Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Category of Probability Impact Risk Probability Impact
Item Description Type of Risk Risk Mitigation Control Measures Risk Risk Mitigation
Risk Rating Rating Factor Rating Rating
1.1 Project work phase is not Poor project 6 3 4 12 Share/Reduce Attend Project scheduling 1 4 4 Accept
clearly defined or management workshop
Check previous project, for
actual work and cost
Scheduled project monitoring
1.2 Lack of communication, Project having a lot of 5 3 4 12 Share/Reduce Write a communication plan 2 4 8 Share/Reduce
causing lack of clarity and uncertainty which includes frequency,
confusion. goal, and audience of each
Identify stakeholders early
and make sure they are
considered in the
communication plan
1.3 Lack of acceptance by client Increase in costs due to 6 2 3 6 Share/Reduce Market observation 2 3 6 Share/Reduce
toward design proposal the suspension of work
Alternative design solutions
1.4 Too optimistic assessment Unrealistic deadline for 5 2 2 4 Accept Proposing extension of time 1 2 2 Accept
of employee workload individual work to complete
Build design team to dividing
1.5 Poor cost estimation Poor cost management 1 3 4 12 Share/Reduce Revise on previous project 2 4 8 Share/Reduce
and other consultant expert in
financial experiences
2.2 Repeting work for site Inaccuracy in levelling 3 3 4 12 Share/Reduce Extra point of levelling survey 1 4 4 Accept
leveling survey for nearest reference height
2.3 Site located near to Fire and explosive 6 4 4 16 Transfer Assessment 5 km radius from 1 4 4 Accept
explosive plant accident site location
Installing barrier such as
metal cladding, concrete wall
at specific safe height
2.4 Inexperienced and Can cause injury or 8 1 2 2 Accept Safety and health training 1 2 2 Accept
unqualified personnel equipment damages
Occupational certificate check
2.5 Design is not in line with Project delay due to 3 3 4 12 Share/Reduce Refer states planning 2 4 8 Share/Reduce
states planning in term of amendement requirement
social and environmental
Input social and
environmental at design
3.1 Extensive land disturbance Land Degradation and 4 2 4 8 Share/Reduce Proper planning and design 1 4 4 Accept
involving the removal of cause mud floods and in construction drainage
vegetation and reshaping of flash floods
3.2 Additional soil for filling Cost overrun 1 3 4 12 Share/Reduce Proper estimating total fill 1 4 4 Accept
process caused by short using most accurate method
term soil settlement
Input settlement factor in
ground level design
3.3 Construction site generate Dust emission 4 3 2 6 Share/Reduce Water spray and minimization 1 2 2 Accept
excessive dust during cut of exposed soil surface
and fill
4.1 Insufficient material for Project delay 9 4 4 16 Transfer Proper contingency plan of 1 4 4 Accept
construction material supply management
Material transfer from other
site depending the most to be
4.2 Lifting of Material Falling objects and 7 3 4 12 Share/Reduce Inspection of equipment 2 4 8 Share/Reduce
Swinging objects
Minimise required access to
4.3 Uneven ground, access and Trips, slip and fall 7 2 4 8 Share/Reduce PPE, especially appropriate 1 4 4 Accept
egress from plant and footwear
DOSH Inspection
Parameter barricade at void
4.4 Concreting work follow Structure failure due 7 2 5 10 Share/Reduce Monitoring and supervision 1 5 5 Accept
correct procedure worksmanship under by engineer
4.5 Over design of structural High cost project 6 2 4 8 Share/Reduce Revise and recheck design to 1 4 4 Accept
component be economical
Require design specification
endorsement from all parties
5.1 Underground soil layer type effectiveness of 6 4 4 16 Transfer Increase number of borehole 1 4 4 Accept
is not accurately classify foundation with refered to standard
5.2 Piling machinery produce Noise during piling 8 4 2 8 Share/Reduce Using integrated machine for 2 2 4 Accept
noise disturbance to operation piling work
Apply noise control at
transmission path
5.3 Selection of foundation is Building structure 6 3 4 12 Share/Reduce Selection of foundation using 2 4 8 Share/Reduce
not applicable for certain subsidence pile is adequate for soft soil
soil type and closed foundation point
5.4 Obstruction to excavation Additional cost for 8 2 4 8 Share/Reduce Initial checking of existing 1 4 4 Accept
due to buried cables, repair work underground services
services and
Prepare proper excavation
plan location
6.1 Degradation of traffic and damage to 8 4 3 12 Share/Reduce Remediation or repair to 1 3 3 Accept
transport infrastructure infrastructure damaged infrastructure
6.2 High traffic conflict between Traffic congested 6 4 2 8 Share/Reduce Smoother road circulation in 1 2 2 Accept
commercial and residential design phase
Checking road circulation
design with expert
6.3 Road traffic slower from Traffic congested at 6 4 3 12 Share/Reduce Design left-turn slip lane 2 3 6 Share/Reduce
main road to turn at commercial and
residential acces junction residential access
7.1 Improper design of storm Occurrence of Flash 6 4 2 8 Share/Reduce Early investigartion and 2 2 4 Accept
water drainage flood analysis of climate pattern
Study and refer existing
surrounding drainage design
7.2 Water from drainage system road structure and 7 2 3 6 Share/Reduce Design and construction refer 3 3 9 Share/Reduce
penetrate to underground subgrade damage to standard guideline
soil structure
Investigation of groundwater
7.3 Open drainage is deep and Slip,fall and accident 7 4 3 12 Share/Reduce Install drainage cover for 1 3 3 Accept
unnoticeable precaution
8.1 Pump station located far Low pressure of water 6 1 4 4 Accept Design adequate water 2 4 8 Share/Reduce
from residential area supply pressure for the furthest and
highest point
8.2 Destruction due to Water supply pipe 8 2 4 8 Share/Reduce Use of good material for 1 4 4 Accept
excessive loading above burst piping work
Design of pipe line is not at
potential excessive loading
8.3 Leakage of sewage Harmful gas emission 4 1 4 4 Accept Fixed location of sewage 1 4 4 Accept
pipeline will discharge gas such as hydrogen pipeline at far from above
from underground to sulide and methane ground/underground
ambient air activities
9.1 Construction waste is not Improper construction 8 4 1 4 Accept Construction waste 1 1 1 Accept
properly manage and management management workshop
Provide waste container at
construction site
9.2 Schedule of waste Poor management of 8 2 3 6 Share/Reduce Survey and estimating total 1 3 3 Accept
collection is not match to solid waste maximum population at
total population waste residential and commercial
produce area for parameter in solid
waste management