Chapter - 1 Introduction

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Introduction to Big data

Introduction to Big Data

1.1 Introduction about distributed file system, Big
Data and its importance
1.2 Four Vs, Drivers for Big data
1.3 Big data analytics
1.4 Big data applications
1.5 Algorithms using map reduce
1.6 Algorithms Matrix-Vector Multiplication by Map
Big data is a blanket term for the non-traditional
strategies and technologies needed to gather,
organize, process, and gather insights from large
While the problem of working with data that exceeds
the computing power or storage of a single computer
is not new, the pervasiveness, scale, and value of this
type of computing has greatly expanded in recent
What Is Big Data?
An exact definition of “big data” is difficult to nail
down because projects, vendors, practitioners, and
business professionals use it quite differently. With
that in mind, generally speaking, big data is:
large datasets
the category of computing strategies and
technologies that are used to handle large datasets
“Big Data” is data whose scale, diversity, and
complexity require new architecture, techniques,
algorithms, and analytics to manage it and extract
value and hidden knowledge from it…
Why Are Big Data Systems Different?
The basic requirements for working with big data are the
same as the requirements for working with datasets of any
size. However, the massive scale, the speed of ingesting
and processing, and the characteristics of the data that
must be dealt with at each stage of the process present
significant new challenges when designing solutions.
The goal of most big data systems is to surface insights
and connections from large volumes of heterogeneous
data that would not be possible using conventional
In 2001, Gartner’s Doug Laney first presented what became
known as the “three Vs of big data” to describe some of
the characteristics that make big data different from other
data processing:
The sheer scale of the information processed helps
define big data systems. These datasets can be orders
of magnitude larger than traditional datasets, which
demands more thought at each stage of the
processing and storage life cycle.
Often, because the work requirements exceed the
capabilities of a single computer, this becomes a
challenge of pooling, allocating, and coordinating
resources from groups of computers. Cluster
management and algorithms capable of breaking
tasks into smaller pieces become increasingly
Another way in which big data differs significantly from
other data systems is the speed that information moves
through the system. Data is frequently flowing into the
system from multiple sources and is often expected to be
processed in real time to gain insights and update the
current understanding of the system.
This focus on near instant feedback has driven many big
data practitioners away from a batch-oriented approach
and closer to a real-time streaming system.
Data is constantly being added, massaged, processed, and
analyzed in order to keep up with the influx of new
information and to surface valuable information early
when it is most relevant. These ideas require robust
systems with highly available components to guard against
failures along the data pipeline.
Big data problems are often unique because of the wide range of
both the sources being processed and their relative quality.
Data can be ingested from internal systems like application and
server logs, from social media feeds and other external APIs,
from physical device sensors, and from other providers. Big data
seeks to handle potentially useful data regardless of where it’s
coming from by consolidating all information into a single
The formats and types of media can vary significantly as well.
Rich media like images, video files, and audio recordings are
ingested alongside text files, structured logs, etc. While more
traditional data processing systems might expect data to enter
the pipeline already labeled, formatted, and organized, big data
systems usually accept and store data closer to its raw state.
Ideally, any transformations or changes to the raw data will
happen in memory at the time of processing.
Other Characteristics
Various individuals and organizations have suggested
expanding the original three Vs, though these proposals
have tended to describe challenges rather than qualities of
big data. Some common additions are:
Veracity: The variety of sources and the complexity of the
processing can lead to challenges in evaluating the quality
of the data (and consequently, the quality of the resulting
Variability: Variation in the data leads to wide variation
in quality. Additional resources may be needed to identify,
process, or filter low quality data to make it more useful.
Value: The ultimate challenge of big data is delivering
value. Sometimes, the systems and processes in place are
complex enough that using the data and extracting actual
value can become difficult.
What Does a Big Data Life Cycle Look Like?
