NSTP Report
NSTP Report
NSTP Report
The number of drugs used today is vast
and is steadily increasing as new drugs are
developed and new uses are found for old
drugs, several drugs still used by the factor
such as the active principle in aspirin, have
been used clinically for many hundreds of
– It is a substance that affects the function of
living cells, used in medicine to diagnose, cure,
prevent the occurrence of diseases and disorders
and prolong the life of patients with incurable
– It is the overuse of a drug without due regard
to accepted medical practice resulting in the
individual’s physical, mental, emotional or
behavioral impairment.
– It is a compulsive behavior brought about by drug
abuse. In 1987, the American Medical Association
declared all drug dependence to be diseases. When
chemical dependencies are viewed as diseases, their
treatment and understanding are facilitated. Such a
view also reduces the guilt and blame traditionally
associated with chemical dependency.
– Is a another term for “drug addict” which refers
to an individual who is dependent on a certain
drug or drugs. Smith et al. (1986) define
addiction as a pathological process involving a
compulsion to use a psychoactive drug, loss of
control over use of the drug and continued use of
the drug despite adverse consequences.
Common Signs of Drug Abuse
1. Change in attendance at work or school.
2. Change from normal capabilities (work habits, efficiency,
3. Poor physical appearance, including in attention to dress
and personal hygiene.
4. Constant wearing of sunglasses at inappropriate times (for
instance, indoors or at night not only to hide dilute or
constricted pupils but also to compensate the eyes’ inability
to adjust to sunlight). Marijuana causes, bloodshot eyes.
Common Signs of Drug Abuse
5. Unusual effort made to cover arms in order to hide needle
6. Association with known drug users.
7. Stealing items that can be readily sold for cash (to support
a drug habit).
8. Change in mood, depending on the drug taken.
Classification of drugs
and their uses
Drug abuse must be avoided from the start before problem set in.
There are several basic ways to do this, namely
a) Improvement in family relations. The parents and children must
communicate with each other and strengthen their ties to combat
drug addiction;
b) Direct and sincere action on the part of the government to address
the growing problems of drug abuse;
c) Clear and noticeable reforms in the environment and economy to
provide everyone with a bright future and good life;
Some of the preventive measures for drug abuse
It is a process of teaching and learning,
helping to acquire understanding skills and
values that makes them active and informed
citizens in the development and maintenance
of an ecological, sustainable and socially just
Goals and Objectives of Environmental Education
To have environmentally literate and responsible citizenry
who will ensure the protection and the improvement of the
GOALS environment and bring about sustainability, social equity and
economic efficiency in the use of the country’s natural
resources. The people must develop a sympathetic attitude
towards the diversity and sustainability of resources on earth
for the survival and stability of life.
Indoor Pollution
type of pollution derived from the
mixture or collection of additional loads of
chemical produced by natural events and
human activities which react with the natural
components of the atmosphere thereby
producing harmful effects to living system.
Major Source of Outdoor Pollution
Sources: run off into surface water, seepage into ground water
in urban and suburban lands, construction areas and roadways,
Common Types of Water Pollutants and its Sources
in the ground
in the air
some of our waste end up in each place
Incineration – reducing solid waste by burning it first and this cause fly
ash, gases and particulate matter to the air.
Ocean dumping – about 50 million tons of waste a year are discharge into
the ocean; 300 kilometers offshore. Disease – causing
organisms and heavy metals have destroyed numerous
Effective Ways of Recycling and Reducing the Non-Degradable
and Degradable Wastes
The production of the vast majority of
commercial products in our market is basically utilizing material that
are essentially non-biodegradable products and hence, is a major contributing
factor to the growing volume of environmental wastes (e.g. about 3,300 metric
tons of solid waste per day in the Metropolis). In Metro Manila alone, he inter-
related problems of population growth, proliferation of slum and squatter areas, industrial
development and inadequate sewage and waste management system have imposed
tremendous strain/stress on us already over burdened or sick environment. Over the years,
almost about 55-60% of the so-called environmental wastes are non-biodegradable
materials and about 15-18% are biodegradable products, while considering the
remaining percentage to be hazardous or toxic wastes resulting from the
mismanagement of domestic activities.
The Four R’s of Waste Management - A guiding Principle
REDUCE – Avoid wasteful consumption of goods. Begins by asking the question: “Do I
really need it?’’ in so doing, we minimize waste and conserve our natural resources.
Conservation like charity begins at home.
REUSE – Whenever practicable reuse items that is useful instead of throwing them
away. It would greatly help if we patronize goods that are reusable, rather than throw
away types.
RECYCLE – Waste can be valuable resource. Items that are useless or of very little value
to someone who wants to dispose of them are very often of significant value to others
at another setting and/or time. The process whereby portions of these wastes are
sorted out and used for something of benefit is called recycling.
REPAIR – Whenever items that are reusable and need for a repair to make it functional
instead of throwing it.
Simple and Effective Ways of 4 R’s
(Personal Waste Management)
Disaster Preparation and Response
1. Turn off the stove and space heater if you feel a tremor.
2. Extinguish fire calmly as it starts
3. Take cover under something sturdy, such as a table or a
4. Do not go outside due to danger from falling debris.
5. Open the door to secure an escape route.
6. When you are at outdoors, protect yourself from falling or
rolling objects.
