Study The Following Pictures

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Study the following pictures

What can you say about the

Does it mean anything to you?
Can you relate to any of those pictures?

Have you ever imagined yourself to be

experiencing those moments?
Stages to the
Family Life
What is LOVE?


same thing?

What’s the
Infatuation Love
 Is the state of being  A decision to commit oneself
Definition completely carried away by to another and to work
unreasoning desire through conflicts instead of
giving up
 A deeper understanding or

• Selfish uncontrollable desire • Decision to devote oneself to

Associated with another person for better or

Sub-Categories • Physical desire • intimacy

• Crush or lust • Commitment
• Hormonal activity • security
• Addictive chemical reactions
in the brain
Comparison Infatuation Love
 Urgency  Faithfulness
 Intensity  Confidence
Symptoms  Sexual desire  Willingness to make sacrifices
 Anxiety for another
 High risk choices  Working at settling
 Reckless abandonement of differences
what was once valued  Able to communicate so that
either both win or at least
give the other person’s
opinion a chance
• All consuming euphoria • A deep affection
Feels like similar to recreational drug • Contentment
use • Confidence
• Stupidity (cupidity) • Partners communicate and
• Can risk everything for the negotiate appropriate
next hit of adrenalin expectations
• Requires a lot of selflessness
and polite assertiveness
Category Infatuation Love
 Reckless commitment to  Commitment to another
Person to person satisfy one’s all consuming
• Being controlled by brain • Steadfast decision to commit
effect chemistry oneself to another person
• Loss of ability to make
rational evaluations of what
is true, valuabl, and worthy
of pursuit

result • Emptiness • Security

• Consequences of choices • Peace
made while under the • A solid partnership which can
influence of mind numbing provide the ideal atmosphere
lust to raise confident secure
• A more stable society
Category Infatuation Love
 Radical decrease in the need
for welfare, jais, lawyers, and
mental health counselors
• Cannot be sustained • partnership
interdependency without some portion of
love and physical attraction
• Always desire to be close to
that person at any cost

Time period • Takes off fast and furious • Long term offering of
like a spark in dry grass companionship and support
• Burns out quickly and can
leave feelings of emptiness
Attraction is admiration for
someone that may include the desire
to get to know that person better.

Love is deep affection for someone

and is based on a true desire for the other
person’s best interests.
a stage of not simply knowing the person
but also a test of compatibility between the
two persons.
Different Traditional
and Tagalog Regions
in the
Batangas Visayas

Pangasinan Mindanao


- This courtship is very alarming.
Types of Dating
1.Standard date- involves
two people
2.Double date- two couples
go on a date at the same time
and place
3.Group date- where any
number of couples can enjoy a
• Reveal any potntial problems the
partner may have
A period of agreement entered between two people in
love for them to be able to know each other and their
families well enough to be sure that they are read and are
suited for life-long companionship.
A period of agreement entered between two people in
love for them to be able to know each other and their
families well enough to be sure that they are read and are
suited for life-long companionship.
• The most enjoyable human relationship.
• The most significant event that may happen to one’s life.
• A life-long partnership of a man and a woman.
• Is not a mere contract but an inviolable social institution.
• A cherished institution under which man and woman
believe in one faith and children are conceived, raised,
and nourished to become useful and productive citizens
of the country and the world.

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