Risk Assessment Construction Site
Risk Assessment Construction Site
Risk Assessment Construction Site
Hazard: Source, situation, or act with the potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, or a
combination of these.
Hazard Identification: Process of recognising that a Hazard exists and defining its characteristics.
Risk: Combination of likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure and the severity of injury
or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure.
Risk Assessment: Process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from a hazard(s), taking into account the
adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risk(s) is acceptable.
Risk Reduction or Mitigation: Set of controls that can be used to eliminate or reduce As Low as
Reasonably Practical the risks associated with an activity.
To define as far as is reasonable practicable, the generic risks and mitigation measures associated with
common site visit activities. This risk assessment should in no way be viewed as exhaustive and may need to
be expanded upon depending on the site being visited and the activities being undertaken. As well as clearly
identifying a hazard it also vitally important to understand the contributory factors wherever possible. Bearing
this in mind, each hazard has been expanded upon to list the most common causes or reasons why the
hazard may occur. Once again please note that this list is not exhaustive.
Where additions to this generic assessment have been identified and added, they should also be discussed
with the responsible Project Manager, who must in turn inform the Director for Health and Safety or the Health
and Safety Advisor. You should be aware and accept that as an Employee you are also responsible for your
own health and safety and how your acts or omissions may affect others, therefore you should not undertake
any activity which is unsafe or where significant risks cannot be reduced to an acceptable level.
This risk assessment does not consider the identification of potential hazards to the Environment (e.g.
pollution risk) and only deals with risk to health and safety. This Risk Assessment should be reviewed in
conjunction with the Site Risk Assessment and, if required, the Construction Site Risk Assessment.
JBA utilise the 5 X 5 risk assessment table: Severity X Likelihood of occurrence = Risk Factor (S X L = RF)
Hazards are identified, listing possible causes if appropriate and assessed for severity
These are then multiplied by the frequency or likeliness of an incident occurring if no controls were
This produces the risk factor
The numerical assessment table gives guidelines on how to assess severity and frequency.
This risk assessment is generic and whereas the basic principles will always apply, it is acknowledged risk
can change significantly from one site to another. Generic risk assessments will always be reviewed by the
appointed Project Manager and then expanded upon if required to nullify or apply the necessary controls to
hazards identified during site visits (pre-works) or through information passed to them by a third party.
Numerical Assessment
Severity (S) Likelihood of Occurrence (L)
1 No Injuries / Minor Damage 1 Remote
2 Single Minor Injury 2 Unlikely
3 Single Major Injury / Minor Pollution 3 Occasional
4 Single Fatality / Major Pollution 4 Likely
5 Multiple Fatalities 5 Highly Likely
Risk Factor
Likelihood of Occurrence (L)
5 4 3 2 1
5 25 20 15 10 5
Severity (S)
4 20 16 12 8 4
3 15 12 9 6 3
2 10 8 6 4 2
1 5 4 3 2 1
Risk Factors between 16 to 25 = Unacceptable Risk. Risk Factors > 8 will be strictly monitored.
Hazards Identified with a Severity Assessed at 3 or above will also be strictly monitored.
The table below identifies the hazard and possible cause/s if appropriate. Frequency and risk factor are also calculated prior to controls being implemented. The risk factor is
then re-calculated with the control measures in place.
Hazards and possible causes Potential Risk or consequence S L RF Control Measures S L RF
identified associated with the Hazard
Entry to Construction Sites Multiple death 5 3 15 No staff permitted to enter a construction site without the authority of 5 2 10
General Death the Contractor in charge and where possible visits to be prearranged.
Machinery operation Serious injury All staff to have received and have understood a site induction /
General site hazards Injury briefing prior to entering site.
Underfoot conditions All staff to abide by site rules.
Slips Trips and Falls PPE as specified by Contractor to be worn at all times but to include
Material falling from above as a minimum Hi-Vis Jacket or vest, Safety boots or Wellingtons and
Hard Hat.
Awareness of machinery and plant operating around site.
Site specific hazards to be identified as part of the induction e.g. plant
working in area, location of excavations, location of groundworks,
stores and restricted areas
See also Site Risk Assessment
Trapped in Soft ground Death 4 3 12 Site inspection prior to work commencing to identify potential 4 1 4
Deep mud Serious injury associated hazard sites.
Clay bund Injury Request details from land owner or client regarding potential hazard
Quicksand locations
Silt Avoid entering into any such areas.
Including pedestrians and Specific method statement to be written and approved for the location
vehicles and its particular hazards including actions to be taken in the event of
Briefing of all staff prior to access to site including staff being briefed
by Principal Contractor if applicable.
Staff to abide by site rules.
No lone working in such areas.
Staff to have adequate communication equipment in case of
Precautionary approach to entering any areas including testing depth
with suitable pole etc.
PPE to be worn.
Please add site specific hazards and appropriate control measures below. Please ensure that this risk
assessment is stored in the job file.
Hazard Control
Hazard Control
Hazard Control
Hazard Control
Hazard Control
Reviewed by:
Contact Phone Number
Vehicle (Type , Colour and
Other JBA Employees Attending Site
Date of Visit:
Reviewed by:
Contact Phone Number
Vehicle (Type , Colour and
Other JBA Employees Attending Site
Date of Visit: