CO2 & Energy Calculation Methodology

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Global Fossil CO2 emissions :

Global fossil CO2 emissions: 36.2 ± 2 GtCO2 in The top four emitters in 2017 covered 58% of global
2017, 63% over 1990 CO2 emissions : China (27%), United States (15%), EU28
(10%), India (7%)
Global temperature variation :

These records clearly show that Earth has been heating up for Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere are on the rise due
more than a century, and especially over the last 50 years. to the combustion of fossil fuels by humans. Global levels of CO2
Warmest years on record have occurred since 2001. passed 400 parts per million. The safe level of carbon dioxide in the
1951-1980 as baseline period atmosphere is 350 parts per million.
Global Fossil CO2 emissions by source:

Share of global fossil CO2 emissions in 2017: India CO2 emission mainly stem from coal combustion which has a
coal (40%), oil (35%), gas (20%), cement (4%), flaring (1%, not share of 68% in total fossil combustion emissions. India is rapidly
shown) deploying solar & wind power, coal continues to grow very strongly.
Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation:

• United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with GHG emission
mitigation, adaptation & finance where parties negotiated three climate deals—Kyoto Protocol
(Feb 2005) , Cancun Agreements (Dec 2010), and the Paris Agreement ( Dec 2015).

• Conference of the Parties (COP-21) summit, held during 30th Nov to 12th Dec 2015 at Paris,
Paris Agreement.

• Goal is to holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-
industrial levels (Year 1900).

• The agreement's language was negotiated by representatives of 196 state parties at COP21.

• Govt. of India committed to reduce GHG emissions as per India’s Intended Nationally
Determined Contributions (INDCs)

• Aim to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent by 2030 (approx. 0.14
KgCO2/USD) from 2005 level(Approx 0.4 KgCO2/USD), presently at 2017 India has achieved
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions vis-à-vis other countries:
India China USA EU
Reducing To reduce emission intensity of its To lower CO2 emission per
Emissions GDP by 33-35% by 2030 from unit GDP by 60% to 65% from
2005 levels. the 2005 levels.

Renewables To achieve about 40% cumulative To increase the share of non

electric power installed capacity fossil fuels in primary energy
from non-fossil fuel based energy consumption to around 20%. Economy wide target Binding target of at
resources by 2030. (Presently of reducing its GHG least 40% domestic
achieved 18% of installed capacity emissions by 26-28% reduction in GHG
out of 40% commitment by 2030) below its 2005level in emissions by 2030
2025 and to make best compared to 1990
Afforestation To create an additional carbon To increase the forest stock
efforts to reduce its level.
sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tones of volume by around 4.5 billion
emission by 28%
CO2e through additional forest & cubic meter on the 2005 level.
tree cover by 2030.
Peaking of No commitment to peaking of To achieve the peaking of CO2
emissions emissions. To adopt a climate emissions around 2030 and
friendly & cleaner path than the making best efforts to peak
one followed hitherto by others at early.
corresponding level of economic
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC):
INDC by Ministry of Steel

• Iron and steel manufacturing is approx. 7% of global CO2 emissions.

• MoS had submitted its INDCs for reducing GHG emissions in Iron & Steel sector which inter alia
projects average Sp. CO2 emissions intensity to reduce from 3.1 TCO2/Tcs in the year 2005 to
2.64 TCO2/Tcs by the year 2020 and 2.4 TCO2/Tcs by the year 2030.

• CO2 emissions from the Primary steel making companies varies from 2.41 to 2.84 T/Tcs , which is
much higher than the global average (benchmark) of 1.9 T/Tcs (weighted average of primary and
secondary steel companies)

• Crude steel production through BOF route is 43% , EAF is 27 % and Induction Furnace is 30%. CO2
emission intensity (BF-BOF) route is 2.43 -3.0 TCO2/Tcs & Coal DRI-EAF: 3.0-3.2 TCO2/TCS &
Natural Gas based DRI-EAF : 1.4-2.1 TCO2/Tcs

• Technical Division of MoS, Government of India, vide office order no. 4(6)/2016-TD dated June 30,
2017, constituted a Task Force for time-bound reduction of GHG emissions.
CO2 emission methodology : ISO 14404
ISO14404 : CO2 emission for steelworks

• ISO14404 series cover BF-BOF, scrap-EAF and DRI-EAF plants.

