4 - Burden and Standard of Proof

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• Importance of burden of proof
• On whom does the burden of proof lies
• Exceptions to the general rule
• Legal maxims and related provisions
Importance of burden of proof
• To determine which parties should prove his /her case.

• Depends on the case - but generally it lies on the

person who claims (claimant).Any claim without
evidence will not be entertained.

• The defendant has to defend / rebut the case against

him either by bringing another evidence or to take
oath to deny the claim.
Authorities on the general principle of
Quranic verse
• Surah Al-Nur 24: 4

i) “…… evidence is for the person who claims, oath is on
those who denies”
ii) “Your evidence or his oath”

Legal maxim
Mejelle: Art 76 : “Evidence is on the claimant
an oath is on the defendant”
Legal Maxims on BOP
• General Principle :
-what is apparent is to be the original state & everybody
is presumed to be innocent.

- any claim to the contrary should be substantiated with

Art 5 : Presumption of Originality
‫األصل بقأ ما كان على ما كان‬
“Remaining of a thing in the state in which it was
found is the presumption (al-asl = original)”

The presumption of law is that the fact remains as it

is UNLESS there is a proof to the contrary
• Art 8: Presumption of innocent
• ‫األصل برأة الذمة‬
“The original presumption (al-asl) is that the
person is free from any liability

• everybody is presumed innocent. Any claim to the

contrary MUST be proven by supporting evidence
(by the person who claim)
Art 9:Presumption of Non-Existence

‫األصل فى الصفات العارضة العدم‬

“As to attributes which may exist or not, the presumption
is that, that they do not exist.

‫االصل العدم‬
“The original presumption of something is that they do not

(The intervening /new attributes which attach to anything

is presumed not to be in existence)
Art 10: Presumption of Continuity of Fact

‫ماثبت بزمان يحكم ببقائه ما لم يوجد‬

Anything which has been proven at any particular
time will continue to exist unless proven otherwise.

- The judgement remains unless the contrary is

Art 76 : Burden of Proof

‫البينة على المدعى واليمين على من أنكر‬

“Evidence is on the person who claims and oath is
on the person who denies”.
Art 77 : Purpose of Proof

‫البينة إلثبات خالف الظاهر واليمين لبقاء الصل‬
“Evidence is to prove what is contrary to the apparent
fact and an oath is to ensure the continuance of the
original state.

FT Act – Part 111- Chapter 1

Section 72
Section 73
Section 74
1) Rajamah bt. Mohamed v. Abdul Wahab Long
(1990) 7 JH 171.

2) Aishah bte. Abdul Rauf v. Wan Mohd. Yusuf b.

Wan Othman (1990) 7 JH 152.

3) Pendakwa Syar’ie Kelantan v Mat Rahim &

Nik Azimah (1995) Vol. 1 JH 110.
Other cases

• Dalam Perkara Permohonan Poligami Ruzaini

bin Hassan
• Re Salleh bin Suati
• Aisny bt Mohd Daris V Haji Fahro Rozi bin
• Norazian binti Mohd Yusuf v Khairul Azmi bin
Mohd Rasid
• Wan Shiram Shabani bin Wan Ramli v Nik Adura
Hazlin Nik Ariffin

1) Section 75 :Burden of proof as to particular fact

Mohammad bin Hj Mat Diah v Pendakwa Syari’e

2) Section 77 : Burden of proving that case of accused

comes within exceptions
Mohd Azam Shariff v Che Norina Long
3) Section 78 : Burden of proving fact especially
within knowledge.
• Abdul Rahman Salleh & Satu Lagi v
Pendakwa Hal Wehwal Agama Islam

4) Mejelle : Art. 1774.

• Part 111 – Chapter IX –on the Burden of proof
• Art 117-Burden of proof
• Art 118-On whom burden of proof lies
• Art 119-Burden of proof as to a particular fact
• Art 121- Burden of proving that case of accused
comes within an exception
• Art 122 -Burden of proving fact especially within

Part 111: Production of Evidence

• S 90 : Burden of proof
• S 91 : On whom burden of proof lies
• S 92 : Burden of proof as to a particular fact
• S 94: Burden of proving that case of accused
comes within an exception
• S. 95: Burden of proving fact especially within

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