Problem Due To Production of Courser Count

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Practical problems during

production of very coarser count

on ring spinning system
Problem should be faced in
Preparatory process
Higher number of roving bobbin requirement
Because due to high ring frame production roving package will be consumed quickly and
also need to enhance roving production as well, which ultimately impact on the roving

 Higher space requirement to store the roving

More man power deployment for to handle the
higher number of roving bobbin.
No. of roving frame required to run single
ring frame
Ring frame production/day/1008 spindle =
2619.54 kgs (too high production)
Production of roving frame =3091 kg/day/120
(at 800 spindle speed, 1.1 TPI and hank 0.5 at 90 % efficiency)

No. of roving machine required/ ring frame =

0.85 machine which is too high and roving
machine need to run continuously
Problem of frequent creel change
Ring frame production/spindle/shift = 866.25 gms
(at Assumed T.M 4 and spindle speed 12000, at 100% efficiency)

Approximate weight of roving bobbin = 2.5 Kg

Assumed hank = 0.50
Time to empty one roving bobbin = 23 hours
Need to change the entire creel of each ring frame
m/c every 23 hours that requires extra/more man
Also during unwinding of roving bobbin at ring
frame, the roving bobbin will rotate too fast that can
causes slough off problem and may leads to end
Effect of coarser count on drafting
Draft required = 2.5 Ne/0.5 hank
Draft = 5
Which is too low and difficult to achieve with normal
available gearing and need special type of gears.
More number of fibres in fibre stand during drafting which
is difficult to control during drafting causes uneven drafting.
Higher drafting force required to draft the courser fibre
Need to enhance drafting pressure to improve gripping of
fibres during drafting may results in frequent fibre lapping
on drafting rollers results in poor working performance of
More fly generation of fibres due to less control on fibre
enhance waste percentage as well.
Impact on spinning triangle
Assumed T.M = 4
Now TPI = 6.32 for 2.5 Ne (Low TPI Yarn)
Too low TPI effect on the length of the
spinning triangle which may be larger in length.
Larger spinning triangle means a larger weak
point which may enhance the level of end
breakage rate.
Impact of courser count on traveller
running performance
 Diameter of the yarn will be higher due to
courser count and also requires too heavy traveller
Heavy traveller have more chances to fly off due
to its heavy weight.
 Need to change traveller too early due to
increase chances of traveller burn out with
enhance contact between the yarn and traveller.
Higher fly accumulation on traveller leads to
increase short thick fault with higher contact area
between two.
Traveller running performance cont…
Centifugal force (Fz)acting on the traveller =

If mass of the traveller is more due to courser

count the centrifugal force will also be high may
causes traveller fly off. And can enhance the rate of
end breakages.
Impact on yarn tension
Yarn Tension (Fv) α specific mass of the yarn

More yarn tension leads to higher startup breakages and

hence deteriorated machine performance.
 Also yarn spun at higher tension will have yarn
elongation value than the yarn which is spun at lower yarn
Impact on bobbing winding
 More ring cuts due to higher cop content.
More generation of black bobbin due to improper
selection of ratchet wheel due to higher cop content.
 Rapid movement of ring rail as well improper d
shape formation at the bottom of the bobbin due to
courser yarn.
 More splicing fault due to lesser length of courser
yarn during winding at autoconer.
 Time to doff will be very less 27 min approx. Need
more man power due to more number of doff per shift.
 Increased level of hard waste due to frequent
doffing at courser count.

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