DWP Information Centre: Small Area Benefit Statistics
DWP Information Centre: Small Area Benefit Statistics
DWP Information Centre: Small Area Benefit Statistics
To produce information on number of claimants for each
DWP benefit at small area level e.g. electoral ward
Based on data downloads of 100% of claimants for most
Need to balance:
up to date
relatively cheap
complete coverage of GB on that benefit
possible to link claimants over time
possible to link claimants across different benefits
and build ‘client groups’
Problem Areas
scan only contains information needed to administer
that particular benefit
based on a single point in time
some claims handled clerically
need to ensure confidentiality of claimants and
prevent disclosure of an individual’s identity
Name of Claimant
Full address
National Insurance number
Personal details e.g. gender, date of birth
Details of partners/dependants included in claim
Production of Small
Area Data
Four Main Stages:
E-Mail : Nigel.Brough@.dss.gsi.gov.uk
: Penny.Sinclair@.dss.gsi.gov.uk
: Kevin.Hawthorne@.dss.gsi.gov.uk