1 - Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and Etiquette

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Online Safety, Security,

Ethics, and Etiquette

Mission Objectives
• Explore your digital life; and
• Learn that it is important to act responsibly when carrying out
relationships over digital media.
Digital Media
• Digital Media is a blend of technology and content, and
building digital media products requires teams of professionals with
diverse skills, including technical skills, artistic skills, analytical and
production coordination skills.
Challenge Question

•How is your digital media life like?

-“My media life is like a….”

Ex. “My media life is like a desert, because

there is little life there.”
“My media life is like a track meet,
because it is exhausted at the end of the day.”
• Finally, make a picture or drawing of the simile you created. The
drawing can include text.

• Questions to consider:
• Are digital media a big part of your life?
• What kind of impact do digital media have on you (a little, some, a lot)?
• What are your favorite and least-favorite things to do with digital media?
Trivia/ Glossary of Terms
• Aggregator is a website or Web application where headlines and other content
are collected for easy viewing. Aggregators such as Google News compile news
articles and posts.
• An avatar is a two- or three-dimensional icon that represents a computer user or
a gamer. Avatar can be a cartoonish graphic, a photograph, a screen name, or a
fully developed character.
• Blog, from the term “Weblog”, is a type of website usually updated by an
individual or a group of bloggers. Some blogs provide news or opinions on a
specific subject, while others are more like online journals. Most blogs allow
readers to leave comments on blog posts.
• Flaming is the act of saying mean things online, usually in ALL CAPS, and often in
a public forum with the intention to humiliate. Flame wars can occur easily
online, as it can be difficult to figure out people’s intentions or emotions online.
Trivia/ Glossary of Terms
• Mash-up is a remix or blend of multiple songs, videos, or other media
content into one product. Fan fiction writing is one form of a mash-up, as
writers take characters from a well-known video game, movie, or book, and
rewrite their actions or relationships.
• Massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) is usually an online virtual
world that multiple players navigate and play in together. While in this
virtual world, their avatars chat, cooperate, and quest together, oftentimes
towards a goal.
• P2P, or Peer-to-Peer, network allows for sharing of mp3s, videos, and
other digital files by transferring information directly between two
computers rather than by going through a central server. P2P technology is
also behind the popular Internet phone service Skype.
Trivia/ Glossary of Terms
• Phishing is the illegal act of sending emails or messages that appear to
come from authentic sources, but really come from spammers. Phishers
often try to get people to send them their personal information, everything
from account numbers to passwords.
• Podcast is a downloadable video or audio file. Podcasts can be verbal,
based on a certain topic, or can include music, video, and commentary.
Most podcasts are updated regularly through the addition of new episodes.
• Short Message Service (SMS), or text message, is a short message of fewer
than 160 characters sent from a cell phone. A Multimedia Messaging
Service (MMS) is a text message that contains an attached multimedia file,
such as a picture or song.
• Pick three TVL related controversial stories from the Internet. Of the
selected developments, identify its possible effect on technology
development and other fields of knowledge. Add your insights
regarding whether such stories should be regulated.

• In what ways are they possibly offensive?

• How can we properly respond to opposing views?

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