LAC Session

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At the end of the session, participants will :

1. generate promising and desirable practices in the

conduct of LAC

2. design an appropriate Learning Action Cell Plan

3. display positive attitude to collaborate with others

in designing LAC Plan

4. perform activities with oneness


1. What insights have deeply affected you from the

given quotation?

2. What activities in school have you experienced

collaborative assistance from your colleagues?

3. Do you find them helpful in terms of professional and

personal growth?

1. Assign a number to each group member.

2. Let each participant share the different experiences

they have during their LAC session in school.
3. Assign a person to note the best practices shared
by each member during LAC sessions.
4. 2-3 randomly selected groups will present to the
plenary a summary of their group sharing.
1. How did you feel while doing the activity?

2. Do you find your LAC sessions in school interesting

and helpful?

3. What are the best practices you have applied during

your LAC session in your school?

4. Are there practices during your LAC session that

you want to improve or eliminate? Why?
(A K To 12 Basic Education Program School-
based Continuing Professional Development
Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and
DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2016
DepEd institutionalizes Learning Action Cell
(LACs) that aim to develop and support
successful teachers by nurturing their
knowledge, attitudes, and competencies in
terms of curriculum, instruction, and
assessment in their work stations.
In the DepEd, a Learning Action Cell is a group
of teachers who engage in collaborative
learning sessions to solve shared challenges
encountered in the school facilitated by the
school head or a designated LAC leader.
Key aspects of the process are ongoing
collaborative learning or problem solving within a
shared domain of professional interest, self-
directed learning, reflective practice leading to
action and self-evaluation, and collective
Objectives of LAC:

>to improve the teaching-learning process that

will lead to improve learning among the
>to enable teachers to support each other to
continuously improve their content and
pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and
attitudes; and
Objectives of LAC:

>to nurture successful teachers;

>to foster a professional collaborative spirit

among school head, teachers, and the
community as a whole.
LACs are the most cost-effective CPD process
but may entail some expenses for meetings
and handouts. Funds for the LACs may be
sourced from the school’s Maintenance and
Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), subject to
its utilization guidelines.

Community of
teacher’s content
practice with Student
pedagogical learning and
problem solving,
skills, assessment holistic
strategies, and development
and action
1. The content of LAC sessions may be
determined by the teachers themselves
under the general guidance of the
School Head or LAC leader.
2. Special emphasis must be done on
some key features of the K to 12 Basic
Education Program. (Republic Act No.
10533, the Enhanced Basic Education
Act of 2013)
2.1 Learner Diversity and Student

* Diversity emanates from a variety

of factors (which may be in combination)
such as gender, community membership,
religious beliefs, family configurations,
and special learning needs.
2.1 Learner Diversity and Student

* Learner inclusion requires that teachers

provide remedial instruction for those who are
experiencing difficulties in learning lessons.
2.2 Content Pedagogy of the K to 12 Basic
Education Program.

* Studying K to 12 curriculum, teachers

will be better able to prepare for lessons and will
be more relaxed in executing lesson plans.
Teachers can collaboratively plan
weekly lessons during the LAC and these
can be implemented for the specified period
of time, after which, teachers can share
their experiences to improve subsequent
2.3 Assessment and Reporting in the K to 12
Basic Education Program

* Assessment provides teachers and

learners with the necessary feedback about
learning outcomes. This feedback informs the
reporting cycle and enables teachers to
continually select, organize, and use sound
assessment processes.
2.4. 21st Century Skills and ICT Integration in
Instruction and Assessment

* Teachers must enrich lessons with simple

integration strategies utilizing Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) that are
developmentally appropriate.
2.5. Curriculum Contextualization,
Localization, and Indigenization

* Curriculum contextualization is the process

of matching the curriculum content and
instructional strategies relevant to learners.
2.5. Curriculum Contextualization,
Localization, and Indigenization

