Stroke and Hemiplegia
Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the US
and the leading cause of disability
– approx. 700,000 strokes; 160,000 deaths
subarachnoid hemorrhage
– blood vessel on surface of brain leaks
– bleeding into space between brain & skull
cerebral hemorrhage (10%)
– Defective artery in brain bursts
– aneurysm (blood-filled pouches that balloon out from
weak spot in artery)
– advancing age, congenital malformation
– aggravated by hypertension
– head injury
Stroke and Hemiplegia
Right-Hemisphere Stroke
– The right hemisphere
controls the movement of
the left side of the body as
well as analytical and
perceptual tasks
Left-Hemisphere Stroke
– The left hemisphere
controls the movement of
the right side of the body as
well as speech and
language abilities
Stroke and Hemiplegia
Cerebellar Stroke
– The cerebellum controls many of our reflexes
and much of our balance and coordination
Some residual effects of strokes
Emotional lability (mood swings, depression)
Perceptual effects: Difficulty recognizing,
understanding familiar objects
Difficulty planning, carrying out simple tasks
Loss of awareness (One-side neglect )
Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
Aphasia: difficulty putting thoughts into words or
understanding speech
Risk Reduction
lifestyle changes
blood thinning medications
carotid endarterectomy (remove plaque)
Experimental: neurogenesis (regenerating
affected neurons)
Reactions & Rehabilitation
social isolation
grieving process
physical, occupational, speech therapy
20% require long-term care