Maths in Daily Life
Maths in Daily Life
Maths in Daily Life
the fields which use the above mentioned tools of mathematics are
described in detail below under their respective tools……
1. Commercial mathematics
• Discount – a shopkepper allows discount on their sale in various
• Arithmetic operations – we are habitual to these type of operations
which are based on numbers in the form of subtraction , addition ,
profit loss , percentage , ratio and proportion
• Banking
• Foreign exchange
• Stock and share
2. Algebra
It is the branch of mathematics concering the study of structure ,
relation quantity.
• Suppose we are to appoint a person for some domestic purpose.
We five him two option for salary per month as:
1. Rs. 25 daily
2. Rs. 5 for the first day and keep on increasing Rs. 2 to the previous
days for the next day
• Which option will better for him ?
Option 2 is better
As in the 1 option he will get only 25*30 = Rs. 750
And in the 2 option he will get = 5+7+9+…+ upto 30 terms = Rs. 1020
3. Geometry and trigonometry
Geometry is especially useful in home building or improvement projects. If you want to find
the floor area of a house, you use geometry. This information is useful for laying carpet or
tiles and for telling an estate agent how big your house is when you want to put it on the
market. If you want to reupholster a piece of furniture, you have to estimate the amount of
fabric you need by calculating the surface area of the furniture.
• NATURE (hexagon):
A honeycomb is an array of hexagonal (six sided) cells, made of wax produced by worker
bees. Hexagons fit together to fill all the available space, giving a strong structure with no
gaps. Squares would also fill the space, but would not give a rigid structure. Triangles
would fill the space and be rigid, but it would be difficult to get honey out of their corners.
• Finding distance and length
height of towers, mountains and tides in oceans .
• Navigation
We often use it to navigate a city or to locate objects in a grid.
• Architecture
A water tower and many other structures include many solid shapes
whose volume can be calculated through geometry.
Symmetrical and geometrical concepts have been applied in the
construction of some famous monuments such as Taj Mahal, Eiffel
Tower etc.
Areas of differently sized and shaped lands can be found through the
application of area formulas
'The Pythagoras Theorem' is used to measure of size for painting a
building or finding the shortest route to a particular location.
• Spotrs
In the construction of football etc.
• MEDICINE (Protein modeling):
Much of the function of a protein is determined by its shape and how the
pieces move. Mad cow disease is caused by the introduction of a “shape” into
the brain (a shape carried by a protein).Many drugs are designed to change the
shape or motions of a protein something that we are just now working to
model, even approximately, in computers, using geometry and related areas.
• Medical field :
In CAT (computer aided tomography) & MRI (magnetic resonance imaging),
Neurology, Epidemic analysis, Plastic surgery.
The mathematical models used in epidemiology or in creating treatments of
cancer or Parkinson’s are often differential equations models, matrix models,
or models from discrete (sometimes called finite) math. Moreover, they often
must incorporate statistical tools into the models, because biological processes
are rarely deterministic
4. Statistics, probability & Graph Theory
It is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection, analysis,
interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data. Also with
prediction and forecasting based on data.
• Sports-
When we toss in game, probability is used as there is an equal chance
of getting head or tail.
We can compare failure and success rate by collecting data of all the
past game played. This can only be done using some aspects of maths.
• Gambling & betting, lottery
• Fraud detection, crowd control & population dyanmics
• How the concept of mean, mode and median is used in daily life ?
A shopkeeper, selling shirts, keeps more stock of that size of shirt which has
more sale. Here the size of that shirt is the mode among other .
If in a tour, the total money spent by10 students is Rs. 500. Then the average
money spent by each student is Rs. 50. Here Rs. 50 is the mean.
If you have 25 people lined up next to each other by age, the median age will
be the age of the person in the very middle. Here the age of the middle person
is the median.
• Collection
• Analysis
• Interpretation or Explanation
• Presentation of Data
• Prediction
• Forecasting
5. Number theory
It is the branch of pure mathematics concerned with properties of num
• It is used for creating codes for ATM/Credit cards via RSA method by
using mathematic concepts like #Euler theorem and #modular
• In digital media:
Reading CD and DVD
Making music
Movie graphics
6. Calculus
It is the study of change, in the same way that geometry is the study of
space. It includes the study of limits, derivative , integrals, and infinite
• It helps us to find the area of figures, to know the acceleration of a c
ar moving in a highway with a uniform speed. Also the movement of
an artificial satellite, ship etc.
Mathematics is applied to clarity the blurred image to clear image. This
is done by using differential and integral calculus by as follows:-
Blurred Original
Original Blurring
f(x) h(x) = f(x)*g(x)