* The localization of curriculum is an essential

feature of the K to 12 Curriculum. Linking new
content to the local experiences that are familiar
to students, learning will be more efficient for and
relevant to them.
2.5. Curriculum Contextualization,
Localization, and Indigenization

* Providing spaces for unique cultures in the

K to 12 Basic Education Program is a key
strategy for student inclusion and ensuring
relevance of education processes for all learners.
Teachers should also find time to discuss
how their community linkages can support the
curriculum and how the LAC sessions
promote their own professional growth.

 school participation
 attendance
 completion and assessment
 child-finding activities
 programs to be offered so as to include
more learners in schools

 results-based practices, and technologies

 school successes
Before the LAC Session
 Assessment of Needs

Needs are identified with reference to the

professional teacher standards set for one’s career
stage. (self-assessment tools, classroom
observation results, critical reflections, surveys,
research-based teacher development needs,
students’ assessment results, and other forms).
Before the LAC Session

 Prioritization of Topics or Agenda

The basis for prioritization could be in terms
of urgency of need, time needed in addressing
the need, interest or in whatever way agreed
upon by the members of the group.
Before the LAC Session
 Formation of LAC
a. Every teacher must be part of a LAC

b. One LAC could be composed of five (5) to15


c. Each LAC should have a leader, a

facilitator, a documenter, and members
LAC Leader
(Principal/ School

LAC Facilitator LAC Members

(Principal/SH/MT (Teachers)

LAC Resource
LAC Documenter Person/s-
(Any member) External/ Internal

Figure 2. Composition of a Learning Action Cell (LAC)

Before the LAC Session
 Identification of Appropriate Intervention

Interventions could be in the form of

learning materials, instructional materials,
equipment, facilities, strategies in teaching,
modality in teaching, program, etc.
Before the LAC Session
 Scheduling of Meetings

a. LAC members can decide on the schedule, length,

and frequency of meetings

b. One to two hours a week is strongly recommended

c. LAC sessions, however, should be conducted at least

once a month
Schools are encouraged to
prioritize LAC sessions instead of
administrative meetings, which
should be scheduled separately
from LAC sessions
Setting up of Resources
Resources could be human or material that should
be prepared or set up before the implementation of the
Human resources could be individuals who are
tapped as resource persons

Material resources could be the supplies,

worksheets, videos, equipment, budget, food, venues
and other things needed in the conduct of LAC
* Assignment of Work
The LAC members could be given specific roles
to perform during LAC sessions. These roles could be
rotated among the members of the group.

* LAC Implementation Norms

Norms are the framework from which team
members commit to conduct business.
• LAC Implementation Norms

a. Time and Venue

b. Listening
c. Confidentiality
d. Decision Making
e. Participation
f. Expectations
* Preparing Line-item Budget

The budget shall come from the school’s

respective MOOE and other external grants,
provided that only expenses allowed under the
school MOOE may be included, subject to
existing accounting rules and regulations.
* Writing of LAC Plan

a. LAC Plan should be written and documented

following the template

b. Schools are allowed to modify the template

based on their needs

c. This plan should be integrated or linked with the

School Improvement Plan (SIP) or Annual
Implementation Plan (AIP)
Phase Activities Persons Time Resources Success Indicator
Involved Frame
Funds Source of



Monitoring &
 During the LAC Session

The priorities set out in the LAC Plan are implemented

through a variety of activities:
a. Lectures
b. Practicum
c. Orientation
d. Coaching
e. Workshops
f. Development and utilization of instructional materials
 During the LAC Session

The final activity of the session will involve

individual and group action planning in order
to implement agreed activities in the classroom.
After the LAC Session

LAC members are expected to implement the

proposed strategies or activities in their classroom or
school or community as appropriate and evaluate their

LAC members should be prepared to report back

on the success of these activities in future LAC
After the LAC Session

LAC facilitators and LAC leaders should

monitor these activities and evaluate how far they are
contributing to improved outcomes for learners at
School heads or principals should support the
LACs by doing class observations and encourage
teachers to continually improve instruction so that
student learning will also improve.
School Level
School Head leads in organizing the LAC and in
ensuring that the practice of holding regular LAC
sessions is established, maintained, and sustained.

