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P R E S E N T E D B Y : E L D E R LY G R O U P

At the end of the 3-hour laboratory session, we should be able to:
1. Plan a diet for an elderly requiring intake modifications of
certain nutrients;
2. Identify food items essential in the diet of the elderly;
3. Recognize importance of preparing a feeding plan for elderly;
4. Recognize the nutritional requirement of elderly; and
5. Develop and prepare a diet for an elderly requiring nutrient
intake modifications.
Group 6: ELDERLY
A 65 year-old retired government employee,
weighing 70 kg and standing 5’8” tall has a good
appetite but tends to be choosy because of his dental
problems. He keeps himself busy by managing the
family’s small sari-sari store business.
Table 4-1. Meal plan for Elderly

Food Exchanges No. of Exchanges CHO (g) PRO (g) FAT (g) ENERGY kcal

I.Veg A (1) Malunggay leaves 0 0 0

Veg B (1) Squash fruit 3 1 0

II. Fruits (3) Banana 10 0 0 40 kcal

III. Milk (2) Fresh milk 127 8 10

IV. Rice (3) Cooked rice 23 29 0 100 kcal

V. Meat (1) Chicken breast 0 8 1 41 kcal

VI. Sugar

VII. Fat (1) Bacon 0 0 5 45 kcal

TOTAL 126 g 112 g 26 g 226 kcal

Meal Distribution

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

1strip bacon Malunggay leaves ¼ chicken breast

½ cup cooked rice Squash fruits 1 cup cooked rice N/A
1 banana 1 cup cooked rice 1 banana
1 cup fresh mil 1 banana 1 cup fresh milk
Table 4-2. Sample Menu for Adult
Menu Household Measure
Vegetable Beef Soup 1- 1 ½ pounds ground beef of unison
1 cup chopped onion
1 ½ cup sliced carrots
3-4 cups chopped cabbage
1 ½ cups frozen organic corn
2-3 cups cubed potatoes
1 cups frozen, baby lima beans
4 cloves garlic ( chopped or pressed)
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried thyme
2 tsp dried parley
2 tsp sea salt

Pepper to taste
4 cup broth (veg. chicken or beef)
7 cups tomato product (diced, whole,
strained etc.)
Pinch of organic sugar (optional only if
your soup taste bitter or tangy from
tomato products)
Table 4-3. Case Assessment for Elderly
Meal Prepared Nutrient Modification Rationale Nutrition Intervention

Vegetable Beef Soup Calories per serving – 24g - It helps them maintain a - Increase calcium intake
Fat per serving – 5.7g healthy weight - Advice client to go to
Saturated fat per serving – 2g - It lowers the risk of dental clinic regularly for
Mono unsaturated fat per serving - developing chronic health dental checkup
2.29g conditional - Educate them to brush
Poly unsaturated fat per serving – - It’s easy to stick in their teeth 3 times a day
0.3g microwaves and it ensure - Keep healthy eating plan
Protein per serving – 23g they get ------- - Let a goal to be physically
Carbohydrates per serving – 22g - Great meal for elderly active at least 30 min.
Fiber per serving – 4.1g specially when they live everyday
Cholesterol per serving – 49mg aloe
Iron per serving – 2.7mg
Sodium per serving – 587mg
Calcium per serving – 26mg

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