Emergency and Disaster Nursing
Emergency and Disaster Nursing
Emergency and Disaster Nursing
• Trauma
- Intentional or unintentional wounds/injuries on the
human body from particular mechanical mechanism that
exceeds the body’s ability to protect itself from injury
• Emergency Management
- traditionally refers to care given to patients with urgent
and critical needs.
DaRRaN 2
• Triage
- process of assessing patients to determine
management priorities.
• First Aid
- an immediate or emergency treatment given to
a person who has been injured before complete
medical and surgical treatment can be secured.
- level of medical care which is used for patient
with illness or injury until full medical care can
be given.
DaRRaN 3
- Set of clinical interventions for the urgent
treatment of cardiac arrest and often life
threatening medical emergencies as well as the
knowledge and skills to deploy those
• Defibrillation
- Restoration of normal rhythm to the heart in
ventricular or atrial fibrillation
• Disaster
- Any catastrophic situation in which the normal
patterns of life (or ecosystems) have been
disrupted and extraordinary, emergency
interventions are required to save and preserve
human lives and/or the environment
DaRRaN 4
• Mass Casualty Incident
- situation in which the number of casualties exceeds the number
of resources
DaRRaN 5
• The emergency nurse has had specialized
education, training, and experience.
• The emergency nurse establishes priorities,
monitors and continuously assesses acutely ill
and injured patients, supports and attends to
families, supervises allied health personnel,
and teaches patients and families within a
time-limited, high-pressured care
DaRRaN 6
• Nursing interventions are accomplished interdependently,
in consultation with or under the direction of a licensed
• Appropriate nursing and medical interventions are
anticipated based on assessment data.
• The emergency health care staff members work as a team
in performing the highly technical, hands-on skills required
to care for patients in an emergency situation.
DaRRaN 7
• Patients in the ED have a wide variety of actual or
potential problems, and their condition may change
• Although a patient may have several diagnosis at a given
time, the focus is on the most life-threatening ones
DaRRaN 8
• Emergency nursing is demanding because
of the diversity of conditions and situations
which are unique in the ER.
• Issues include legal issues, occupational
health and safety risks for ED staff, and the
challenge of providing holistic care in the
context of a fast-paced, technology-driven
environment in which serious illness and
death are confronted on a daily basis.
DaRRaN 9
• The emergency nurse must expand his or her knowledge
base to encompass recognizing and treating patients and
anticipate nursing care in the event of a mass casualty
• Legal Issues Includes:
- Actual Consent
- Implied Consent
- Parental Consent
DaRRaN 10
• “Good Samaritan Law”
- Gives legal protection to the rescuer who act in good faith and
are not guilty of gross negligence or willful misconduct.
DaRRaN 11
Focus of Emergency Care
• Preserve or Prolong Life
• Alleviate Suffering
• Do No Further Harm
• Restore to Optimal Function
DaRRaN 12
Golden Rules of Emergency Care
• Do’s
- Obtain Consent
- Think of the Worst
- Respect Victim’s Modesty & Privacy
• Don’ts
- let the patient see his own injury
- Make any unrealistic promises
DaRRaN 13
Guidelines in Giving Emergency Care
• D – Do no Further Harm
DaRRaN 14
Stages of Crisis
1. Anxiety and Denial
• encouraged to recognize and talk about their
• asking questions is encouraged.
• honest answers given
• prolonged denial is not encouraged or supported
2. Remorse and Guilt
• verbalize their feelings
3. Anger
• way of handling anxiety and fear
• allow the anger to be ventilated
4. Grief
• help family members work through their grief
• letting them know that it is normal and acceptable
DaRRaN 15
Core Competencies in Emergency Nursing
• Assessment
• Priority Setting/Critical Thinking Skills
• Knowledge of Emergency Care
• Technical Skills
• Communication
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DaRRaN 17
DaRRaN 18
DaRRaN 19
DaRRaN 20
DaRRaN 21
DaRRaN 22
DaRRaN 23
DaRRaN 24
DaRRaN 25
DaRRaN 26
Assess and Intervene
• A – Airway
• B – Breathing
• C - Circulation
DaRRaN 27
Team Members
• Rescuer
• Emergency Medical Technician
• Paramedics
• Emergency Medicine Physicians
• Incident Commander
• Support Staff
• Inpatient Unit Staff
DaRRaN 28
Emergency Action Principle
DaRRaN 29
II. Do a Primary Survey
- organization of approach so that immediate threats to life
are rapidly identified and effectively manage.