School Head should take the lead in monitoring

school LAC activities and in evaluating their impact on
the total school improvement.
 School Level

School Heads or principals will be vital in

facilitating and implementing effective LACs within
their schools.
 School Level

School Heads will be providing

administrative support and academic leadership to
the LACs which will strengthen the school’s
development of professional learning communities
that value their communities of practice in favor of
student learning and holistic development.
 Schools Division Level

Schools Division Office (SDO)

Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) should
support the schools in establishing, maintaining,
and sustaining their LAC practice. It should
provide technical assistance (TA) as may be
 Schools Division Level

SDO personnel are expected to provide

technical assistance to schools and conduct
systematic monitoring so that good teaching
happens in all classrooms throughout the
 Schools Division Level

SDO should also find ways to encourage the

schools to conduct action research about
pedagogies and assessment methods that
successfully support student learning and holistic
 Schools Division Level

When organizing LACs session at this level,

District and Schools Division Level LAC may
also be constructed flexibly, but could include
any of the following:

a. Teachers c. Division Supervisors

b. District Supervisors d. School LAC Leaders

Monitoring and feedback should be ongoing throughout the

LAC planning and implementation phases.

A core principle of the M&E of the LACs is that evaluators,

such as principals and district supervisors, should not seek to
establish overly simplistic correlation between LAC activity and
changes in student performance.
This policy notes that:

1. Schools or school clusters will need to be given

time to establish effective LACs.

2. The process of professional learning and

subsequent developments in teachers’ quality will
vary from school to school and cannot be easily
The key indicators for the effectiveness of the LAC is that
there are clear evidences of:

a. critical reflection among teachers leading to changes

in classroom practice;

b. increased understanding and knowledge of the

curriculum; and

c. changes in teachers’ pedagogy or practices which

are aimed at improving learners’ participation and
achievement in school.
Therefore, when evaluating the LAC,
evaluators should remain focused on the
way in which the LAC is raising levels of
teacher quality and contributing to
improved outcomes for students.
LAC members are expected to assess the:

4.1 development in teacher quality;

4.2 impact on students’ performance;
4.3 effectiveness of the implemented

Additional guidelines for progress M&E:

5.1 Purpose
5.2 Areas to be monitored
5.3 Monitoring methods and tools
5.4 Monitoring timeline
5.5 Documentation, record-keeping, and
Proceedings of team meetings should be recorded. A template for
easy recording can be developed. This should include among
a) attendance
b) topics of discussion
c) best practices that were shared during the meeting
d) current or emerging needs and concerns
e) evidence of whether Plan is working or not working
f) next courses of action to be taken
 The appointment of documenter or recorded of
minutes should be on a rotation basis. Guidelines on
record management:

a) who should keep the files

b) where should files be kept
c) who should have access to the files

 Each LAC member should build a

portfolio about all the activities related to
the LAC.
 LAC members should agree on protocols and
timetables for formal reporting of LAC implementation
to the system.
 The October in-service training (INSET) of the districts

or schools division would be a good venue for sharing

the LAC experience.
 Assessment during milestone points (e.g., mid-year,

yearend) can make use of tools used in the planning

 Conduct of LAC sessions shall be limited
to the purposes stated in this policy.

The holding of LAC sessions for purposes

other than those provided herein is
Prohibited purposes may include but shall not be
limited to the following:
 sale of goods and other merchandise
 lending transactions
 political and religious meetings
 and other purposes which are not included in
this policy
Application (30 minutes)

Groups 1-3: design and simulate a well-planned

LAC session.

Groups 4-6: List down the best and desirable

practices based on the simulations done by
groups 1-3.
“Our school is composed of a
variety of talented teachers, we
can only hone each ones talent
through teamwork and
collaboration” - EMH

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