3 CCP Module

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 The CCP module (Capture/Compare/PWM) is a peripheral which

allows the user to time and control different events.
 CAPTURE - The contents of the 16 bit timer, upon detecting an nth
rising or falling edge, is written to internal registers
 COMPARE - Generate an interrupt, or change on output pin, when
Timer 1or 3 matches a pre-set comparison value
 PWM can generate signals of varying frequency and duty cycle on
one or more output pins
 TWO CCP modules in PIC18f452  CCP1 & CCP2
 Each CCP module contains a 16-bit register which can operate as a:
• 16-bit Capture register
• 16-bit Compare register
• PWM Master/Slave Duty Cycle register
 Registers associated with CCP1
 CCP1CON (8-bit)
 CCPR1 (16-bit)  Divided in two 8-bit regs (CCPR1L, CCPR1H)
 CCP1IF flag in PIR1 register
 Registers associated with CCP2
 CCP2CON (8-bit)
 CCPR2 (16-bit)  Divided in two 8-bit regs (CCPR2L, CCPR2H)
 CCP2IF flag in PIR1 register
 In compare mode, the 16-bit CCPRxH:CCPRxL register value is constantly
compared against either with TMRlH:TMR1L or the TMR3H:TMR3L register
pair value.
 When a match occurs, one of the following actions may occur on the
associated CCPx pin:
1. Driven high
2. Driven low
3. Toggle output
4. Remains unchanged
5. Trigger a special event with hardware interrupt and clr the timer

• In Capture Mode these settings are necessary.

• CCPx pin must be configured as output.
• TIMRER-1 or 3 must operate as timer or synchronous counter.

bit 7-6 Unimplemented: Read as '0‘

bit 5-4 DCxB1:DCxB0: PWM Duty Cycle bit1 and bit0

Capture mode: Unused
Compare mode: Unused
PWM mode: These bits are the two LSbs (bit1 and bit0) of the 10-bit
PWM duty cycle. The upper eight bits(DCx9:DCx2) of the
duty cycle are found in CCPRxL.

bit 3-0 CCPxM3:CCPxM0: CCPx Mode Select bits

0000 = CCPx module is off
0001 = Reserved
0010 = Compare mode, toggle output on match (CCPxIF bit is set)
0011 = Reserved
0100 = Capture mode, every falling edge
0101 = Capture mode, every rising edge
0110 = Capture mode, every 4th rising edge
0111 = Capture mode, every 16th rising edge
1000 = Compare mode,
Initialize CCP pin Low, on compare match force CCP pin High (CCPIF bit is set)
1001 = Compare mode,
Initialize CCP pin High, on compare match force CCP pin Low (CCPIF bit is set)
1010 = Compare mode,
Generate software interrupt on compare match (CCPIF bit is set, CCP pin is unaffected)
1011 = Compare mode,
Trigger special event (CCPIF bit is set)
11xx = PWM mode
Initialize Load T3CON
Load CCPxCON register to select Initialize Timer1 or
CCPR1H: Set CCPx Timer3 values.
reg for compare CCPR1L TIMER-1 or TIMER-3
pin as output THEN start that timer
mode registers as clk base for
CCPx module

Goto next step Wait for CCPxIF

according your Clear flag
to become high
Scenario: Assume 1 Hz pulse is connected to Timer3 pin (T1CKI) and an LED is connected to
RC2/CCP1 pin. Timer3 is being used as a counter. Using compare mode write code to toggle LED
every 10 pulses
#include <p18F452.h>
void main (void)
CCP1CON = 0x02; // compare mode, toggle upon match
T3CON = 0x42; //timer 3 for compare, prescaler=1, external clk, SYNC on
TRISCbits.TRISC2 = 0; // configure CCP1 pin for output
TRISCbits.TRISC0 = 1; // T1CKI as input to use timer3 as counter
CCPR1L=10; //initialize CCPR1 regs for 10 pulses
T3CONbits.TMR3ON=1; //start timer 3
while (PIR1bits.CCP11F==0); // wait for match i.e wait for 10 pulses
//CCP will automatically toggle CCPx pin
T3CONbits.TMR3ON=0; //off timer 3
PIR1bits.CCP11F = 0; //clr flag
• In Capture mode, CCPR1H:CCPR1L captures the 16-bit value of
the TIMER-1 register when an event occurs on pin RC2/CCP1. An
event is defined as one of the following:
a) Every falling edge (1 » 0) on the RC2/CCP1 pin.
b) Every rising edge (0 » 1) on the RC2/CCP1 pin.
c) Every 4th rising edge (0 » 1) on the RC2/CCP1 pin.
d) Every 16th rising edge (0 » 1) on the RC2/CCP1 pin

• In Capture Mode these settings are necessary.