Primary Survey
A - Airway/Cervical Spine
- Establish Patent Airway
- Maintain Alignment
- GCS ≤ 8 = Prepare Intubation
DaRRaN 31
B – Breathing
- Assess Breath Sounds
- Observe for Chest Wall Trauma
- Prepare for chest decompression
C – Circulation
- Monitor VS
- Maintain Vascular Access
- Direct Pressure
DaRRaN 32
Estimated Blood Pressure
Radial ≥ 80
Femoral ≥ 70
Carotid ≥ 60
Control of Hemorrhage
DaRRaN 34
D – Disability
- Evaluate LOC
- Re-evaluate clients LOC
- Use AVPU mnemonics
E – Exposure
- Remove clothing
- Maintain Privacy
- Prevent Hypothermia
DaRRaN 35
III. Activate Medical Assistance
• Information to be Relayed:
- What Happened?
- Number of Persons Injured
- Extent of Injury and First Aid given
- Telephone number from where
you’re calling
DaRRaN 36
IV. Do Secondary Survey
• Interview the Patient
S – Symptoms
A – Allergies
M – Medication
P – Previous/Present Illness
L – Last Meal Taken
E – Events Prior to Accident
• Check Vital Signs
DaRRaN 37
V. Triage
DaRRaN 38
1. Emergent
-highest priority, conditions are life
threatening and need immediate
• Airway obstruction, sucking chest wound, shock, unstable
chest and abdominal wounds, open fractures of long bones
DaRRaN 39
2. Urgent
– have serious health problems but not
immediately life threatening ones. Must
be seen within 1 hour
DaRRaN 40
3. Non-urgent
– patients have episodic illness than can be
addressed within 24 hours without increased
DaRRaN 41
DaRRaN 42
1. Immediate:
• Injuries are life-threatening but
survivable with minimal intervention.
Individuals in this group can progress
rapidly to expectant if treatment is
DaRRaN 43
2. Delayed:
Injuries are significant and require
medical care, but can wait hours
without threat to life or limb.
Individuals in this group receive
treatment only after immediate
casualties are treated.
3. Minimal:
• Injuries are minor and treatment can be delayed
hours to days. Individuals in this group should be
moved away from the main triage area.
DaRRaN 44
4. Expectant:
• Injuries are extensive and chances of survival are
unlikely even with definitive care.
5. Fast-Track:
Psychological support needed
DaRRaN 45
DaRRaN 46
Role of First Aid
DaRRaN 47
Value of First Aid Training
• Self-help
• Safety Awareness
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DaRRaN 49
Artificial Respiration
• a way of breathing air to person’s lungs when
breathing ceased or stopped function.
Respiratory Arrest
• a condition when the respiration or breathing pattern
of an individual stops to function, while the pulse and
circulation may continue.
DaRRaN 50
• mouth to mouth
• mouth to nose
• mouth to stoma
DaRRaN 51
Procedure Infant(0-1yr) Child(1-8 yrs) Adult
1. Safe Approach Approach and assess situation
DaRRaN 53
DaRRaN 54
The Casualty is Breathing:
Place in recovery position
Before moving casualty remove any objects safely from her pockets
Kneel beside casualty, place arm nearest at right angles, and then
bend elbow keeping the palm uppermost.
