organized farmers engaged in seed production and
Component Projects
Four projects to increase the adoption of certified inbred seeds
and integrated crop management
Promoting and distributing certified
1 seeds of inbred rice varieties

Mobilizing and strengthening local

2 seed production

3 Supporting variety development

4 Strengthening farmer organizations

How extensive is the coverage of RCEF-Seed?

For Dry Season 2020,

• Covers 57 provinces with cities & municipalities
high potential to improve with more than 500
competitiveness (area, yield, hectares rice area
cost of production, share of planted shall be
irrigated area) considered due to
budget constraints.
• Roughly translates to 1,010 Those with more than
municipalities with about 100 ha rice area
1.89 million rice farmers planted will be included
in the succeeding
Provincial Allocation and Variety Distribution

No. of
Region Province Total
ALBAY 14,469 28,938
CAMARINES SUR 44,625 89,250
Bicol MASBATE 5,578 11,156
SORSOGON 9,221 18,442
73,892 147,784
NSIC Rc222 NSIC Rc216 NSIC Rc160 PSB Rc18 PSB Rc10
(40%) (20%) (20%) (10%) (10%)


• Bacacay • Legazpi City • Oas

• Camalig • Libon • Polangui
• Daraga • Ligao City • Tabaco City
• Guinobatan • Malinao • Tiwi

Camarines Sur
District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5
• Ragay • Gainza • Bombon • Goa • Baao
• Sipocot • Libmanan • Calabanga • Lagonoy • Bato
• Milaor • Canaman • Sagñay • Buhi
• Minalabac • Magarao • San Jose • Bula
• Pamplona • Naga City • Tigaon • Iriga City
• Pasacao • Ocampo • Nabua
• San Fernando • Pili

District 1 District 2 District 3

• San Fernando • Aroroy • Cawayan

• Masbate City • Balud • Placer

• Mandaon • Uson

• Milagros

District 1 District 2
• Casiguran • Barcelona
• Castilla • Bulan
• Donsol • Gubat
• Pilar • Irosin
• Sorsogon City • Juban
• Prieto Diaz
Who are the beneficiaries of RCEF-Seed?

• Section 14 of RA 11203 states that the

beneficiaries of the Rice Fund shall be
those farmers and farmworkers and
their dependents listed in the
Registry System for Basic Sectors in
Agriculture (RSBSA) and rice
cooperatives and associations
accredited by the Department of
Agriculture (DA)
How to be eligible?

For farmer-recipients:
1. Must be included in the DA-updated Registry
System for the Basic Sector in Agriculture
2. Must be a member of DA-accredited FO; and
3. Must be farming in rice fields located in the
selected municipalities.
How to be eligible?

For farmer organizations (FOs):

1. Must be accredited by DA or any accrediting
government agency recognized by DA; and
2. With members whose rice farms can cover at
least 20 ha in total in one to two adjacent villages
in one city or municipality.
How can farmers enlist in the RSBSA? What should
the farmer organization do to be accredited?

A farmer must contact the A farmer organization seeking

CAO/MAO for enlistment in the accreditation must submit the following
RSBSA, following the process: documents to the to DA-RFO:

1. Present proof of valid 1. Letter of intent

identification and any proof 2. Valid certificate/registration from any
of rice farming. recognized government agency
2. Fill out and sign the RSBSA 3. Farmer Association Profile (lists of
Enrolment Form. officers and members with
3. Get the stub to claim ID corresponding signature, home and
card upon notice. farm location address)
4. Omnibus Sworn Statement
5. LGU or C/MAFC endorsement
Allocation per farmer (DS 2020)

Farm Size (ha) Bags

For Dry Season 2020,
only a maximum of 4
Less than or equal to 0.5 1 bags will be given to a
More than 0.5 to 1 2 farmer with an area of
More than 1 to 1.5 3 more than 1.5ha due to
budget constraints.
More than 1.5 4
Yield target
Farmer organizations can receive again in the next program
cycle if they achieve the yield target
Baseline Yield Yield Target for Yield Target for
Low-Yielding High-Yielding
Season Season

Irrigated Area Farmer

organizations will
Below 4 t/ha 4 t/ha 5 t/ha
be encouraged to
4 t/ha and 5 t/ha 6 t/ha
establish rollover
scheme for
Rainfed Area
Below 4 t/ha 3.5 t/ha -
4 t/ha and 4.5 t/ha -
How can farmers avail of the free seeds?

Farmers must meet the eligibility criteria. They may claim the seeds in
the distribution point and schedule set by the LGU.

To-do during the distribution:

1. Go to the registration booth, present a valid ID with picture, and
check the name in the masterlist. If listed, proceed to step 2.
2. Fall in line following your preferred variety. Fill out the
acknowledgment form and nametag.
3. Attend the technical briefing as scheduled.
4. Present nametag, claim the seeds, and have photo taken beside the
sack holding the nametag. Fill out survey form at the back and
surrender the nametag.
What are the other activities of RCEF-Seed to
help increase the adoption of certified seeds?

• Technology demonstration – 1 site per target province in

convergence with RCEF-Mechanization
• Technical briefing during seed distribution (or as scheduled)
• Social mobilization, communication, and advocacy campaign
• Convergence with RCEF-Rice Extension Service Program for
capacity enhancement
• Partnership with DA-Regional Field Offices, local government
units, and other organizations in planning and implementation
Thank you!

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