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A Presentation on,

Earthquake Resisting Structure By

Using Base Isolation System

Piyush Patel
Pratik Parlikar
Pranav Neel
Keshav Khandelwal

Under The Guidance Of:-

Prof.Satish Patil

 Introduction
 Principle
 What Is Base Isolation?
 Literature Review
 Types Of Base Isolation
 Concept
 Materials
 Suitability
 Advantage & Dis-advantage
 Application
 Conclusion

 Earthquake is the natural disaster which is unpredictable and devastating of

all other natural disasters.
 The need for retrofitting or strengthening of earthquake damaged buildings
has been rapidly increased during recent years.
 The motion of structure during seismic effect depends on distribution of
weight, stiffness and strength in both horizontal and planes of building.
 One of the most widely implemented seismic protection systems is Base
 In recent times , many new system have been developed either to reduce the
earthquake forces acting on structure or to absorb a part of seismic energy.

 During an Earthquake , the ground moves and it is the ground movement

which causes the building to collapse.
 By providing a “Base Isolation” it will reduce the effect to a maximum .
 The main aim of this method is to increase lateral strength of the
structure and to increased ductility of structure.
 The requirement for installation of base isolation system is that the
building should be able to move horizontally with the ground at not less
than 100mm.
What is base isolation

 Base isolation device is a

flexible interface between
the superstructure
and ground foundation that
can considerably reduce the
level of
earthquake forces transmitted
to the building.
 Base isolation, also known as seismic base isolation or base
isolation system, is one of the most popular means of protecting
a structure against earthquake forces.
 It is a collection of structural elements which should substantially
decouple a superstructure from its substructure resting on a
shaking ground thus protecting a building or non-building
structure's integrity.
 Base isolation is one of the most powerful tools of earthquake
Base Isolation engineering pertaining to the passive structural vibration
control technologies.
 It is meant to enable a building or non-building structure to
survive a potentially devastating seismic impact through a
proper initial design or subsequent modifications.
 In some cases, application of base isolation can raise both a
structure's seismic performance and its seismic
 sustainability considerably. Contrary to popular belief base
isolation does not make a building earthquake proof.
 5. Chennai - Tamil Nadu
 The city, formerly in the comfort Zone 2, has now shifted to Zone 3 - indicating
higher seismic activity. According to the seismic mapping , districts in the western
part along the border with Kerala are also in Zone 3, along with districts along the
border of Andhra Pradesh and a section of the border with Karnataka.
 The status of Chennai along with major towns on the eastern coast in terms of
vulnerability has increased especially after Chennai experienced tremors in
September 2001 following a quake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale off the
Pondicherry coast. Tamil Nadu, had faced the wrath of the deadly 2004 tsunami
when the Marina beach was affected.Recently, in the year 2012, Chennai shook
terribly due to a rather high intensity earthquake (having its epicentre in the
Indian Ocean).
 The other 5 cities in right order of chronology are:
 6. Pune - Maharashtra
 7. Kochi - Kerala
 8. Kolkata - West Bengal
 9. Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala
 10. Patna - Bihar

