Media and Globalization

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 Lule describes media as “a means of
MEDIA AND  conveying something, such as a channel of
 The phrase “the media” began to be used in
the 1920’s. It was generally restricted to print
media up until the post-Second World War,
when radio, television and video were

 Marshall McLuhan once declared that the

medium is the message.
 Television was introduced during
1960’s that has steered people from
the dining table where they eat and
tell stories to each other.
 It has drawn people away from other
meaningful activities such as playing
games or reading books.

 Mcluhan added that different media

simultaneously extend and amputate
human senses.
 It expand communication but they
also dull the user’s communicative
The Global 
 1946 – The late Marshall Mcluhan, a media
and communication theorist, coined the term

Village and  “global village” to describe the phenomenon

of the world’s culture shrinking and expanding
Cultural  at the same time due to pervasive
technological advances that allow for
Imperialism instantaneous sharing of culture.

 1976 – Herbert Schiller argued that not only

was the world being Americanized, but that
this process also led to the spread of
“American” capitalist values like
The processes of globalization mean
that many cultures are now heavily
exposed to a “foreign” cultural

These influences are primarily

American and are dominated by
transnational media conglomerates.
Hope or   The commercialization and
centralization of the ownership of
Pessimism? global media has created a threat of
cultural imperialism

Conversely, technological and

economic developments have led to
the possibility of more independent
 This predominance of Western media has led
many to suggest that these forms of media,

Imperialism particularly through Hollywood films, are the

latest form of “cultural imperialism”.

 Cultural Imperialism involves the shaping of

local institutions and social practice by an
outside power.

 In most instances cultural imperialism is no

longer active national process but one of
capitalist expansion.


 Imperialism : The policy of extending a

Critiques of  nation’s authority by territorial acquisition

Cultural   Colonialism: The policy and practice of a

power in extending control over weaker
people or areas.

 Cultural Imperialism : The domination

of one culture over another.
 The cultural products of the first world “invade”
the third- world and “conquer” local culture.
 1980’s – Media scholars began to pay attention
to the ways in which audiences understood and

Critiques of 
interpreted media messages.

Cultural   1985 – Indonesian cultural Ien Ang studied the

ways in which different viewers in he Netherlands
Imperialism experienced watching the American soap opera
 “A lot of emotional energy” was put into
process based on how the program resonated with

 1990 – Elihu Katz and Tamar Liebes decided

to push Ang’s analysis further by examining
how viewers from distinct cultural communities
interpreted Dallas.
 Cultural Imperialism thesis has been belied by the
renewed strength of regional trends in the
globalization process.

 Globalization will remain an
uneven process and it will
produce inequalities.
Nevertheless, it leaves room
for dynamism and cultural
Social Media 
 As with all new media, social media have both
beneficial and negative effects.

and the   Anyone with an internet connection or a

smart phone can use Facebook and twitter
Creation of  for free.

Cyber Ghettoes
 Enables users to be consumers and
producers of information simultaneously.
 The democratic potential of social media
was most evident in2011 during the wave
of uprising known as the Arab Spring.
Social  The dark side of Social Media
In the early 2000’s, commentators
Media and  began referring to the emergence of
the Creation  “SPLINTERNET” and the phenomenon
of Cyber  to the various bubbles people place

themselves in when they are online.
The nature of social media feeds
  which leads users to read articles,
memes, and videos shared by like-
minded friends.
Being on Facebook can resemble
living in an echo chamber, which
reinforce one’s existing beliefs and
 This segmentation has been used by people in
power who are aware that the social media
bubbles can produce a herd mentality
 Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has hired
armies of social media “TROLLS” (paid
users who harass political opponents) to
manipulate public opinion through
intimidation and the spreading of fake
This dark side of social media shows
that even seemingly open and
democratic media may be co- opted
towards undemocratic means. Global
online propaganda will be the biggest
threat to face as the globalization of
media deepens.
• As consumers of media, users must
remain vigilant and learn how to
distinguish fact from falsehood in a
global media landscape.

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