The Five Senses & Their Functions

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The Five Senses & Their

What are the Five senses?

The five senses are the five main tools that humans use to
perceive the world. Those senses are sight, smell, hearing, taste,
and touch.
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 What does an ocean look like?
 What does a skunk smell like?
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 What does a bell sound like?
The Five Sense
Sight basically means the
Sense of Sight power by which we can see and
observe things.
Importance of Sense of Sight:
 The sense of sight holds great
importance for the survival of the
human body. The sense of sight
has special contact with the
surroundings because by the
sense of sight we can form a
connection with our settings.
Example of Sense of Sight:
 People use the sense of sight for
reading, watching etc.
 Hearing is basically the ability to
Sense of Hearing understand something. This
understanding takes place with
the help of your ears.
Importance of Sense of Hearing:
 A hearing is an organ which
allows you to help understanding
things. It also helps you to
communicate with the people
around us. It helps human
beings in socializing. It keeps us
connected to the world around.
Example of Sense of Hearing:
 People use the sense of hearing
for listening to people, music
The detection of an odor or scent of
something, Sense of smell is basically used
Sense of Smell for distinguishing whether the smell is
pleasant or unpleasant.
Importance of Sense of Smell:
 Smell is a very essential sense of our
body. It is mostly used for alerting our
brain because by the bad smell one can
feel that this is something like danger e.g.
leakage of gas or rotten food etc.
 By the sense of smell, we can prevent
ourselves from danger. Odor sends awful
signals to the brain to avoid danger.
Similarly, scent sends pleasant signals to
the brain in order to create a nice and calm
Example of Sense of Smell:
 The sense of smell is used to smell the
Taste receptors cells are used by
Sense of Taste human beings for the detection of taste
and developing it well.
Our sense of taste let us know
that whether the taste is sweet, sour,
salty or bitter.
Importance of Sense of Taste:
 Our sense of taste helps us to prepare
our body for the digestion of food.
Example of Sense of Taste:
 I use the sense of taste to enjoy the
It is to handle something in
Sense of Touch order to come in contact with it or to
interfere with it.
Importance of Sense of Touch:
 The sense of touch has the
responsibility for the sensations
that we feel. It usually makes
contact with our skin.
 It makes us feel whether the thing
is hot, cold, rough, smooth etc.
Example of Sense of Touch:
• People use their sense of touch to
check whether the meal is hot or
More Fun Facts:

 Many scientists say we

actually have nine senses –
sight, sound, taste, touch,
smell, pain, balance, thirst,
and hunger.
 Hearing, sight, taste, touch,
and smell are known as our
external senses.
 Pain, balance, thirst, and
hunger are considered as our
internal senses.
 Our five senses are extremely vital
to our wellbeing. We may be able to
live without one or two, but we
would have to adapt in order to use
our other senses in a different

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