Communication Interface

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It is the one which is very important and

essential for communication with various
subsystems of embedded systems and also
with the external world
There are two types of communication interfaces

Device/Board level communication Product level communication

interface(onboard communication interface(external communication
interface) interface)

• These are the embedded systems • Embedded systems which are a

which are self contained and part of large distributed system
which does not require any which require communication
interaction or data transfer with and data transfer with other
other subsystems are called devices/modules are called
Onboard Communication External Communication
Interface. Interface.
• Eg: UART, SPI, I2C etc,. • Eg: Bluetooth,
• This is a wireless external communication interface used for data
and voice communication.
• This was proposed in 1994 by Ericsson.

Features of Bluetooth:
• Low cost
• Low powered
• Short ranged (approx. 30 feet)
• Operating frequency : 2.4GHz of radio frequency
• Data rate : 1Mbps – 24Mbps
Parts in Bluetooth communication
• Physical link : It is responsible for physical transmission
of data between devices
- It works on wireless principle
- It uses RF waves

• Protocol part : It takes responsibility of defining rules for

- rules will be present in ‘ Bluetooth protocol
stack’ included in Bluetooth communication IC
- 48 bit unique identification number
Types of Bluetooth Communication
1. Point to point Communication
2. Multipoint Communication

Types of Bluetooth Network :

3. Piconet
4. Scatternet
Bluetooth Special Interest

Standard Organisation that oversees the

development of Bluetooth standards and
licensing of Bluetooth technologies and
trademarks to manufacturers
Generic Access Profile(GAP) : Defines
requirements for detecting a bluetooth device
and establishing a connection with it

Specific Usage Profiles:

• Serial Port Profile(SPP)
• File Transfer Profile(FTP)
• Human Interface Device(HID)
also there are various application specific
Bluetooth 5.0 is the latest version of
Bluetooth wireless communication
- Its commonly used for wireless
headphones and other audio hardware as
well as wireless keyboards , game
- They are also used in IOT devices
BLE – Bluetooth low Energy/
Bluetooth Smart

• It was designed to reduce the energy usage of

Bluetooth peripherals
• It maintained the same connectivity range as
the previous versions
• It was used for wearables ,beacons and other
low powered devices

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