 There are following the brief review of various base isolated buildings by some
researchers: Lin Su et al (1991) In this paper Lin Su, Goodarz Ahmadi and Iradj
G. Tadjbakhsh, discussed the analysis on a new combination of base isolator
obtained after combining the properties of electricity de France (EDF) base
isolator and resilient base isolator(R-FB1) device, and new isolator formed which
named sliding resilient base isolation system (SR-F). For these isolator response
spectra, a curve is generated and compared with that which is finding by EDF
and R-FB1 isolator system. Whatever results are received, they are compared
with fixed base system. For various conditions and various earthquake records,
we found Base shear, spectral acceleration, and spectral displacement.
Different results obtained from this different earthquake records were then
compared with SR-F new proposed isolator. Peak response of all earthquakes
for EDF and R-FB1 were recorded and obtained results are compared to the
SRF system. Therefore, maximum responses almost ended without large base
displacement and the peak response of this isolator was also not too much
serious in frequency and amplitude content.
 A.N. Lin et al (1992) In this paper, Lin and Shenton presented the seismic results of
rigid base and base isolated concentrically brace and special moment resistant
steel frames. For the base isolation and fixed base frames, different codes were
referred to design. With the help of 1990 structural Engineering Association of
California (SEAOC) for recommended design base shear, fixed base frames are
designed. Although the base isolated building was designed for 100%, 50% and
25% of SEAOC recommended lateral forces. On-linear time history analysis has
been performed for roof displacement, collapsed frames, yielded frames, yielded
elements, and total relative roof displacement. The results obtained for different
conditions indicate that 50% of SEAOC of the recommended lateral force
perform better than other combination. For peak obtained response comparative
study was done for fixed and isolated moment resulting braced steel frame.
 H.W. Shenton et al (1993) In this paper, Shenton and Lin compared and analyzed
relative results of fix based and base isolated structure. Referring the structural
agencies Association of California (SEAOC), the concrete fix base structure was
designed and it is compared to a fixed base response. According to the SEAOC
recommendation, the base shear was varying. Three various type of time history,
post-earthquake record were selected to perform nonlinear dynamic analysis for
fixed base and base isolated structure. Results were compared to 25% and 50% of
the specified lateral force by SEAOC and the performance of building was
checked for various lateral forces.
 Todd W Erickson et al (2010) In this paper, Erickson and Altoontash discussed that the
response of the industrial structure was presented under seismic forces and building was
designed according to IBC code. The present study shows that three industrial buildings
rest on one isolation slab. All problems related to analyses, design, placement of isolator
are comparatively examined.
 Donato Concellara et al (2013) In this paper, Donato Concellara et al describe the
difference between lead rubber isolator and friction slider. Isolator was composed of lead
rubber bearing in combination with friction slider (FS) and was named as high damping
hybrid seismic isolator. The seismic response of high damping hybrid seismic isolator was
the difference with lead rubber isolator response. Under different seismic activity in the
form of frequency and intensity, the same structure was examined. The Paper is basically a
composite centered on HDSI, compared to lead rubber isolator. Various seismic activities
were taken into account and results were compared as in the form of base shear, shear
force, displacement at the base of the super structure. The comparative result shows
HDHSI gives superior safety for severe seismic activity than other.
 J. Enrique Luco et al (2014) In this paper, J. Enrique Luco discussed that the determined the
interaction effect of soil structure on the base isolated building. The results show that the
deformation of an inelastic structure is high when the effect of soil is taken into account.
When the interaction of the structure of the soil was ignored, an undammed vibration was
considered, critical harmonic excitation occurs after which the behavior of structure and
isolator was uneven. Obtained results depend upon the damping of the isolator. Keeping
in view SSI, the resonant response of isolator and superstructure has been increased.
 Y. Li et al (2014) In this paper, Y. Li and J. Li showed in the paper about base isolator
with variable stiffness and damping, modeling design and experimental testing of
the new isolator. Sometimes the impact of earthquakes is so serious that the passive
nature of rubber is not able to generate energy due to seismic. So smart base
isolation with adaptive and controllable properties was developed with different
stiffness and damping properties of the isolator. In this paper describe that the design
and experimental testing, dynamic modeling of smart rubber.
 M.K. Shrimali et al (2015) In this paper, M.K. Shrimali et.al discussed that the use of
control devices for a seismic vulnerability is increasing rapidly. This study focuses on
hazardous reason due to pounding effect of nearby buildings. For decreasing this
damage use of controlled devices has become essential. The study based on
comparative analysis of damper and isolated system. Further studies have said that
the hybrid system of control of seismic hazard gives better results than semi-active
control. Again given more concentration to know the different parameter of control

 Elastomeric Rubber bearings

 Roller and Ball bearings
 Spring Isolators
 Sliding bearing

 Base isolation is a technique developed to prevent or minimize

damage to buildings during an earthquake.
 When a structure is built away from the ground, resting on
flexible bearings known as base isolators, it will only move a
little or not at all during an earthquake.
 In this experimental study the rubber rollers are used as an
isolator which is provided to resist effect of seismic motion on
the structure.
 Two same structures were built and one was provided with base
isolator(rubber rollers).
 Both the structures were acted on the longitudinal motions
creating vibrational effect on the structure.
 The structure with Base Isolators resisted the vibrations,
while the vibrations had a maximum effect on the
conventional structure where no isolators were provided.
 Thus, the base isolated structures is proved effective during
an earthquake.
Design concept

 The isolation system design and evaluation procedures produce the

maximum base shears, displacements and structural forces for each level
of earthquake, usually the DBE and MCE. These represent the maximum
elastic earthquake forces that will be transmitted through the isolation
system to the structure above. This project has been designed elastically to
the MCE level of loading. The vertical load- carrying elements of the
isolation system are required to be stable for the MCE displacements. The
MCE displacements also define the minimum separations between the
building and surrounding retaining walls or other fixed obstructions.
 Rubber-
Rubbers have more friction and so they were used to

Materials for absorb the vibrations created from the ground motions,
it also acts as a damper.

