Cola Wars: Coca-Cola Versus Pepsi-Cola and The Soft Drink Industry

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Cola Wars: Coca-Cola versus Pepsi-Cola and The Soft Drink Industry

Brad’s Drink in New Bern (1893) by pharmacist Caleb Bradham.

History of PepsiCo

1910. Adopt addopt a franchising bottler system, and had 270 bottler network

1950. “Twice as Much for a Nickel”

1984. Introduce the first Diet beverage, and the other flavor segments.
1984. “Choice of A New Generation” ads. Building loyalty among teenagers.
1986. Transforming the bottling network by acquired independent bottler,
company-owned bottling operations, and joint venture agreements.
1990. Penetrating new distribution channels & focusing low cost production.
(invested over $2 billion in its restaurant chains, and over $1,5 billion in the
international snack food group.)
• Steele made ‘Beat Coke’ theme and focus on sales through supermarkets in the growing suburbs.
• Introduce several new bottle size, including the first 24-ounce bottle for family consumption
• Between 1950-1958, PepsiCo Revenues Increase 300%

Donald Kendall (1970)

• Introducing Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, a Lemon-Lime drink and Pepsi Light (semi-diet drink)
• Launch ‘Pepsi Generation’ advertising theme which positioned the product as the choice of the young and ‘young at
• In 1960% the concentrate price 20% lower than Coke, but in 1970% Pepsi Increase the price equal to coca cola. The
extra margin for in term to increase the advertising and promotion.
• Pepsi-Cola Companye rename to PepsiCo and diversified into snack food, restaurant, trucking and sporting goods.
• Pepsi Challenge, Blind test pepsi-cola in dallas increase the position of pepsi, form third place to second place above
the Dr Paper, bellow Coke in dallas. The Pepsi Challenge become a nationwide.

John Seculley
• Expand sales through the vending and fountain outlet.
• Incrase the concentrate price for the advertising and promotion
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Segmentation
Mainly segment their market demographically assuming age, income and family size. Pepsi diet for who suffering from
diabetic or over 40 years old, Pepsi cola is for young people. Pepsi also has pricing strategy in order to consider the
economic situation in the country and size pack strategy to capture differentiation of family size.

Target Marketing
Market segment shown that the majority of CSD drinker are youth and middle age people, then the target is schools,
colleges, universities, restaurants, hotels and fast food stores. Pepsi also offer Pepsi Diet, Sports drink, brewed tea and
coffee product.

Product Concept
PepsiCo produce a huge amount of products, so that the cost of production can be decrease.

Marketing Concept
PepsiCo always highlight their target markets needs and make sure that the product is available and highly affordable for
Market Positioning
Product Differentiation
Pepsi considers themselves the bold, refreshing, robust

Channel Differentiation
Pepsi distribute their drinks through independent bottlers. After the ingredients ready and packaged into preferred size,
the drinks is distributed it to specific region through several channel distributions.

Image Differentiation
By symbol, sign, logos and color make a strong brand recognition and image differentiations. Moreover with tagline
“To New Generation…”
Micro environment

The Company : PepsiCo

Suppliers : Concentrate &
syrup producers,
Retail Outlet : Food stores, fountain,
vending machine etc
Customers : 14 to 30 years old
Competitors : Coca-cola, DrPepper,
7up, etc
Distribution Channel
PepsiCo follows an intensive distribution strategy to support their universal feature they want to place their product in as
many outlet as possible.
Direct Distribution System
Using zero of marketing channel to distribute the product directly to the customer with no intermediaries (example:
PizzaHut and KFC).

Manufacturer Consumers

Indirect Distribution System

To make the product available at the right places at the right time in the market, the sales department of Pepsi CO pay
major attention on controlling the channel of distribution (example: PepsiCo maximizing the distribution channel through
Food stores, fountain, vending machine etc).

Manufacturer Retailers Consumers

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