Bring far arm across the casualty’s chest and hold back of the
casualty’s hand against the nearest cheek
With your other hand grasp the far thigh just above the knee, then
pull the casualty towards you and on to his or her side
The Casualty is NOT Breathing:
6. Go for Help - if someone responds to your shout for help send that
person to phone for ambulance
- if you’re on your own, leave the casualty and make the
phone call for yourself
* never leave if the patient has collapsed as a result of
trauma or drowning or if the casualty is a child
7. Give Rescue 5 rescue breaths 2 rescue breaths
Breaths - Place mouth - pinch nose and -seal lips around
over the nose ventilate via the mouth and
and mouth of mouth blow steadily
the infant - look for chest for 1.5 – 2
- look for chest rising seconds
rising - look for chest
When to Stop AR:
DaRRaN 57
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Cardiac Arrest
• a condition when the persons breathing and
circulation/pulse stop at the same time
DaRRaN 58
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation = AR +
DaRRaN 59
Procedure Infant Child Adult
( 0-1 year) (1-8 yrs)
1. Assess Check brachial Check carotid pulse and if no
circulation pulse < 60 bpm pulse
for 10 or below or
seconds absent
Commence chest compression
2. Positioning of Draw imaginary One hand on the sternum two
compression line between fingers up from the xyphoid
nipples and process
place two fingers
on the sternum 1
finger breadth
below this line
3. AR:ECC 1 breath: 5 2 breaths: 30
compression compression
DaRRaN 62
When to STOP CPR:
DaRRaN 63
DaRRaN 64
early recognition of cardiac
arrest, prompt activation of emergency
prevent brain damage, buy time
for the arrival of defibrillator
DaRRaN 65
- 7-10% decrease per minute without
technique that attempts to
stabilize patient
DaRRaN 66
DaRRaN 67
DaRRaN 68
Head trauma
DaRRaN 69
Types of Head Injuries
1. Open
• Scalp lacerations
• Fractures in the skull
• Interruption of the dura mater
2. Closed
• Concussions – a jarring of the brain within the skull with temporary
loss of consciousness
• Contusions – a bruising type of injury to the brain; may occur with
subdural or extradural collections of blood.
• Contrecoup – decelerative forces throwing the brain back and forth
• Fractures – e.g. linear, depressed, compound comminuted
3. Hemorrhage
causes hematoma or clot formation
DaRRaN 70
Types of Hemorrhage/Hematoma:
the most serious type of hematoma;
1. epidural hematoma forms rapidly and results from arterial
forms between the dura and the skull
from a tear int the meningeal area
DaRRaN 71
Clinical manifestations:
• Altered level of consciousness
• Confusion
• Papillary abnormalities
• Altered or absent gag reflex or vomiting
• Absent corneal reflex
• Sudden onset of neurologic deficits
• Changes in vital signs
• Vision and hearing impairment
• CSF drainage from ears or nose
• Sensory dysfunction
• Spasticity
• Headache and vertigo
• Movement disorders or reflex activity changes
• Seizure activity
DaRRaN 72
DaRRaN 73
Emergency interventions:
Goal: “maintain oxygen and nutrient rich cerebral blood flow”
• Monitor respiratory status and maintain a patent airway
• monitor neurological status and vital signs (TPR,BP)
• monitor for increased ICP
• Head elevation 20 -30 degrees
• restrict fluids and monitor I & O
• immobilization of neck
• initiate normothermia measures
• assess cranial nerve function, reflexes and motor and sensory function
• initiate seizure precautions
• monitor for pain and restlessness
• avoid administration of morphine sulfate
• monitor for drainage from the nose or ears
• if there is CSF leak, monitor for nuchal rigidity
• do not attempt to clean the nose, suction or allow the client to blow the nose if
drainage occurs
• do not clean te ear of drainage when noted but apply a loose, dry sterile dressing
• do not allow the client to cough
DaRRaN 74
Medical intervention:
DaRRaN 75
Surgical intervention:
DaRRaN 76
1. Tooth Ache
• Rinse mouth vigorously with warm water to clear out debris
• Use dental floss to remove any food that might be wedged in
between the teeth
• Use cold pack on the outside of the cheek to manage swelling
• Soak cotton with Oil of Cloves and place it on aching tooth
2. Knocked- out tooth
- Place a sterile gauze pad or cotton ball into the
tooth socket to prevent further bleeding
DaRRaN 77
3. Broken tooth
• Gently clean dirt and blood from the injured area with
the use of clean cloth and warm water
• Use cold compress to minimize swelling
4. Bitten Tongue or Lip
• Using a clean cloth, apply direct pressure to the bleeding
• If swelling is present, apply cold compress
5. Objects wedged between the teeth
• Try to remove object with a dental floss
• Guide the floss carefully to prevent bleeding
• Do not remove the object with a sharp or pointed object
DaRRaN 78
6. Orthodontic Problems
• If a wire is causing irritation, cover the end of the wire with the use of a
cotton ball/ piece of gauze until you can get to a dentist
• Do not attempt to remove a wire embedded in the gums, cheek or tongue.
