02 ESP Genesis

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In the beginning God created

the heavens and the earth.

Now the earth was formless
and empty, darkness was
over the surface of the deep,
and the Spirit of God was
hovering over the waters.
(Genesis 1:1-2)
1) What makes ESP one of the most active
branches of Applied Linguistics?
The emergence of English as a world language, hence
the need to cope with the different situations and needs.
2) How do linguists define ESP?
According to linguists, ESP is generally used to refer to
the teaching of English for a clearly practical purpose.
3) Why do the students study English?
To help them build up the needed abilities in order to use
them in a specific field of inquiry, occupation, or
Focus Questions
• What are the most common rationales for
the English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
• What are the timeline contributing to the
origin of ESP?
• The origins of teaching Language for Specific
Purposes (LSP) can be traced as far back as the
Greek and Roman empires (Dudley-Evans and St.
Johns, 1998:1).
• In the same vein, Strevens (1977) stated that the
history of LSP goes back to “at least half a century”.
• For Hutchinson and Waters (1987:6) “ESP was not a
planned and coherent movement, but rather a
phenomenon that grew out of a number of
converging trends”.
Definition of Terms
• Inexorably • Engenders • Corpora
(Slide 10) (Slide 10) (Slide 13)
a) Coerced a) Leads a) Organs
b) Certainly b) Produces b) Groups
c) Unavailability c) Gives Way c) Bodies
d) Intoxicated d) Encompasses d) Flocks
Reasons for
ESP Emergence
Reasons for ESP
• The latter have functioned and operated in diverse ways
around the world, “but we can identify three main
reasons common to the emergence of all ESP”
(Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:6):

1) The Demands of a Brave New World

2) A Revolution in Linguistics, and
3) A New Focus on the Learner
The Demands of a
Brave New World
• After 1945, the New World knew an age of massive and
unprecedented growth in all the activities especially the
economic, technical and scientific ones dominated by
two divergent forces, inexorably it engenders a
demand for an international language, and this
responsibility was accredited to English for various
The Demands of a
Brave New World
• Consequently, “…it created a new generation of
learners who knew specifically why they were
learning a language…” (Hutchinson and Waters
(1987:6) aiming at fulfilling the daily needs which
consisted in the comprehension of the simplest
brochure or manuals to most complicated genres of
discourses as law texts and scientific articles.
A Revolution in
• Some linguists, being aware of the world changes,
began to focus their studies on the ways in which
language is used in real situations.
• Traditional approach in language study centered the
attention on the grammatical rules governing the
language usage, though it was found that the
discourses varies according to the contexts, it was
necessary to reorganize the teaching and learning
methodologies and make the specific features of
each situation the basis of learner’s courses.
A Revolution in
• The English used by doctors, linguists or officers is not
based on the same terminological terms consequently,
the teaching and learning process was directed on the
basis of the use of specific corpora for each field.
A New Focus on the
• In the same period learner’s motivation towards
acquiring a foreign language was the subject study of
the educational psychologists, who noticed the use of
different learning strategies by learners; they have
different attitudes, needs and interests.
• The idea was based on the statement of, “tell me what
you need English for and I will tell you the English you
need”. It was a natural expansion of this philosophy to
plan special courses for each range of specific learners.
A New Focus on the
• Strevens (1977:152) notes: “...the existence of a major
tide in the educational thought, in all counties and
affecting all subjects. The movement referred to is the
global trend towards learner-centered education”.
ESP Origin
ESP Origin Timeline
(Late 1940s)
• Two forces were dominating the new post-war
world – technology and commerce, whose relentless
progress soon generated a demand for an international
language and, due to the economic power of the U.S. it
was English which was granted this role.
ESP Origin Timeline
• The emerging of a new mass of people wanting to
learn English – the key to international currencies of
technology and commerce. This mass of people joined
together particularly new generations of learners who
knew specifically what they were to learn and why.
ESP Origin Timeline
(Early 1970s)
• The Oil Crises of the early 1970s involved a massive
flow of funds and western expertise into the oil-rich
countries. Therefore, English suddenly turned into ‘big
business’ and, on the other hand, commercial pressures
began to exert an influence in the acquisition of this
language. Time and money constraints created a need
for cost effective courses with accurately specific goals.
ESP Origin Timeline
(Late 1970s)
• The need for several countries to update their
knowledge. Therefore, ESP came into being and
gradually developed into a multilayered language
approach primarily based on learners’ specific needs
required by their professions or occupations. The
domain labeled ESP was proven to have a universal
dimension through the concept of language for specific
purposes and a language-specific perspective through
the insights explored into various European languages.
ESP Origin Timeline
1) Technology and Commerce
2) People Who Wanted to Learn English
3) Oil Crises of the Early 1970s
4) Country Need to Update their Knowledge
• Like the world, language study and concepts of
education fundamentally changed, the English language
teaching changed with it, and knew the birth of
teaching English for Specific Purposes which is
considered as the direct result of the world
evolution. However, ESP is seen differently by the
scholars in terms of its characteristics and functionality.
Focus Questions
• What are the most common rationales for
the English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
• What are the timeline contributing to the
origin of ESP?
• Ahmed, Mohammad Kaosar. Factors of ESP Origin.
Department of English Language and Literature
International Islamic University Chittagong. ESP World.
• www.google.com/images

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