Each part is based on the same configuration of the plant to
evaluate energy performance regardless of energy/fuel sources.

ISO14404-1 ISO14404-2 ISO14404-3


• New Work Item Proposal for ISO14404-4 has been submitted

• As the guidance standard that enables ISO14404 to be applied to all types of steel plants.
CO2 emission methodology : WSA

• Indian primary steel plants adopts existing world steel association methodology for CO2 emission


CO2 emissions (Tonne) = Direct emission+ Indirect emission – Credit emission

CO2 Intensity (Tonne/TCS) = CO2 emissions (tonne)/ crude steel (tonne)

• Direct emission :
Scope 1 (Direct emissions from chimney) &
Scope 1.1 (Direct emissions of exported by‐product gas)

• Indirect emission & Credit emission:

Scope 2 Upstream emissions or credits related to procurement/delivery of electricity and steam
from site. Upstream emissions of exported by‐product gas considering the potential savings in
electricity generation.)
Scope 3 : Other upstream emissions or credits related to procurement / delivery of pre‐processed
materials / by‐products from site.
CO2 emission : System Boundaries

 Upstream value of mining and transport is excluded from the system boundary.
 Upstream value of petroleum products for oil refining is included.
 Upstream CO2 value: sum of CO2 emitted during the production of each item
CO2 emission : Direct Emission factors

 The yellow boxes are modifiable. If the data is not

measured or available, default values will be
 Measurement of carbon content and net caloric
value is highly recommended to obtain more
accurate CO2 emissions
 EAF/BOF electrodes : If the data of electrodes is
available, enter the number of consumed
electrodes in your site.
 Entering the data is highly recommended for EAF
makers. If the data is not available or empty (in
the case of scrap based sites), a default emission
factor is considered as 0.005 tCO /total crude
CO2 emission : Upstream Emission factors

 The yellow boxes are modifiable. If the data is not

measured or available, default values will be used.

 Both energy equiv. value and emission factor of

electricity are world average values based on IEA CO2
emissions from fuel combustion 2006.

 CO2 Emission factor of Electricity

= Energy equiv. value * conversion factor
= 9.8 GJ/MWh * 0.0514 TCO2 /GJ = 0.504 TCO2 /MWh
CO2 emission : Calculation for by-product gases
scope 1 :
When used in own power plant or calculated in scope1.1 when used in external power plant as it is
generated directly by processes and used internally and excess can be sold externally for power generation.

Scope 2 :
Total emission of exported by‐product gases is calculated in Scope 2 as the upstream emission factor which is
an electricity‐equivalent value will be used for calculating CO2 emissions of by‐product gases.

Sample : Site data Conversion factors Calculation results

C content
Purchase Sold Scope 1 Scope 3
Materals Site Energy Emission Upstream Scope 1.1 Scope 2
Unit d Delivere Direct emission
/Energies measurem Equivalent Factor CO2 value emissions emissions
Procured d emissions s
t C/unit GJ/unit t CO2/unit t CO2/unit t CO2 t CO2 t CO2 t CO2
Coke Oven gas k.m3N 0.228 19.000 0.835 0.977 - -
Blast furnace
k.m3N 8,03,151 0.243 3.300 0.890 0.170 (7,14,804) 7,14,804 (1,36,536)
BOF gas k.m3N 5,81,493 0.413 8.400 1.513 0.432 (8,79,799) 8,79,799 (2,51,205)
CO2 emission : Categorisation

CO2 reporting V23 (User guide V9.5)

As per the latest reporting, the CO2 emissions were categorised in to

a. Without undecided credits : CO2 intensity without Slag credit & CO2 for external use

b. With undecided credits : CO2 intensity considering Slag & external credit.
CO2 emission : Estimating total carbon content from proximate analysis

Total carbon content, C = 100 ‐ Ash ‐ 0.47*Volatiles
Volatiles are considered as coke oven gas
(53% carbon by weight)

Total carbon content, C = 97.75 – Ash

Also the total carbon can be estimated by ultimate analysis

of the fuel on dry basis which provides accurate emission

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