Instead, go immediately to the dentist
7. Possible fractured jaw
• Immobilize the jaw by any means
• Apply cold compress to prevent swelling
DaRRaN 79
DaRRaN 80
Classification of Chest Trauma:
• Blunt Trauma – results from sudden compression or positive
pressure inflicted to the chest wall.
DaRRaN 81
Types of Chest Trauma
DaRRaN 82
1. Rest
3. Analgesia
DaRRaN 83
- The unstable segment moves separately and in an opposite direction
from the rest of the thoracic cage during the respiration cycle
- Paradoxical respirations
- Severe chest pain
- Dyspnea/ Tachypnea
- Cyanosis
- Tachycardia
DaRRaN 84
DaRRaN 85
B. Penetrating Chest Trauma
• - occurs when a foreign object penetrates the chest wall
• - Accumulation of atmospheric air in the pleural space
• may lead to lung collapse
• 1. Spontaneous Pneumothorax
• 2. Open Pneumothorax
• 3. Tension Pneumothorax
DaRRaN 86
DaRRaN 87
• Dyspnea Tachycardia
• Tachypnea Sharp chest pain
• Absent breathe sounds
• Sucking sound
• Cyanosis
DaRRaN 88
1. Apply dressing over an open chest wound
2. O2 as Rx
3. High Fowler’s
4. Chest tube placement
- Monitor for chest tube system
- Monitor for subcutaneous emphysema
Chest Tube Drainage System
- returns (-) pressure to the intra-pleural space
- remove abnormal accumulation of air & fluids
serves as lungs while healing is going on
DaRRaN 89
Pulmonary Embolism
DaRRaN 90
- Dyspnea
- Chest pain
- Tachypnea & tachycardia
- Hypotension
- Shallow respirations
- Rales on auscultation
- Cough
- Blood-tinged sputum
- Distended neck veins
- Cyanosis
DaRRaN 91
1. O2 as Rx
2. High Fowler’s
3. Maintain bed rest
4. Incentive spirometry as Rx
5. Pulse oximetry
6. Prepare for intubation & mechanical ventilation
7. IV heparin (bolus)
8. Warfarin (Coumadin)
9. Monitor PT & PTT closely
10. Prepare the client for embolectomy, vein ligation, or
insertion of an umbrella filter as Rx
DaRRaN 92
• - Absence of bowel sound - Hypovolemic shock
• - Orthostatic hypotension - Pain and tenderness
• 1. Maintain hemodynamic status – IVF & blood transfusion
• 2. Surgery- EXLAP
• 3. Peritoneal Lavage
DaRRaN 93
B. Blunt Abdominal Trauma
DaRRaN 94
DaRRaN 95
DaRRaN 96
Types of obstruction
• anatomical – tongue
and epiglottis
• mechanical – coins,
food, toy etc
DaRRaN 97
Assessment and clinical manifestations:
DaRRaN 98
DaRRaN 99
• assess LOC
• call for help
• check for ABCs
• open airway using jaw thrust technique
• finger sweep to remove object
• attempt ventilation
• reposition the head if unsuccessful; reattempt ventilation
• relieve the obstruction by the Heimlich maneuver with five thrust; then
finger sweep the mouth
• reattempt ventilation
• repeat the sequence of jaw thrust, finger sweep, breaths and Heimlich
maneuver until successful
• be sure to assess the victim’s pulse and respirations
• perform CPR if required
DaRRaN 100
Choking child or infant:
• choking is suspected in infants and children experiencing acute
respiratory distress associated with coughing, gagging, or stridor.
