Java 5 Tiger

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Java 5 – Tiger

• Short history.
• Where AP is headed: likely features that
will end up in the subset.
• Other fun features to use if you choose

Java 5.0
Short History

• Java 1.1 to 1.2 had some language

• From 1.2 until Java 5, essentially no
language feature changes – just additions
to the APIs
• Java 5 – Tiger (originally called 1.5 during
beta) now has many additional language
• AP will adopt a couple

Java 5.0
• Like “templates” in C++
• Pedagogically, this is more sound. Let’s declare to the
compiler upfront what we’re going to put in – if a student
doesn’t, she’ll get a compiler error. The old way, the runtime
environment would discover that someone didn’t put the
right thing in/out and throw a run-time exception – less
desirable – harder for students. Also, this is now self-

Realize that one could put a

ArrayList<Fish> list = Fish or any subclass of Fish
new ArrayList<Fish>(); into this list. One could also
list.add( new Fish(…) ); choose to put an interface
or abstract class type within
Fish f = list.get(0); the <>

Java 5.0

• Automatically put primitives into Wrapper

classes – and go other way as well. Works for
all 8 primitive types and their respective
Wrapper class.
Integer intObj = 1;
int x = intObj;

Yes! Nice!

Java 5.0
int answer = intObj + x;
More generic Generics examples

Let’s keep track of how many of each color crayon

we have…
Map<String, Integer> crayons =
new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
crayons.put(“red”, 1);
crayons.put(“blue”, 2);

int count = crayons.get("blue");

Java 5.0
crayons.put("blue", count);
Your Turn!
Declare a structure that would allow you to keep a list of
teacher names (we’d eventually like to print them in
alpha) who have a particular color crayon(we’d like the
crayon colors to also come out in alpha order)
Red crayon  Don, Sharon, Joe, Mike
Blue crayon  Kent, Doug, Dan, Carol
Green crayon  Harlie, Jennifer, Gerard
Yellow crayon  Mark, Sam, Kevin, Norm
Orange crayon  Shirley, Regina, Dave, Jon
(you have 10 minutes – go try – get all the names in and
then print)

Java 5.0
Here’s one way
Map<String, Set<String>> crayons =
new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>();
Set s = new TreeSet();

s = new TreeSet();

Java 5.0
What will AP do?
• So, AP will probably adopt Generics and
Auto-boxing/unboxing for the ’07 exam
– No official word yet – but it’s almost for sure
• May or may not adopt the “For each” loop
– Leads to cleaner questions – so probably

Java 5.0
“For Each” loop

Fish[] fishes = …;
for (Fish f : fishes)

Pros: no OBOB’s – cleaner

Cons: can’t skip 1st, last, increment
some index, delete an element

Java 5.0
more For Each…

ArrayList<Fish> fishList = …;
for (Fish f : fishList)

Java 5.0
more For Each…

int[] nums = {1,2,3,4,5};

for (int x : nums)

Java 5.0
more For Each…
public static void setsAreIterable() {
Set<Integer> s =
new TreeSet<Integer>();
for (int x : s)
System.out.println( x );

Java 5.0
more For Each…

• In general, any class that implements

Iterable will allow you to use the “For
Each” loop

Java 5.0
AP Probably Won’t adopt…

• Scanner
• Variable number of parameters

Java 5.0
// from console
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("How old are you?");
int age = in.nextInt();

// from file
String fileName = . . .;
Scanner file = new Scanner(new File(fileName));

Easy – no more third-party packages necessary

Java 5.0
Variable number of parameters

public static double average(double... values)

assert values.length > 0;
double sum = 0;
for (double v : values)
sum += v;
return sum / values.length;

Java 5.0
For more…

• See

Java 5.0

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