What Is An Inverter?: Classification of Inverters
What Is An Inverter?: Classification of Inverters
What Is An Inverter?: Classification of Inverters
1. A static device that converts DC power into AC power at desired output voltage and
frequency is called an Inverter.
2. DC to AC conversion is known as inversion and is a very useful important part of our daily
lives nowadays where we are trying to remove our dependency on fossil fuels. Inverters can
take power from DC sources, such as batteries, and convert them to AC power for use in AC
motors as can be seen in Tata, etc.
3. For a fixed DC power, we can have variable AC power which can have variable voltage and
4. For variable frequency, frequency can be controlled by controlling the switching periods of a
converter / switching frequency.
5. For variable voltage, voltage can be controlled by PWM (Pulse Width Modulation).
Speed Control Of Induction Motor
Induction Heating,
UPS etc.
. Classification of Inverters
According to the method of Commutation
Series Inverter
Parallel Inverter
Working Principle:
In the three phase inverter of each switch conduct 180° of cycle, thyristor pair in each arm i.e.
S1, S4; S3, S6 and S5, S2 are turned on with a time interval of 180°. It means that S1 conduct for
180° and S4 for the next 180° of a cycle. Switch in the upper group i.e. S1, S3, S5 conduct at an
interval of 120°. It implies that if S1 is fired at ωt=0°, then S3 must be fired at ωt=120° and S5 at
ωt=240°. Same is proved lower group of switches. On the basis of this firing scheme, a table in
prepared as shown at the top. In this table, first row show that S1 from upper group conducts
for 180°, S4 for the next 180° and then again S1 for 180° and so on. In the second row, S3 from
the upper group is shown to start conducting 120° after S1 starts conducting. After S3
conduction for 180°, S6 conducts for the next 180° and again S3 for the next 180° and so on.
Further, in the third row, S5 from the upper group start conducting 180° after S3 or 240° after
S1. After S5 conduction for 180°, S2 conducts for the 180°, S5 for the next 180° and so on. In this
manner, the pattern of firing the six switch is identified. Tis table show that S5, S6, S1 should be
gated for step I; S6, S1, S2 for step II ; S1, S2, S3 for step III ;S2, S3, S4 for step IV and so on. Thus
the sequence of firing the thyristor is S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6; S1, S2…. It is seen from the table that
is every step of 60° duration, only three switch are conducting one from upper group and two
from the lower group or two from the upper group and one from the lower group.
Step Devices Conducting
I S1, S5 & S6
IV S4, S2 & S3
V S4, S5 & S3
VI S4, S5 & S6
Step I (0 to 60 deg) :
The load voltages are gives as follows; The line voltages are given as follows;
V = V/3,
AN V = V − V = V,
V = −2V/3,
BN V = V − V = −V,
V = V/3
CN VCA = VCN − VAN = 0
Similarly all other mode voltages can be calculated.
Phase Voltages for 180 Conduction
In this mode of conduction, each electronic device is in a conduction state for 120°.
It is most suitable for a delta connection in a load because it results in a six-step type
of waveform across any of its phases.
Therefore, at any instant only two devices are conducting because each device
conducts at only 120°.