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Sana KOUSAR s1f18mcom0009
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Presentation topic
Decision analysis
The six steps in decision making
Types of decision making environment
Decision making under uncertainty
Decision making under risk
Decision trees
Quantitative techniques are those statistical and
programming techniques, which help decision makers
solve many problems, especially those concerning
business and industry.
A choice made between alternative courses
of action in a situation of uncertainty.
Sometimes in the midst of last century, Chester Barnard, a
retired telephone executive and the author of the functions
of the Executive, imported the term “decision making” from
the Lexicon of public administration in to the business
world. Decision making within an organization is only one
ripple in a stream of thought flowing back to a time when
man, facing uncertainty, sought guidance from the stars.
Decision theory is an analytic and systematic approach
to the study of decision making.
A good decision is one that is based on logic, considers
all available data and possible alternatives, and the
quantitative approach described here.
Clearly define the problem
List the possible alternatives
Identify the possible outcomes or states of nature
List the payoff of each combination of each alternatives
and outcomes
Select one of the mathematical decision theory models
Apply the model and make your decision
Define the problem.
The company is considering expanding by
manufacturing and marketing a new product.
list alternatives
construct a large new plant
construct a small new plant
do not develop the new product line at all.
Identify possible outcomes
The market could be favorable or unfavorable.
List the payoffs
Identify conditional values for the profits for large
plant, small plant and no development for the two
possible market conditions.
Select decision model
this depends on the environment and amount of risk
and uncertainty.
apply the model to the data
solution and analysis are then used to aid in decision
Decision making under certainty
The outcome of a decision alternative is
known(there is only one state of nature.)
Decision making under risk
The outcome of a decision alternative is
not known, but its probability is known.
Decision making under uncertainty
the outcome of a decision alternative
is not known and even its probability in not known.
Criterion of realism
Equally likely(laplace)
Minimax ragret
An adventurous and aggressive decision maker may
choose the act that would result in the maximum payoff
Step 1 - pick maximum payoff each alternative .
Step 2 -Pick maximum of those minimum in step 1; its
corresponding alternative is the decision.
This is viewed as an optimistic approach, Best of bests.
Alternatives State of nature
Favorable unfavorable
market market
$ $
Construct a large plant 200,000 -180,000
Do nothing 0 0
This is also called waldian criterion .This criterion of
decision making stands for choice between alternative
courses of assuming pessimistic view of nature.
Step 1 - Pick minimum payoff of each alternative.
Step 2 - Pick the maximum of those minimums in step 1,
its corresponding alternative is the decision.
This is viewed as a pessimistic approach , best of worsts.
Alternatives State of nature Minimum in
Favorable Unfavorable rows
Market Market
$ $
Do nothing 0 0 0
This method is a combination of maximin and maximax criterion
.Also known as criterion of rationality . Neither too optimistic nor
too pessimistic .
Step 1 - calculate hurwicz value for each alternative.
Step 2 – Pick the alternative of largest hurwicz value as the
decision .
Hurwicz value of an alternative = (row max ) (alpha) + (row min) (
State of nature Weighted average
Favorable Unfavorable (0.08)
Market Market ∞max.+∞mini.(1-
$ $ ∞)min.
Do nothing 0 0 0
This decision maker makes a simple assumption that each
state of nature is equally likely occur & average payoff
for each . Choose decision with highest average payoff
Also known as laplace criterion
Step 1 - calculate the average payoff for each alternative .
Step 2 – The alternative with highest average if the
decision .
Alternatives State of nature Row average
Favorable Unfavorable $
Market Market
$ $
Construct a large 200,000 -180,000 10,000
Do nothing 0 0 0
Application of the minimax criterion requires a table of losses or table of
regret instead of gains .
Regret is amount you give up due to not picking the best alternative in a given
state of nature .
Chance node
End nodes
Are simple to understand and interpret
Have value even with little hard data
Use a white box model
Can be combined with other decision techniques
Decision analysis is an aptitude which reflects your
attitude which determines your altitude.
Consistently great decisions are the building blocks for
growth and development for a better life and a better
world or future.
Practice makes perfect.