Banana Case
Banana Case
Banana Case
I’m making a banana smoothie. I ordered groceries the other day and had them delivered through
Amazon Fresh. I was a complete idiot and forgot to double-check the order. So, instead of 4
bananas, I got 4 bundles of bananas.”
“Think about the journey the banana
• Distribution Centers
• Brazil
• India for domestic consumption
• Variations in Bananas:
• Difficulties: • GHG emission created during farming,
• sustainability and ecological living packaging and distribution
• for abusing the human and worker
rights at production plantations.
• Cultivation, harvesting and selection of the
fruit is very labour intensive, and as
previously indicated require a highly
organized and integrated chain”
• Packaging, Traceability and Sourcing
• Most farms work directly, under contract, with a specific label that
will later distribute the bananas in bulk to retailers around the • the fruit is washed, labeled and packaged at
globe. adjacent plants
• quality-control
• most production sites utilize box code labeling
for tracking purposes.
• “In this process, a number called a Box Code is stamped on each
box. This number enables the identification of the farm where the
bananas were harvested, the facility where they were boxed, and
the time and date when they were boxed, for example. This
ensures the traceability of the bananas, which makes it possible to
trace them back to the area of production immediately in the event
of a quality problem or the like at the sales destination”
• Transportation, Logistics and • major distributors load up massive cargo
freights on company ships, or those of 3rd
party logistic providers.
just remember:
that banana’s existence took one hell of a supply chain in motion.