• allow the victim to continue to cough if the cough is forceful
• if cough is ineffective or if increase respiratory difficulty is still
noted, perform CPR
DaRRaN 101
Foreign objects in the ear
• Don’t probe the ear with a tool
DaRRaN 102
Foreign objects in the eye
DaRRaN 103
Foreign objects in the nose
DaRRaN 104
DaRRaN 105
• Poison
DaRRaN 106
Suspect poisoning if:
DaRRaN 107
Ingestion Poisoning
DaRRaN 108
• Acetaminophen Poisoning – most common drug accidentally ingested by
Antidote: Acetylcysteine
• Corrosive Chemical Poisoning – strong detergents and dry cleaners
• results in drooling of saliva, painful burning sensation and pain and redness in the mouth
• Note: Never induce vomiting, may cause further injury
• Activated Charcoal, Milk of Magnesia
DaRRaN 109
• Baseline ABG should be obtained periodically
• Baseline blood samples (CBC, BUN, electrolytes)
• ECG (since many toxic agents affect cardiac rhythm)
• Headache
• Double vision
• Difficulty in swallowing, talking and breathing
• Dry sore throat
• Muscle incoordination
• Nausea and vomiting
DaRRaN 110
• Check victim’s ABCs. Begin rescue breathing if necessary
• If ABCs are present but the victim is unconscious, place him in
recovery position
• If victim starts having seizures, protect him from injury
• If victim vomits, clear the airway
• Calm and reassure the victim while calling for medical help
DaRRaN 111
P– Prevention. Child Proofing
O– Oral fluids in large amount
I- Ipecac
S– Support respiration and circulation
O- Oral Activated Charcoal
N- Never induce vomiting if substance ingested is corrosive
DaRRaN 112
Inhalation Poisoning
DaRRaN 113
1. Check ABCs
DaRRaN 114
DaRRaN 115
Human Bites
DaRRaN 116
Animal bite
1. Wash wound with soap and water
2. Tetanus toxoid and vaccine to stimulate antibodies
3. Rabies Vaccine and immunoglobulin
DaRRaN 117
Snake Bite
DaRRaN 119
Insect Bites/ Bee stings
• Itching, dyspnea
• Chest tightness, dizziness, urticaria
• Nausea, vomiting,diarrhea
• Abdominal cramps, flushing
• Laryngeal edema
• Respiratory arrest
DaRRaN 120
DaRRaN 121
DaRRaN 122
• Nausea and vomiting
• increased temperature
• Muscle cramps
• Tachypnea and Tachycardia
• Orthostatic hypotension
• Malaise
• Irritability and anxiety
DaRRaN 123
• Check ABCs
DaRRaN 124
DaRRaN 125
• Remove constrictive clothing and jewelry
DaRRaN 126
DaRRaN 127
Four Methods of Water Rescue:
1. Reaching Assist
2. Throwing Assist
3. Rowing Assist
4. Wading Assist
DaRRaN 128
• Abdominal distention
• Confusion
• Irritability
• Lethargy
• Shallow gasping respirations
• Unconsciousness
• vomiting
• Absent breathing
DaRRaN 129
• Assess ABCs
DaRRaN 130
1. age – mortality rates are higher for children < 4 yrs of age and for clients > 65 yrs of age
2. Patient’s medical condition – debilitating disorders such as cardiac, respiratory, endocrine
and renal disorders negatively influence the client’s response to injury and treatment.