So how is data actually processed when dealing with a big data
system? While approaches to implementation differ, there are
some commonalities in the strategies and software that we can
talk about generally. While the steps presented below might not
be true in all cases, they are widely used.
The general categories of activities involved with big data
processing are:
Ingesting data into the system
Persisting the data in storage
Computing and Analyzing data
Visualizing the results
Before we look at these four workflow categories in detail, we
will take a moment to talk about clustered computing, an
important strategy employed by most big data solutions. Setting
up a computing cluster is often the foundation for technology
used in each of the life cycle stages.
 Clustered Computing
 Because of the qualities of big data, individual computers are often inadequate
for handling the data at most stages. To better address the high storage and
computational needs of big data, computer clusters are a better fit.
 Big data clustering software combines the resources of many smaller
machines, seeking to provide a number of benefits:
 Resource Pooling: Combining the available storage space to hold data is a
clear benefit, but CPU and memory pooling is also extremely important.
Processing large datasets requires large amounts of all three of these
 High Availability: Clusters can provide varying levels of fault tolerance and
availability guarantees to prevent hardware or software failures from affecting
access to data and processing. This becomes increasingly important as we
continue to emphasize the importance of real-time analytics.
 Easy Scalability: Clusters make it easy to scale horizontally by adding
additional machines to the group. This means the system can react to changes
in resource requirements without expanding the physical resources on a
Using clusters requires a solution for managing
cluster membership, coordinating resource sharing,
and scheduling actual work on individual nodes.
Cluster membership and resource allocation can be
handled by software like Hadoop’s YARN (which
stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator)
or Apache Mesos.
Ingesting Data into the System
Data ingestion is the process of taking raw data and adding it to
the system. The complexity of this operation depends heavily
on the format and quality of the data sources and how far the
data is from the desired state prior to processing.
One way that data can be added to a big data system are
dedicated ingestion tools. Technologies like Apache Sqoop can
take existing data from relational databases and add it to a big
data system. Similarly, Apache Flume and Apache
Chukwa are projects designed to aggregate and import
application and server logs. Queuing systems like Apache
Kafka can also be used as an interface between various data
generators and a big data system. Ingestion frameworks
like Gobblin can help to aggregate and normalize the output of
these tools at the end of the ingestion pipeline.
Persisting the Data in Storage
The ingestion processes typically hand the data off to the
components that manage storage, so that it can be reliably
persisted to disk. While this seems like it would be a simple
operation, the volume of incoming data, the requirements for
availability, and the distributed computing layer make more
complex storage systems necessary.
This usually means leveraging a distributed file system for raw
data storage. Solutions like Apache Hadoop’s HDFS filesystem
allow large quantities of data to be written across multiple
nodes in the cluster. This ensures that the data can be accessed
by compute resources, can be loaded into the cluster’s RAM for
in-memory operations, and can gracefully handle component
failures. Other distributed filesystems can be used in place of
HDFS including Ceph and GlusterFS.
 Computing and Analyzing Data
 Once the data is available, the system can begin processing the data to surface
actual information. The computation layer is perhaps the most diverse part of
the system as the requirements and best approach can vary significantly
depending on what type of insights desired. Data is often processed
repeatedly, either iteratively by a single tool or by using a number of tools to
surface different types of insights.
 Batch processing is one method of computing over a large dataset. The
process involves breaking work up into smaller pieces, scheduling each piece
on an individual machine, reshuffling the data based on the intermediate
results, and then calculating and assembling the final result. These steps are
often referred to individually as splitting, mapping, shuffling, reducing, and
assembling, or collectively as a distributed map reduce algorithm. This is the
strategy used by Apache Hadoop’s MapReduce. Batch processing is most
useful when dealing with very large datasets that require quite a bit of
 While batch processing is a good fit for certain types of data and computation,
other workloads require more real-time processing. Real-time processing
demands that information be processed and made ready immediately and
requires the system to react as new information becomes available. One way
of achieving this is stream processing, which operates on a continuous
stream of data composed of individual items. Another common characteristic
of real-time processors is in-memory computing, which works with
representations of the data in the cluster’s memory to avoid having to write
back to disk.