• CCPx pin must be configured as input.
• TIMRER-1 or 3 module must operate as timer or synchronous counter.

bit 7-6 Unimplemented: Read as '0‘

bit 5-4 DCxB1:DCxB0: PWM Duty Cycle bit1 and bit0

Capture mode: Unused
Compare mode: Unused
PWM mode: These bits are the two LSbs (bit1 and bit0) of the 10-bit
PWM duty cycle. The upper eight bits(DCx9:DCx2) of the
duty cycle are found in CCPRxL.

bit 3-0 CCPxM3:CCPxM0: CCPx Mode Select bits

0000 = CCPx module is off
0001 = Reserved
0010 = Compare mode, toggle output on match (CCPxIF bit is set)
0011 = Reserved
0100 = Capture mode, every falling edge
0101 = Capture mode, every rising edge
0110 = Capture mode, every 4th rising edge
0111 = Capture mode, every 16th rising edge
1000 = Compare mode,
Initialize CCP pin Low, on compare match force CCP pin High (CCPIF bit is set)
1001 = Compare mode,
Initialize CCP pin High, on compare match force CCP pin Low (CCPIF bit is set)
1010 = Compare mode,
Generate software interrupt on compare match (CCPIF bit is set, CCP pin is unaffected)
1011 = Compare mode,
Trigger special event (CCPIF bit is set)
11xx = PWM mode
Load T3CON
Load Initialize register to select Configure and
CCPxCON Set CCPx Start Timer1 or
CCPRxH:CCPRxL pin as input TIMER-1 or TIMER-3
reg for registers as clk base for Timer3.
capture mode CCPx module

Wait for CCPxIF

Goto next step Read
Clear flag to become high
according your CCPRxH:CCPRxL
(wait for event)
requirement registers if needed!
SCENERIO: A switch is attached with CCP1 pin. Write a Program to throw TIMER1 values to PORTB ,PORTD
and toggle LED attached with RA5 whenever a rising edge is detected on RC2/CCP1 through a switch.?
void main() {
ADCON1 = 0x07; // make all digital
TRISB=0; //PORTB to show timer value
TRISCbits.TRISC2=1; //CCP1 pin as Input
CCP1CON = 0b00000101; // capture mode for every rising edge
CCPR1L=0; //initialize CCP1 regs
T3CON = 0x80; // Timer-1 for CCP1, Prescaler=1, Timer3 off
T1CON = 0b00110000; // Prescaler=1, Timer1 off , Internal CLK, Sync off
TMR1H = 0; //initialize timer vlaues
TMR1H = 0;
T1CONbits.TMR0ON=1; //start timer 1
while(1) {
while(PIR1.CCP1IF == 0); // wait for rising edge on RC2/CCP1
PORTAbits.RA0 =~ PORTAbits.RA0; //toggle LED
PORTB = CCPR1H; //throw captured timer-1 value to PORTS
PIR1.CCP1IF = 0;
//write some lines here if I want to chk timer overflow and initialize it again
 EVENT ARRIVAL TIME RECORDING. Some applications (e.g., a swimming competition) need to
compare the arrival times of several different swimmers. The capture function is very suitable for
this application. The number of events that can be compared is limited by the number of capture
 PERIOD MEASUREMENT. To measure the period of an unknown signal, the capture module should
be configured to capture the timer values corresponding to two consecutive rising or falling
edges, as illustrated in Figure
 PULSE-WIDTH MEASUREMENT. To measure the width of a pulse, two adjacent rising and falling
edges are captured, as shown in Figure

 DUTY CYCLE MEASUREMENT. The duty cycle is the percentage of time that the signal is high within
a period in a periodic digital signaL The measurement of duty cycle is illustrated in Figure
Scenerio: Time Period Measurment of a pulse
Problem:Use the CCP channel 1 in capture mode to measure the period of an unknown signal, assuming
that the PIC18 microcontroller is running with a 10-MHz crystal oscillator. The period of the unknown
signal is shorter than 65536 clock cycles.
SOLUTION: The user needs to capture either two consecutive rising or falling edges and
calculate their difference in order to measure the period.
void main (void) while(1)
{ {
unsigned int period; CCPR1L=0; //initialize CCP1 regs
CCP1CON = 0x05; // capture on every CCPR1H=0;
rising edge TMR1H=0; //initialize timer value
T3CON = 0x00; //Timer1 for capture TMR1L=0;
TlCON = 0x00; //enable 16-bit timer1, PIR1bits.CCP11F = 0; //optional but its good to do it
prescaler =1, Clk internal while (PIR1bits.CCP11F==0); // wait for 1st rising edge
TRISCbits.TRISC2 = 1; // configure CCP1 pin period = CCPR1; //save the first edge time
for input (CCPR1 is accessed as a 16-bit value)
PIR1bits.CCP11F = 0; //clr CCP for next edge
T1CONbits.TMR1ON=1; //start timer 1
while (PIR1bits.CCP11F)); //wait for the 2nd rising edge
T1CONbits.TMR1ON=0; //stop timer 1
period = CCPR1 - period; //second edge time – first edge time
CCP1CON = 0x00; //disable CCP1 capture
//write a line here to get period in seconds or micro seconds
 Write Duty cycle measurement code of a pulse
using CCP1

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