Isolators-  Mild steel rod-

Rods were used to give a support to the structure and
create a rolling effect for the rubbers. Rods are rigid and
hence they were used.

❑Based on the literatures on Base Isolation technique and the findings of this study
following works are suggested:-
 As we see what is the effect of earthquake for structures, by
analyzing the structural design we provide base isolation.
 The scientists and engineers have applied different base isolators
which is suitable and efficient.
 The other purpose of base isolation is to provide the
additional means of energy dissipation, thereby reducing the
transmitted acceleration into the structure.
 Analyzing the structure of base isolation and the structure
without base isolation gives the result to reduce seismic effect.
 Protection of building frame.
 Improvement for safety of building
 Protection of life
 Keep functioning of building
 Reducing acceleration response to minimize contents related damage
 Avoiding Structural damage

❑ Most Effective-
 Structure on stiff soil
 Structure with low fundamental period
❑ Least Effective-
 Structure on soft soil
 Structure with high fundamental period

 It reduces the seismic demand on structure, thereby reducing

the cost of structure.
 Less displacement during an earthquake.
 Improves safety of Structures
 Reduced the damages caused during an earthquake. This helps in
maintaining the performance of structure after event.
 Enhances the performance of structure under seismic loads.
 Preservation of property

 Base isolation can’t be done on every structure, for example: it is not

suitable for structures resting on soft soils.
 Becomes less efficient for high rise buildings.
 Unlike other retrofitting base isolation cannot be applied
partially to the structure.
 Implementation in efficient manner is difficult and often requires
highly skilled labour and engineers.

 Seismic isolation is a relatively recent and evolving technology , which has

been increased from 1980’s .
 The application of this system is now seen in larger buildings and bridges .
 The engineers have made an effort to apply the system at a
lower cost in residential buildings .
 Around 1000 buildings are provided with the base isolation
 This system was first applied in India after the Gujrat earthquake.
Real Life Application

 First application in India was after the Gujrat earthquake on 2001

 First application in the world was on 1984 in New Zealand
 First application in US was on 1984
 First application in Japan was on 1985
 The tallest base isolated building is the LA city hall in Los Angeles
 Tomb of Cyrus is the oldest base isolated structure in Iran
Necessity of Base Isolation in India

 Indian cities, ranging from the metros to the smaller cities - all at least once have been shaken
up due to earthquakes which usually range from medium to high intensity on the Richter scale.
With some research we present you the top 10 Indian cities which are observed as high
earthquake prone zones:
 1. Guwahati - Assam
 Guwahati falls in zone five of the seismic zones in India which is highly prone to earthquakes. The
place has seen some of the deadliest earthquakes and even today small tremors are a
common situation. Guwahati receives earthquake predictions on a daily basis; resulting which
many adjoining areas in the North-East get affected.
2. Srinagar - Jammu and Kashmir
 This capital city of Jammu and Kashmir also comes under Seismic Zone 5.
 Most parts of the Kashmir Valley, which is around 11% of the area of the state covering the
Districts of Srinagar, Ganderbal, Baramulla, Kupwara, Bandipora, Budgam, Anantnag, Pulwama,
Doda, Ramban, Kishtwar, come under Seismic Zone 5, where around 50% of the population of
the state lives. The rest of the state, including the whole of the Ladakh region and Jammu
Division (90% of the total area of the state), are under the Seismic Zone 4. Being very close to the
Himalayas, Srinagar faces heavy risk of earthquakes, high as well as moderate. The friction
between the Indian and the Eurasian plane causes earthquakes to occur on the areas close to
the Himalayas.
 3. Delhi
 Delhi is categorised under Seismic Zone 4.
 Delhi has been hit by five devastating earthquakes measuring higher than
magnitude of 5 since 1720. The most prone to earthquake neighbourhoods in Delhi
lie about two miles on either side of the Yamuna river, the southwestern outskirts of
the city known as the Chhattarpur basin, as well as an area popularly known as The
Ridge in Delhi
 4. Mumbai - Maharashtra
 Mumbai falls in the Zone 4 of the seismic zone divisions which makes it quite
vulnerable to damage.We all know Mumbai is located on the coastal line, which
increases the risk of facing tsunami-like disasters. Mild to strong earthquakes are
very common in parts of Mumbai. Mild earthquakes are often faced by people
living there and parts of the adjoining regions of Gujarat. It should be noted that for
the last 20 years, almost all of the buildings in Mumbai have been designed and
built keeping in mind that the city falls in seismic zone 4.
Future Scope