Visualizing the Results
Due to the type of information being processed in big data
systems, recognizing trends or changes in data over time is
often more important than the values themselves.
Visualizing data is one of the most useful ways to spot
trends and make sense of a large number of data points.
Real-time processing is frequently used to visualize
application and server metrics. The data changes
frequently and large deltas in the metrics typically indicate
significant impacts on the health of the systems or
 Big Data Glossary
 While we’ve attempted to define concepts as we’ve used them throughout the guide,
sometimes it’s helpful to have specialized terminology available in a single place:
 Big data: Big data is an umbrella term for datasets that cannot reasonably be handled
by traditional computers or tools due to their volume, velocity, and variety. This term is
also typically applied to technologies and strategies to work with this type of data.
 Batch processing: Batch processing is a computing strategy that involves processing
data in large sets. This is typically ideal for non-time sensitive work that operates on
very large sets of data. The process is started and at a later time, the results are returned
by the system.
 Cluster computing: Clustered computing is the practice of pooling the resources of
multiple machines and managing their collective capabilities to complete tasks.
Computer clusters require a cluster management layer which handles communication
between the individual nodes and coordinates work assignment.
 Data lake: Data lake is a term for a large repository of collected data in a relatively raw
state. This is frequently used to refer to the data collected in a big data system which
might be unstructured and frequently changing. This differs in spirit to data warehouses
(defined below).
 Data mining: Data mining is a broad term for the practice of trying to find patterns in
large sets of data. It is the process of trying to refine a mass of data into a more
understandable and cohesive set of information.
 Data warehouse: Data warehouses are large, ordered repositories of data that can be
used for analysis and reporting. In contrast to a data lake, a data warehouse is composed
of data that has been cleaned, integrated with other sources, and is generally well-
ordered. Data warehouses are often spoken about in relation to big data, but typically
are components of more conventional systems.
 ETL: ETL stands for extract, transform, and load. It refers to the process of taking raw
data and preparing it for the system’s use. This is traditionally a process associated with
data warehouses, but characteristics of this process are also found in the ingestion
pipelines of big data systems.
 Hadoop: Hadoop is an Apache project that was the early open-source success in big
data. It consists of a distributed filesystem called HDFS, with a cluster management and
resource scheduler on top called YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator). Batch
processing capabilities are provided by the MapReduce computation engine. Other
computational and analysis systems can be run alongside MapReduce in modern
Hadoop deployments.
 In-memory computing: In-memory computing is a strategy that involves
moving the working datasets entirely within a cluster’s collective memory.
Intermediate calculations are not written to disk and are instead held in
memory. This gives in-memory computing systems like Apache Spark a huge
advantage in speed over I/O bound systems like Hadoop’s MapReduce.
 Machine learning: Machine learning is the study and practice of designing
systems that can learn, adjust, and improve based on the data fed to them.
This typically involves implementation of predictive and statistical algorithms
that can continually zero in on “correct” behavior and insights as more data
flows through the system.
 Map reduce (big data algorithm): Map reduce (the big data algorithm, not
Hadoop’s MapReduce computation engine) is an algorithm for scheduling
work on a computing cluster. The process involves splitting the problem set
up (mapping it to different nodes) and computing over them to produce
intermediate results, shuffling the results to align like sets, and then reducing
the results by outputting a single value for each set.
 NoSQL: NoSQL is a broad term referring to databases designed outside of the
traditional relational model. NoSQL databases have different trade-offs
compared to relational databases, but are often well-suited for big data
systems due to their flexibility and frequent distributed-first architecture.
 Stream processing: Stream processing is the practice of computing over
individual data items as they move through a system. This allows for real-time
analysis of the data being fed to the system and is useful for time-sensitive
operations using high velocity metrics.
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