Use-Case Model: Drawing System Sequence Diagrams

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Use-Case Model: Drawing System

Sequence Diagrams\
System Behavior and
UML Sequence Diagrams
• It is useful to investigate and define the
behavior of the software as a “black box”.
• System behavior is a description of what the
system does (without an explanation of how it
does it).
• Use cases describe how external actors
interact with the software system. During this
interaction, an actor generates events.
• A request event initiates an operation upon
the system.
System Behavior and
System Sequence Diagrams (SSDs)
• A sequence diagram is a picture that
shows, for a particular scenario of a use
case, the events that external actors
generate, their order, and possible inter-
system events.
• All systems are treated as a black box; the
diagram places emphasis on events that
cross the system boundary from actors to
SSDs for Process Sale Scenario
SSD and Use Cases
Naming System Events and
• The set of all required system operations
is determined by identifying the system
– makeNewSale()
– addLineItem(itemID, quantity)
– endSale()
– makePayment(amount)
Use-Case Model: Adding Detail
with Operation Contracts
• Contracts are documents that describe
system behavior.
• Contracts may be defined for system
– Operations that the system (as a black box) offers
in its public interface to handle incoming system
• The entire set of system operations across all
use cases, defines the public system
System Operations and the System
• In the UML the system as a whole can be
represented as a class.
• Contracts are written for each system
operation to describe its behavior.
Example Contract: addLineItem

Operation: addLineItem (itemID: integer, quantity: integer)

Cross References: Use Cases: Process Sale.
Pre-conditions: There is a sale underway.
– A SalesLineItem instance sli was created. (instance creation)
– sli was associated with the Sale. (association formed)
– sli.quantity was set to quantity. (attribute modification)
– sli was associated with a ProductSpecification, based on itemID
match (association formed)
Pre- and Postconditions
• Preconditions are assumptions about the state of
the system before execution of the operation.
• A postcondition is an assumption that refers to the
state of the system after completion of the
– The postconditions are not actions to be performed during
the operation.
– Describe changes in the state of the objects in the Domain
Model (instances created, associations are being
formed or broken, and attributes are changed)
addLineItem postconditions
• Instance Creation and Deletion
After the itemID and quantity of an item
have been entered by the cashier, what
new objects should have been created?
– A SalesLineItem instance sli was created.
addLineItem postconditions
• Attribute Modification
After the itemID and quantity of an item
have been entered by the cashier, what
attributes of new or existing objects should
have been modified?
– sli.quantity was set to quantity (attribute
addLineItem postconditions
• Associations Formed and Broken
After the itemID and quantity of an item have
been entered by the cashier, what
associations between new or existing objects
should have been formed or broken?
– sli was associated with the current Sale
(association formed).
– sli was associated with a ProductSpecification,
based on itemID match (association formed).
Guidelines for Contracts

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