 Here, the base isolation is not efficient with the high rise structures,
engineers are working to overcome this problem
 Base isolators should be able to build on soft soil.
 More efforts should be taken to make the isolators efficient.
 The isolation techniques should be combined to give an effective output to
the structure.
 By Lin Su, Goodarz Ahmadi, and Iradj G. Tadjbakhsh, (1991), “Performance of sliding resilient friction base-
Isolation system”, ASCE, Journal of Structural Engineering, vol 117 (1), 165-181.
 A. N. Lin, and H. W. Shenton, (1992), “Seismic performance of fixed base and base isolated steel frames”,
ASCE, Journal of Engineering mechanics, 118(5), 921-941.
 H. W. Shenton and A. N. Lin, (1993), “Relative Performance of fixed based and base isolated concrete frame”,
ASCE, Journal of Structural Engineering “ 119(10), 2952-2968.
 Todd W. Erickson and Arash Altoontash, (2010) “Base Isolation for Industrial Structures; Design and Construction
Essentials”, ASCE, Structures Congress, 1440-1451.
 J. Enrique Luco, (2014), “Effects of soil–structure interaction on seismic base isolation”, “ELSEVIER, Soil
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 166-167.
 Donato Cancellara, Fabio De Angelis, Mario Pasquino, (2013), “A novel seismic base isolation system
consisting of a lead rubber bearing in series with a friction slider”, J. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 256-
259, 2174-2184.
 Y. Li and J. Li, (2014), “Base isolator with variable stiffness and damping: design, experimental testing and
modelling”, 23rd Australasian conference on the mechanics of structures and materials (ACMSM23), 913-918.
 M.K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti, S.M. Dumne and Arumairaj, (2015), “Seismic response analysis of coupled building
involving MR damper and elastomeric base isolation”, J. Ain Shams Engineering, 6, 457–470.
 Monika Jain and S. S. Sanghai, (2017), “A Review: On Base Isolation System”, IJSART - Volume 3 Issue 3, 326-
Case Study

 The 300 bed Bhuj Hospital that claimed 176 lives when it collapsed during the
major January 2001 Gujarat Earthquake is studied. This was the first new building
in India to be fitted with earthquake – resistant NZ developed base isolation
technology. Eventually, 280 lead rubber bearings were installed in the structure.
The hospitals base isolation design and bearings have been provided with the
assistance Earthquake Engineering NZ members.
 With the assistance of the New Zealand Government and support of the
Earthquake Engineering NZ cluster we was able to identify the reconstruction of
the Bhuj hospital as a suitable project for New Zealand’s earthquake
engineering assistance. They recommended that the replacement hospital be
fitted with New Zealand developed base isolation lead rubber bearings. This
robust technology is well-suited to construction styles in India. The New Zealand
Government contributed $ 150,000 to the cost of the project base-isolation
feasibility study and design work as part of the initial disaster recovery stage. The
Indian Prime Minister’s Relief Fund funded the hospital construction, including
the cost of the Robinson Seismic Ltd bearings.
 Fellow cluster members Holmes Consulting Group and Dunning Thornton
Consultants, with the bearings manufactured and supplied by Robinson Seismic
Ltd undertook the specialist computer-based earthquake-resistant base-
isolation building design work in Wellington. Cluster member Bill Robinson
invented the lead rubber bearing technology.
 The Creative Capital Cluster of the achievement of rebuilding the new Bhuj
hospital within two years of the earthquake by India’s leading architects,
engineers and construction firm working with the assistance of New Zealand’s
specialist earthquake engineering expertise. Architect Uday Pattanayak of EFN
Ribeiro Associates, New Delhi, and Structural Engineer Kamal Sabharwal, has led
the Indian design team for the hospital. The construction company was India’s
largest, Larsen & Toubro. New Bhuj Hospital completed with Earthquake
Engineering NZ technology is reputed to be able to stand a force of 10 tremor
on the Richter scale.

 Based on the above study it is clear that the performance of fixed base
and isolated base structure depends on the type of underlying soil on
which the structure rests. For hard strata, the response is relatively
satisfactory, but the soil of soft soil increases the acceleration, so the energy
dissipation of the structure decreases and the frequency increases. For low
to medium height buildings, the efficiency of isolators is good. The response
of the structure is different because of the different types of changes due
to the changes in physical properties of an isolator.
Thank You

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