Some Guidelines in case of an Earthquake
i). Determine how the client especially small children, the elderly or disabled person,
will escape and how they are to be assisted. Practice these procedure dozens of times.
j) Anyone who will call the fire department should upon getting out the building
k).Establish a crucial meeting place, such as under a lamppost. The front lawn, and stay
there. Never go back inside a burning building.
l). Check to see if it's safe to escape via a window, if it is too high, place a receptacle-
folding ladder on certain windows.
m) Practice stuffing cloth around doorjambs to keep out smoke in case someone is
trapped in a room.
3) NSTP role in children’s fire safety
a) Practice a fire drill, seriously yet in an entertaining way, every three months with
the children
b) Keep all matches out of reach of children, and teach them to tell you if they find
c) Instruct the children to call for help if they see even a small fire. Teach them to
call fire department for the smallest of emergencies
d) Children have to taught not to hide when they see a fire. Instead they could shout
“fire” as loud and as long as they can possibly can
e) Teach children the dangers of fire, never assume that they know already
b) Help the older person to develop confidence to be able to open and climb out of the
d) Practice as well, using wet cloth, pressed over the nose and mouth to keep from
breathing smoke, and blocking smoke with cloth from seeping it through the door, and
how to signal to other people outside the house, and how to call fire department if
e). Place the essential things on the bedside table such as whistles, eyeglasses,
flashlights, and telephones, canes and walkers. Always minimizeobstacles along the
path of escape. Encourage them to use ground floor rooms facing the street.
3) NSTP role in children’s fire safety
f). Keep at least three of clear escape around space heaters; never use them to dry
h). Never add anything over an electric blanket as this could cause them to overheat.
i). Fireplaces should have guards, and the fire should be cut before you sleep.
j). For smoking clients, provide large ashtrays for them, separate the ashes from regular
trash, and double check the area where the smoker was for anything smoldering.
First Aid and Emergencies
Safety Measures
Rescue Breathing and CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
For basic life support, think ABC: Airway, Breathing and Circulation in
this order. Establish an open airway to start breathing, and give the rescue
breathing before you can begin the chest compressions needed if the
victim’s heart has stopped.
Steps …
1. Check for consciousness
Home treatments
• Scrub the bite immediately with soap and water. Treat it as a puncture wound
• If you are bitten by a pet dog or cat, find out whether it has been vaccinated for
• A healthy pet that has bitten someone should be confined and watched for 10
days to see if it develops symptoms of rabies
• If wild animals bite you, contact the health department to determine whether
the treatment is needed
Bumps and bruises are the most common type of injury, and in most
cases they are require the least amount of first aid. Shocks come
from common household items and outlets.
There is no need to call for medical assistance when a person
suffers as cut, scrape, bump or bruise:
• The injury is small (less than 1/2 inch around)
• There is no bleeding or only slight bleeding
• The victim does not feel numbness or tingling
• The person is not suffering any paralysis
Cut and scrape first aid
• If the injured area has a skin , wash it with mild soap and lukewarm water
• Apply antibacterial cream or spray to prevent infection
• Cover the wound with a sterile gauge pad and tape or a simple band aid
Bruises are damages that occur in the soft tissue under skin producing ugly
black and blue mark due to blood clots.
Rescue in a large body of water is not quite easy. It is possible when the rescuer
knows what he is doing
• If a life guard is nearby, let them do the rescuing. Otherwise, shout for help as loud as
you can
• Try to reach the injured person without leaving the shore. Use your arm, preserver,
rope or rescue pole or anything that can float
• Hold onto something on solid ground with your other hand to prevent yourself swept
away by strong currents.
• Locate a boat and find someone to assist you you to reach the victim from the shore.
• Even if you are good swimmer, always have a floatation device with you. You can give
this to the victim to hold onas you swim back to the shore.
Reviving someone who has drowned or
swallowed water
Rescue is only half the job. Reviving drowned person or who had swallowed water is the other half
an important when it come to saving once life. This involves performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Implement universal safety guidelines in implementing this important first aid emergency measure.
• Turn the drowning person's head to the side, allowing ant water to drain
• from his mouth to nose.
• Turn the head back to the center
• Begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on land or in the water if the injured
• person needs immediate life and death measures.
• Strongly breathe four times into the mouth of the injured person as you.
• pinch the nose. This helps air get pass any water that is clogging the
• breathing passage ways and the lungs.
• After four strong breaths, put your ear near the mouth and watch the chest for any breathing
• Check the pulse for signs of life
• Repeat the cycle
• Take the drowning victim to the hospital for further medical help
Electricity causes burns via the flow of
electric voltage through the skin. But
electric shock can cause more than bums. It
can cause tissue damage, and extremely high
voltages may even stop the heart.
Dealing with electric shock
Steps in handling emergencies
involving electric shock
1. Turn off the electrical power if you can. Don't waste time to switch-off or
remove plugs or immediately move the master fuse to turn off all the power.
Things you can do to help without injuring yourself.
2. Stand on a thick pile of newspaper or a rubber mat only if the ground is wet.
Wetness moved makes you a conductor regardless of what you're standing
3. Try to push the injured off the live wire by using a wooden broom, mop or
pole. Your hands must be dry.
Dealing with electric shock
Treating for electrical shock
before help arrives
1. Because shock is more of a risk with electricity than other type of bum, check the
injured person's ABC. Airways, Breathing and Circulation and take the appropriate
measures. If the person is not breathing, immediately begin mouth-to-mouth
2. Apply small amount of antibacterial or anti-burn ointment on the burned skin.
3. Keep injured person on his back with feet and legs elevated
4. If injured person is unconscious gently turn him to the side, supporting the head with a
pillow. This will aid breathing and keep shock damage from increasing.
5. Gently cover the injured person with a blanket.
Step by step guide for maintaining medical safety when a person fainted