This document describes the implementation of a simplified UART protocol in a Xilinx 7 series FPGA. It involves designing modules for a baud rate generator, transmitter, and receiver. The baud rate generator divides the system clock to produce the baud clock. The transmitter converts parallel data to serial form by adding start and stop bits. The receiver samples the incoming serial data 8 times per bit to detect start and stop bits and deserialize the data. Standard features like FIFOs, configurable data bits and parity are also mentioned.
This document describes the implementation of a simplified UART protocol in a Xilinx 7 series FPGA. It involves designing modules for a baud rate generator, transmitter, and receiver. The baud rate generator divides the system clock to produce the baud clock. The transmitter converts parallel data to serial form by adding start and stop bits. The receiver samples the incoming serial data 8 times per bit to detect start and stop bits and deserialize the data. Standard features like FIFOs, configurable data bits and parity are also mentioned.
This document describes the implementation of a simplified UART protocol in a Xilinx 7 series FPGA. It involves designing modules for a baud rate generator, transmitter, and receiver. The baud rate generator divides the system clock to produce the baud clock. The transmitter converts parallel data to serial form by adding start and stop bits. The receiver samples the incoming serial data 8 times per bit to detect start and stop bits and deserialize the data. Standard features like FIFOs, configurable data bits and parity are also mentioned.
This document describes the implementation of a simplified UART protocol in a Xilinx 7 series FPGA. It involves designing modules for a baud rate generator, transmitter, and receiver. The baud rate generator divides the system clock to produce the baud clock. The transmitter converts parallel data to serial form by adding start and stop bits. The receiver samples the incoming serial data 8 times per bit to detect start and stop bits and deserialize the data. Standard features like FIFOs, configurable data bits and parity are also mentioned.
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Implementation of a simplified
UART protocol in Xilinx 7
Series FPGA UART protocol Basics • Transmitter – Tx • Receiver – Rx • Serial communication • Asynchronous (UART Tx and Rx Basic block diagram works @ same Baud Rate) • Full duplex or Half duplex • Can operate at different baud rates (4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 etc.)
Standard serial data format
UART Specification • Simplified model • Data format – 1 start bit – 1 stop bit – No parity bit – 8 data bits • Composed of 3 modules – Baud Rate Generator – Transmitter – Receiver Baud Rate Generator • Baud Rate - Number of signal changes per second (as per modem terminology). • Bit Rate - Number of bits transmitted per second. • As far as the conductor wire (signal wire transmission) is concerned, the baud rate and bps are the same, and we can use the terms interchangeably. • Basic Idea - Baud Rate Generator module divides the System clock by a divisor (N) to provide standard baud rate clock ( bclk ). • Industry Standard System clock frequencies for UART • 1.8432MHz, 2.4576MHz, 3.072MHz • But, 7 series FPGA source clock frequency 100 MHz. • First , it is reqd. to create a clock divider module to convert 100 MHz (10 ns ) to 1.8432 MHz ~ 1.7857 MHz (560 ns) • Basically , divide the FPGA clock by 27 to get standard UART clock of 1.8432 MHz(approx.) Baud Rate Generator • The divisor N can be calculated using the formula Frequency of System clock (1.8432 Mhz) N = Maximum Baud Rate Frequency 38400 X No.of samples per bit (8)x 2 = 3 ( Duty cycle of clkdiv (divided by 3) 33.33% )
Block diagram of Baud Rate Generator
Baud Rate Generator
Baud Rate (bclk ) = 38400
Different Baud rate and sampling frequencies
Timing Diagram Clk div (dvide by 3), bclk, bclk*8 UART Transmitter • Converts a parallel data word into serial form and appends the Start and stop bits. • Composed of – Transmitted bit counter – Data shift register – State machine and support logic
Block Diagram of transmitter
FSM UART transmitter RTL netlist for Baud Rate Generator and Transmitter
Timing diagram of UART TX
UART Receiver • To avoid setup and hold time problems and reading some bits at the wrong time, the received data is sampled eight times during each bit time – sampled on the rising edge of bclkx8.
Data sampling points by the UART receiver.
• UART Receiver – State machine – De-serializer (SIPO logic) and support logic. • The main objective - – To detect the start-bit, then de-serialize the following bit- stream, detect the stop-bit, and make the data available to the host. • No error checking Logic • 2 counters are used • ct1 counts the number of bclkx8 clocks • ct2 counts the number of bits received after the start The state machine is the Mealy machine and composed of three states (idle, start_detected, and recv_data) STA for UART Tx and Rx • FPGA clock 100Mhz
Half Duplex communication mode!! Standard Protocol features • AXI4-Lite interface for register access and data transfers. • Transmit and receive FIFOs. • Configurable number of data bits (5-8) in a character. • Configurable parity bit (odd or even or none). • Interrupt controller logic.