• mortality rate is higher when the client has a pre-existing disorder at the time of the
burn injury
3. location –
• burns on the head, neck and chest are associated with pulmonary complications;
• burns on the face are associated with corneal abrasion;
• burns on the ear are associated with auricular chondritis;
• hands and joints require intensive therapy;
• the perineal area is prone to autocontamination by urine and feces;
• circumferential burns of the extremities can produce a tourniquet-like effect and lead to
vascular compromise (compartment syndrome).
4. Depth
DaRRaN 132
4. Depth
1st degree Epidermis Pin, painful “sunburn” Discomfort last after 48 hrs; heals in 3-7 days
superficial Blisters form after 24
2nd degree Pediermis and part of Red, wet blisters, bullae Heals in 2-3 weeks, in no complication
partial thickness the dermis very painful
2nd degree Only the skin Waxy white, difficult to Slow to heal 94-8 weeks) surgical incision and grafting unless has
deep partial thickness appendages in the hair distinguish from 3rd complication
follicle remain degree except hair
growth becomes
apparent in 7-10 days,
little or no pain
3rd degree Epidermis, dermis and -Dry, leathery, Requires excision and grafting.
Full thickness subcutaneous tissue . no may be red or 10- 14 days for graft to revascularize
skin appendages black
-May have
-Marked edema
circulation may
be decreased
4th degree Skin, muscle, tendon, Dry, charred, bone may Requires excision, grafting and sometimes amputation
deep full thickness bonde be visible
DaRRaN 133
5. Size: Rule of nine
1 arm 9% 9%
Perineum 1% 1%
DaRRaN 134
6. Temperature
• determines the extent of injury
7. Exposure to the Source
• Thermal Burns – caused by exposure to flames, hot
liquids, steam or hot objects
• Chemical Burns – caused by tissue contact with strong
acids, alkalis or organic compounds
• Electrical Burns – result in internal tissue damaging,
alternating current is more dangerous than direct
current for it is associated with cardiopulmonary
arrest, ventricular fibrillation, titanic muscle
contractions, and long bone and vertebral fractures.
• Radiation Burns – are caused by exposure to
ultraviolet light, x-rays or a radioactive source.
DaRRaN 135
Types of Burns and their Treatment:
• Scald
• burn caused by hot liquid
• immediately flush the burn area with water (under a tap or hose for up to 20 min)
• if no water is readily available, remove clothing immediately as clothing soaked with hot
liquid retains heat
• Flame
• Smother the flames with a coat or blanket, get the victim on the floor or ground (stop,
drop, and Roll)
• Prevent victim from running
• If water is available, immediately cool the burn area with water
• If water is not available, remove clothing; avoid pulling clothing across the burnt face
• Cover the burn area with a loose, clean, dry cloth to prevent contamination
• Do not break blisters or apply lotions, ointments, creams or powder
• Airway
• if face or front of the trunk is burnt, there could be burns to the airway
• there is a risk of swelling or air passage, leading to difficulty in breathing
DaRRaN 136
• Smoke inhalation
• Urgent treatment is required with care of the airway, breathing and
• When 02 in the air is used up by fire, or replaced by other gases, the
oxygen level in the air will be dangerously low
• Spasm in the air passages as a result of irritation by smoke or gases
• Severe burns to the air passages causing swelling and obstruction
• Victim will show signs and symptoms of lack of O2. He may also be
confused or unconscious
• Electrical
• check for “Danger”
• turn of the electricity supply if possible
• avoid any direct contact with the skin of the victim or any conducting
material touching the victim until he is disconnected
• once the area is safe, check the ABCs
• if necessary, perform rescue breathing or CPR
DaRRaN 137
• Chemical
• Flood affected area with water for 20-30 min
• Remove contaminated clothing
• If possible, identify the chemical for possible
subsequent neutralization
• Avoid contact with the chemical
• Sunburn
• Exposure to ultraviolet rays in natural sunlight is the
main cause of sunburn
• General skin damage and eventually skin cancer
• The signs and symptoms of sunburn are pain, redness
and fever
DaRRaN 138