WEEK 12 - Integration of M&E
WEEK 12 - Integration of M&E
WEEK 12 - Integration of M&E
Services in Building
By: Dr. Emma M.A.Z
M&E system constitute 25%-45% of
construction cost.
The percentage of M&E costs to total building
costs will increase due to increasing occupancy
The need to house the M&E systems
consumes internal space
M&E operation and maintenance contribute a
major portion of total building maintenance
Use of Facilities
Space management
Design Construction
Stage Stage
Multi vertical
zone M&E system Area Zoning
floor zoning
Sainsbury Centre in England incorporates many of its building
services in the interstitial spaces of the roof and wall trusses.
The 6 storey Centre George Pompidou puts the major services on
the outside of the building
Service runs
Placement of vertical trunks Place of horizontal trunks or
can be within horizontal branching for
telecommunications and
1. One central core
electricity can be arrange
2. Several service cores according to
3. Central hidden or exposed 1. Grid layout
riser shafts to walls
2. Branch layout
3. Perimeter layout
Hidden state
Installed in wall, suspended ceiling, floor soffit or floor slab
Expose state
The terminal units are suspended from the floor soffit or hung
from the wall or sitting on the floor.
A steel I beam with holes cut out to accommodate service runs
through it
A steel floor that uses stub beams will automatically create holes in
the floor element for service runs to pass through
A steel floor that uses I beam with tapered ends will automatically
create space below it to accommodate service runs
Cross sectiona elevation of a cast insitu r.c. T-beam floor showing
services housed in the space createrd by the suspended ceiling.
Precast concrete hollow deck floor with ducts embedded in the
cast reinforced concrete topping and interstitial spaces of the
precast components.
Prop floor aka false floors provide space beneath to house the
services runs. Menara Telekom in Kuala Lumpur uses prop floors
extensively throughout the building
Cross sectional plan of built out rise. Space must be provided for
vertical service runs in a building.
On the ground floor, lined trenches may be used to house service
runs. This picture shows a crawl way with an access door.
Whether riser or services trenches, it is often desirable for workers
to be able to walk into the enclosure for better accessibility. This
picture shows a cross sectional plan of a walk in riser.
Special Requirement of service runs
Different types of service runs must be segregate or shielded from each
SHILDING other to prevent electromagnetic field interference or biological
The ducts in which service runs are located provide ways for
FIRE & SMOKE fire and smoke to spread within a building. Therefore fire precautions
CONTAINMENT have to be designed into the services. Among them are the used of fire-
resistant material for the ducts, the use of fire resistant material for the
duct at the point of Penetration of the wall or floor, the installing of fire
shutters or fire-resistant barriers in the dust etc.
Certain service runs can vibrate and produce noise if not designed or
VIBRATION, NOISE installed properly. It may induce the loosening of adjacent service runs
AND MOVEMENT and fittings. Damping devices are required to minimize the vibration and
noise. In earthquake regions, buildings may be fitted with earthquake
damping devices. To prevent earthquake related M&E damage in such
buildings, service runs (especially those associated with emergencies)
should be designed and installed to accomodated movement during and
earthquake tremor
Called the Solae, the 173
meters tower that
dominates the skyline of
the Inazawa City was built
by the Japanese Mitsubishi
Electric Company in order
to test high speed
elevators that will be used
in the future tall buildings
all around the world