The document discusses postpartum hemorrhage prevention and treatment. It outlines several risk factors for atony including maternal anemia, prolonged labor, and large baby size. It recommends the following six steps:
1) Start IV fluids for all deliveries.
2) Administer uterotonic drugs like ergometrin and oxytocin.
3) Controlled cord traction.
4) Uterine massage.
5) Evaluate for causes of bleeding like poor tone or lacerations.
6) Prepare for referral in case of emergency, including establishing transfer protocols.
The document discusses postpartum hemorrhage prevention and treatment. It outlines several risk factors for atony including maternal anemia, prolonged labor, and large baby size. It recommends the following six steps:
1) Start IV fluids for all deliveries.
2) Administer uterotonic drugs like ergometrin and oxytocin.
3) Controlled cord traction.
4) Uterine massage.
5) Evaluate for causes of bleeding like poor tone or lacerations.
6) Prepare for referral in case of emergency, including establishing transfer protocols.
The document discusses postpartum hemorrhage prevention and treatment. It outlines several risk factors for atony including maternal anemia, prolonged labor, and large baby size. It recommends the following six steps:
1) Start IV fluids for all deliveries.
2) Administer uterotonic drugs like ergometrin and oxytocin.
3) Controlled cord traction.
4) Uterine massage.
5) Evaluate for causes of bleeding like poor tone or lacerations.
6) Prepare for referral in case of emergency, including establishing transfer protocols.
The document discusses postpartum hemorrhage prevention and treatment. It outlines several risk factors for atony including maternal anemia, prolonged labor, and large baby size. It recommends the following six steps:
1) Start IV fluids for all deliveries.
2) Administer uterotonic drugs like ergometrin and oxytocin.
3) Controlled cord traction.
4) Uterine massage.
5) Evaluate for causes of bleeding like poor tone or lacerations.
6) Prepare for referral in case of emergency, including establishing transfer protocols.
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RS IMANUEL LAMPUNG MENGENALI FAKTOR RESIKO • IBU: – Anemia – Partus lama – Hiperekstensi uterus – Induksi persalinan – Preeklampsia • BAYI: – Bayi besar / gemeli ANGGAP SEMUA PERSALINAN BERESIKO ATONIA !!! LANGKAH 1: PASANG INFUS PADA SEMUA PERSALINAN • RL • NaCl 0.9 % • Jarum infus no 16 – 18 LANGKAH 2 : UTEROTONIKA • Ergometrin 0.2 mg (1 ampul) intravena • Oksitosin 10 unit im atau dalam RL drip • Oksitosin + ergometrin (dalam RL drip) • Misoprostol 3 tab / rektal LANGKAH 3 : PEREGANGAN TALI PUSAT TERKENDALI MANUAL PLASENTA APAKAH LENGKAP ??? LANGKAH 4 : KOMPRESI UTERUS LANGKAH 5 : EVALUASI PENYEBAB PERDARAHAN • Tonus otot ? • Robekan jalan lahir ? • Gangguan pembekuan darah ? • Sisa plasenta ? LANGKAH 6 : PERSIAPAN RUJUK • Terpasang infus • Ditemani bidan perujuk • Buat sistem rujukan dengan RS terkait • Kasus : jampersal – Jamkesda – Jamkesmas – Pribadi (???) PENGGUNAAN KONDOM • Under aseptic precautions a sterile rubber catheter was inserted within the condom and tied near the mouth of the condom by a silk thread. • Urinary bladder was kept empty by indwelling Foley's catheter. • After putting the patient in the lithotomy position, the condom was inserted within the uterine cavity. • Inner end of the catheter remained within the condom. • Outer end of the catheter was connected with a saline set and the condom was inflated with 25- 500 mL of running normal saline. • Bleeding was observed, and when it was reduced considerably, further inflation was stopped and the outer end of the catheter was folded and tied with thread. • Uterine contraction was maintained by oxytocin drip for at least 6 hours after the procedure. • The uterine condom was kept tight in position by ribbon gauze pack or another inflated condom placed in the vagina. • The condom catheter was kept for 24-48 hours and then was deflated gradually over (10-15 minutes) and removed. • Patient was kept under triple antibiotic coverage (amoxicillin [500 mg every 6 hrs] + metronidazole [500 mg every 8 hrs] + gentamicin [80 mg every 8 hrs]) administered intravenously for 7 days. INVERSIO UTERI • Definisi : keadaan dimana lapisan dalam uterus (endometrium) turun dan keluar lewat ostium uteri eksternum • Bersifat komplit dan inkomplit • Tanda : syok, perdarahan, kesakitan, tampak endometrium (atau plasenta) terbalik INVERSI UTERI PENANGANAN INVERSIO UTERI • Reposisi segera • Pasang tampon uterovaginal • Uterotonika • Rujuk • Pasang kateter tetapi KURETASE PASCA PERSALINAN
Gynecology: Three Minimally Invasive Procedures You Need to Know About For: Permanent Birth Control, Heavy Menstrual Periods, Accidental Loss of Urine Plus: Modern Hormone Therapy for the Post Menopausal Women