Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Polewali Mandar 2012
Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Polewali Mandar 2012
Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Polewali Mandar 2012
A formal method of
interactive and
Consist of two teams
debating over an issue,
more commonly called a
topic or proposition or
Encouraged in high
schools and colleges
A means of encouraging critical
A means of personal
Tolerance of others' opinions.
Chair Person Time Keeper
Affirmative Negative
Team Team
Affirmative: Negative:
1st Speaker 1st Speaker
Factors such as vocal style, eye contact, gestures and the use of
palm cards are also relevant to manner.
Generally, speakers who score well in MANNER often:
• Speak articulately so the audience can easily
comprehend the speech.
• Use palm cards (text) minimally.
• Not use slang words too much, overly technical jargon
or pompous language.
• Vary the pace of delivery during their speech to add
contrast between points.
• Vary the tone of voice during their speech to create
different moods.
• Maintain steady eye contact with all members of the
• Use gestures, while not being overly repetitive.
• Assume a standing position that is not distracting. For
instance, continuous pacing may be distracting for the
The method category marks the way in which each speaker
structures and organizes their speech. It also takes into
account how a team performs as a whole in structuring and
organizing their case. Introducing elements such as internal
case structure and sensible time management aids the
audience and the adjudicator to comprehend and follow each
individual speech and team case as a whole.
At the higher levels of competition it is expected that teams
will take a thematic approach to the topic, rather than a mere
collection of independent points. Teams that score well in
the method category also respond and adapt to the
development of the debate. This may involve making
strategic decisions, such as choosing to emphasize one point
over a weaker point. It is also important that speakers who
appear later in the debate reinforce points established earlier
by their team.
Define the topic of the debate (if affirmative). This may involve
identifying the burden of proof or perhaps setting a test which
the team must fulfill to establish their case.
Refer back to a central theme that underpins their team case.
Adhere to a case split provided by the first speaker. The division
of substantial material between the first and second speakers
should be sensible and effective.
Logically and smoothly progress through each idea, taking care
to introduce each new point.
Make full use of the available time, while not exceeding the time
limit by more than 30 seconds.
Divide this time wisely between rebutting all major points of the
opposing team's case and thoroughly establishing each
substantial point.
A firm conclusion of their speech and the team case as a whole.
Keep within the parameters of the speaker's role.
1. Pada babak awal (pre-elemenary round) untuk babak
kedua dengan sistem scoring (big sixteen) dengan
single adjudicator
2. Pada babak ke-2 s.d. final, Big Sixteen akan
dipertandingkan untuk mendapatkan Big Eight dengan
sistim GUGUR;
3. Pengundian motion untuk babak 1 dilaksanakan pada
saat Technical meeting, babak ke-2 sehari sebelum
tampil, babak semifinal & final dilaksanakan 1 jam
sebelum bertanding
WSDC Sistem menggunakan PoI (Point of Information)
PoI dilakukan saat regu lawan sedang menyampaikan
Subtantive Speech
Waktu PoI adalah : menit 2-3 (untuk 1st and 2nd
Menit kedua untuk 3rd speaker
Peserta yang ingin PoI harus minta izin pada regu
lawan (dengan mengangkat tangan), dan boleh
berbicara setelah dipersilahkan
Regu yang di PoI boleh menerima atau menolak PoI
PoI memiliki nilai tersendiri dalam debat (kebijakan