Step - 1: Solar Panel Installation Made Easy Which Direction Should Be The Solar Panel Face?

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Step – 1: Solar Panel Installation Made Easy

Which direction should be the solar panel face?

The mounting structure provides the base for the entire solar system so make sure it
is sturdy and properly fastened to the rooftops of your house or commercial
establishment. A typical mounting structure is made up of aluminium. The
performance of the solar panels depends upon the direction in which these panels
are placed. The best direction to face solar panels is south, since here they receive
the maximum sunlight. East and West directions also work well. North is the only
direction that we should not want to put our panels on. Since India lies in Northern
Hemisphere, south direction works best here.
In Which angle should you install solar panels?
The Solar panel tilt angle (the angle between the horizontal ground and the solar
module) should be decided according to the latitude of your location anywhere in the
world. It is generally believed that the modules placed at a tilt angle equivalent to the
latitude of the place, would generate the maximum energy output. You can also use a
solar tracker to increase the conversion efficiency.
Here are the latitudes of leading cities in India -
States –
Zone -1: J&K, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand – 30-360
Zone – 2: Rajasthan, UP, Delhi, Haryana, Bihar, North EASTERN STATES – 24-300
Zone – 3: Gujarat, MP, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Orissa –
Zone – 4: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, AP, Telengana, Kerala – 12-180
Step – 2: Assemble Solar Panels
Once the solar structure is fixed accurately, we will connect it with solar modules. We should ensure that all nuts and bolts of solar
modules are fixed with solar structure so that it is properly secured and lasts long.

Step-3: Electrical Wiring

MC4 connectors are used to connect solar panels. These are universal connectors and
can be connected with any type of solar panels. The solar array wiring becomes simpler
and faster using MC4 connectors. Few modern solar modules come with wire leads that
have MC4 connectors on the ends, else they have a built-in junction box at the back
with wires jotting out. In a series connection you will have to connect the positive wire
from one module to the negative wire of another module. In a parallel connection, you
connect the positive to positive and negative to negative leads. A parallel connection
maintains the voltage of each panel while a series connection increases the voltage in
order to match it with the battery bank.
Step-4: Connection between Solar Panel and Solar Inverter
In the picture given below, the backside of an inverter is shown where solar panel wire is
connected. Connect the positive wire from the solar panel with the positive inverter
terminal and the negative wire with negative terminal of the inverter. 
There are other connections too like battery wire connection and output wire connection
with the inverter. In all, Solar panel, Solar Battery and Grid input are connected with the
solar inverter to produce electricity. The output of a series string of solar modules is
connected to the input of the inverter. Make sure the inverter is turned off while the
connections are being done.

Step-5: Connection between Solar Inverter and Solar Battery

In an off grid solar system, Battery is mandatory where it is used to store power
backup. This battery is connected with solar inverter to recharge it with solar panel
and grid. The positive terminal of the battery is connected with the positive of the
inverter and vice versa.
Step-6: Connection between Solar Inverter and Grid
In order to connect the inverter to the grid simply plug it in in the main power switch
board, so that it gets power from the grid. The output wire is also connected with board
that is supplying electricity in home. 
In order to calculate the excess energy generated from the solar system we need to
install a metering device. We need to connect the positive wire from the metering
device with the line terminal and the negative wire to the neutral terminal of the

Step-7: Start Solar Inverter through Solar Panel & Grid

After all the connections are done, we switch on the mains. There is a digital display
which shows the total solar unit generated during the day, what is supply volt and
current (amp) from solar panel etc. In the picture below is shown the front side of 
Microtek solar inverter.

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